Fellow bleach fans

Discussion in 'Public General Chat' started by Cammy152, Oct 6, 2010.

  1. Cammy152

    Cammy152 Guest

  2. Deadend

    Deadend Veteran Crowfall Member

    Don't think this is over yet last I heard the guy has a 500 chapter contract for Bleach.
  3. I personaly love One piece, its grate story, slow paced with tons of epic battles.
    it starts realy slow, and many people stop because of the art. but if you keep going you will find a realy cool and fun manga, or anime its one of the closests Manga to the Anime that i have ever read.

    Still Bleach suck! and no one proved me why its better than naruto, and im not saying naruto is the best manga ever, im just saying its better than bleach!

    And if some one wants to read a realy long long manga!

    Read Hajime no ippo!

    EVOESI Guest

    Hajime no Ippo and Ippo's BS defeat of that kid who was raised by monkeys? Woo. I may only seem to be touching you but its all building up because I'm the main character!

    I hope Bleach ends soon. It jumped the shark so long ago.
  5. Ippo only has one loss bud, and you guys who quit bleach quit at one of the worst times lol the fight that ichigo has right after is great =D for the manga its the "The Ash" or something titles

    i watch one peice cause the anime and manga are right on top of each other
  6. Klocknov

    Klocknov Veteran Bless Online Member

    After I quit watching Bleach I was more watching Slice of Life anyway rather then Action, so in all regards I didn't miss much. Though I will say for epic battles Fate/Stay Night is the choice!
  7. Yizelin

    Yizelin Veteran

    but hey, the anime had a great single episode filler where they did lawrence of arabia... but it turns into the *entire* soul society arc and gets it resolved in 15minutes!

    Knew they didn't have to take so long in the real anime >.<
  8. well i can say it was the worst part of the manga, still what you think where just taps where fast blows to the same spot, from a guys that can brake ribs with one blow.

    so well he hitting the body and taking his air away little by little.
    and well in the end you see a freaking fist in his rig cage, i dont care if he say where taps,
    no one can make a mark in you body with taps. lol

    in the end its the worst part of the manga. but still all around its a fun good manga!
  9. Cammy152

    Cammy152 Guest

    Yet its the highest earning money series in japan, out does naruto by 15%

    Cant see it ending soon :(

    On another note, Not long till the 00 movie
  10. i thought that One piece was on top!
  11. Cammy152

    Cammy152 Guest

    According to Animenewsnetworks figures it changes with them and Onepeice
  12. Arimil

    Arimil Veteran Admin

    I stopped on episode 275.
  13. Combine

    Combine Guest

    FYI some of the bleach filler stories are really quite good and those who only read the manga should check them out
  14. Cammy152

    Cammy152 Guest

    Nah manga ftw!
  15. Arimil

    Arimil Veteran Admin

    The filler was OK... thats not to say when your watching it your not like "WTF... is this over yet".
  16. The regular episodes are so bad that the filler is actually better. The Hueco Mundo episodes drove me up the wall.

    It's unfortunate, because it started as an interesting series, then it turned into repetitive dross where you could see exactly what was going to happen 20 episodes down the track thanks to millions of fights that took forever to finish and plot armour that made the eventual outcome obvious anyway.

    It's not quite as bad as the Orochimaru/Third Hokage fight that went absolutely nowhere across what seemed like five episodes, but it's pretty damn close.
    Last edited: Oct 8, 2010
  17. what filler is good in bleach? o and btw there is not filler in manga!
  18. prNu

    prNu Veteran Bless Online Member

    Bleach is not gonna end anytime soon, going on a break now though. Also, One Piece just got a little more awesome ! If you follow the manga you know what I mean. Can't wait to see how much the crew powered up.
  19. Kurushii

    Kurushii 神いわゆるGOD

    Since this topic is still going strong I figured i'd mention preorders on the new Bleach mousepads are available lol.

    *Click image for shop link*​



  20. Owainn

    Owainn Veteran Chronicles of Elyria Member

    Zaraki Kenpachi is the only reason I watched/read bleach. other than that it kinda had the same storyline of Dragon Ball Z. Oh shit new big bad enemy comes in! Ichigo/Goku gets his ass kicked. Train Train Train. Ichigo/Goku discovers this new power!!!! Enemy gets his ass kicked. Rinse and repeat. Only difference is now adays long running animes have tons of fillers.