FPS Division Restructuring

Discussion in 'News - Front Page Posts' started by bishop, May 12, 2011.

  1. As some of you may have noticed from the forums and teamspeak, the Black Ops areas have been replaced with an FPS Division. We have restructured our First Person shooters games to be all in one major division to promote stability and communication for our First Person Shooter games as well as allowing us to grow more as a unit instead of totally different games. Historically this has been the tendency of the FPS divisions so this facilitates that more more easily. If anyone has questions about the new division you are welcomed to ask bishop Mordeious, Eskara, or any of the Xenate members. I will be first to lead this division and announcements of upcoming leadership changes in the Black Ops division and appointments for the FPS division will be coming soon as apart of the transition.

    Currently under this system we have the Black Ops division on the competitive side and Brink on the casual side however I am hoping to see Brink become competitive here soon, assuming one of the leagues picks it up for ladders or leagues.
  2. Wow this is something I've been pushing for years now glad to see you made it happen Bishop . You the man . GL HF
  3. The FPS crew really needed to be all "under one banner" and glad to see this is getting implemented, if somewhat slowly (I suppose?).

    Keep the leadership strong and communication across all FPS games open and we are lookin' for a great group here.
  4. Good to see. It definitely makes more sense for the FPS to just be a single division and not a bunch of games, that will come and go too quickly
  5. Definitely couldnt have gotten it done without the support of the members in the black ops division, specifically Mordeuis who has more way more effort into this then I have. Hes been getting all the specifics ironed out and getting the right people together for this to happen for a while now. Really appreciate his help with getting this finally off the ground.
  6. Go FPS!
  7. Woot! :D Definitely agree, a big part of getting this rolling is down to Mordeuis who has been endlessly pushing for it over the past couple of months =p

    Hopefully we can add a few more FPS games to the list when everything is fully set up :)

    Out of interest, how many people are actually playing Section 8: Prejudice regularly at the moment?
  8. Thanks guys, but really credit is due to everyone in the FPS division, as just about everyone gave their input on how we could make the system work. I'm looking forward to seeing an expanding player base for our FPS's as time progresses. Long live the onslaught!
  9. mercsan

    mercsan <font color=ff00ff size=1>T</font><font color=ff00 Crowfall Member

    Bishop, but you're bad at FPS games. How are you gonna lead them? :D

    *cliffnote: i actually laughed when I typed that
  10. nice to see this change, unfort i play FPS in RL now :p Keep destroying!
  11. mercsan

    mercsan <font color=ff00ff size=1>T</font><font color=ff00 Crowfall Member

    Xami, ur a fruit.
  12. thanks?
  13. Yeah, how is Bin Laden doing the last time you saw him Xam.....Oh wait.....

    Anyway Congrats again Bish and good luck.
  14. LoL! The community was in a storm after that happened, we were on high alert to. They actually switched out regular MA's at the gate with SEAL's from team 3 & 5 loaded to the max.

    The training has been crazy lately, way more intense now towards the middle east. Our intructors are always screaming at us about it now. Only a year and a half left till I get my trident.
  15. You keepin' it safe?
  16. what kinda frames per second you get? lol
  17. Damn a lot to go through but worth it. Keep it up man, not a lot of people get the chance to do this.