Final Fantasy XIII

Discussion in 'Public General Chat' started by zecuat, Sep 18, 2008.

  1. Panacea

    Panacea Banned

    Final Fantasy XIII is an upcoming console role-playing game being developed by Square Enix. It will be released for PlayStation 3 in Japan, then for PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 in Europe and North America. First appearing at the 2006 E3, the game features a futuristic, high-tech world.

    Final Fantasy Versus XIII is an action role-playing game developed and published by Square Enix exclusively for the Sony PlayStation 3 video game console.

    I'm a bit upset that Versus is going to be a PS3 exclusive, but I may buy one just to play it.

    Btw here are some new videos for XIII and XIII Versus, they are HD so they may load slow. - XIII - XIII Versus
  2. Nishua

    Nishua Veteran

    My Favorites were

    FF Tactics ( Great game )

    One of the best series out.
  3. Lev

    Lev Banned

    I'm soooo getting that.
    But yeah, if a turn based RPG is not on DS chances are I won't play it... if a game can be played while you are walking on a sidewalk it doesn't deserve to glue you to your couch IMO.
  4. Lev

    Lev Banned

  5. Slares

    Slares Member

    Tactics FTW so far my favorite final fantasy game the story line is so good its amazing and since the remade it for the psp I am still playing in fact its in my psp sitting next to me right now.
  6. Nishua

    Nishua Veteran

    My brother still plays it and has beating it several times already. This kid has put countless hours in that title. He loves it that music. Great story, great gameplay, great music, tons of classes and skills, unlockables, FF7 characters, and 60 + hours of gameplay What more could you ask for ?
  7. Cloud not sucking? xD
    His skill set was absolutely useless.
  8. mercsan

    mercsan <font color=ff00ff size=1>T</font><font color=ff00 Crowfall Member

    so true. 8 was the worst one of all though, lol.

    9 was merely ok.

    im playing 7 again through, 13th time over the years
  9. Nishua

    Nishua Veteran

    I disagree. I think 8 was awesome. I really liked how they blended the CGI scene with gameplay. I still remember fighting that first spider boss. Zeil was sweet. As for 9 they went back to the roots of the FF franchise.
  10. Samakar

    Samakar Veteran

    I agree with Nishua. I LOVED 8 and 9, the only thing I can complain about as far as 8 goes was that I didn't like the draw system. But the game had great graphics, a great story and a great combat system, using triggers and all of that for attacks.

    I also liked how they brought back the four man team for 9.
  11. Lev

    Lev Banned

    I would have liked the graphics better if the camera didn't get stuck behind trees.
  12. Samakar

    Samakar Veteran

    The CGI for its time was amazing.
  13. tbh i really liked them all, 10-2 was like umm ok but overall they are decent. I think 7-8 had the best storylines, 9 was ok.

    I just cant wait, and i still dont understand the difference between XIII and versus, btw i think XII was really hard to get into and the system was awful. I think thats how the new one is gonna be :(
  14. Lev

    Lev Banned

    Speaking of FF math games... I want to see brain age puzzles in MMO's that trigger caster spells. I feel like my entire body is rotting when I play most sit down RPG's, I want my brain to use my heartbeats at least or they are just wasted.
    /rant off
  15. 13 is comming to the 360 i think it was either late 09 or early 2010, it will be a while after it comes out for the ps3 in japan....i think they wernt going to release ff13 for the 360 in japan and then release both of them the same day here in the states
  16. 9 is my favorite.

    Development for the 360 version hasn't even started yet; it will be released a while after the PS3 version.
  17. Slares

    Slares Member

    No there being retarded and are going to hold off the release of the PS3 version in the states and europe until the get the 360 version ready to ship at the same time. There only releasing the 360 version in the states and europe.
  18. yea just saw on X Play that ps3 version will come out in japan in 2009 and then the english version (im guessing ps3 and 360) will come out some time in 2010 but aside from that they also had a new trailor on the show with some combat in it and it looks pretty good i cant wait for this to come out ill be puttind down my keyboard and mouse for sure
  19. Panacea

    Panacea Banned

    Versus will be PS3 only XIII will be both PS3 and Xbox360.
  20. i dont think i have ever beaten a FFXI game, always got to the 3rd disk but never had the 4th cause i would always borrow the game and that person had lost it or something so i just played 3rd and killed mobs over and over again so if i got the 4th disk it would be cake