February 7th beta.

Discussion in 'Elder Scrolls Online Public Chat' started by decoyninja, Feb 5, 2014.

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  1. Not quite. Templars have access to more heals and heal variety, but they also cannot go as long or they have to manage their resources more closely.

    Sorcs have access to abilities that make them long term pros, they just lack some of the Templar's versatility since they are confined to the restostaff their healing.
    This is some of the abilities and perks you get for being a sorc:

    [Passive] Capacitor - Increases Magicka regeneration.
    [Passive] Unholy Knowledge - Reduce the Magicka and Stamina costs of all abilities.
    [Active] Dark Exchange - Channel dark magic, restoring your own Health and Magicka at the cost of Stamina. (this is a big one)

    This information not a breach of NDA.
  2. Sorcerers have the most resource efficiency of all the classes, generally speaking. They even get a flat reduction to stamina cost passively for when they don't want to use a staff!
  3. When I meant efficient, I meant efficient in the sense of the most bang for your buck. Now what you are talking about is mana efficient rather than healing efficient.

    In comparison to WoW:

    Templar = Holy Priest
    Sorc. = Druid

    That's how I see it anyway, really doesn't matter what you pick as both are gonna to be needed in RvR. I'm just liking Templar better, and it's just my preference.

    P.S. When I make my Wow comparison it's based off Vanilla WoW, as I have no idea how those classes are played today.
  4. Ani

    Ani Veteran Staff Member Communications Director

    Not long enough for me =P. but i still dont play mmos that xoo is playing without at least trying it with xoo first, im old school like that =p
  5. Ugh a 20minute login que.... Hope this isn't indicative of things to come at launch...
  6. Login que's are supposed to go down as time passes, not up. Says 38 minutes now.
  7. Makes me wonder if they have the real "mega server" online yet or not. I certainly hope not if it already has queue's. The mega server is supposed to service all of NA, SA, and oceanic
  8. I cant imagine that if they did it would have this problem. Though the point of this weekends beta is stress testing. Why would they stress test a server they are not going to use? Cant login to the account section of the site either. and now it says 56minutes btw...
  9. Well if its overpopulated at noon on friday EST (when it came online) they must be stress testing in multiple regions to have that many at a time when alot of US players are at work.
  10. I didn't have to wait as long as it said. About 5 minutes after whining here I got in. A second before the timer was up to like 59 minutes.
  11. I got 5 to 10min loading time just zoning... :p
  12. Megaserver is a collection of servers, dudebros.
  13. I haven't gotten any loading times on zoning yet. Like when you take the boat to the other continent at around level 7 or somethin
  14. I'm doing that and literally sprinting everywhere and it still takes about 8 hours. From 1 - 6 is pretty quick, and then it starts to slow! Some people can buy a 100g horse from the vendor, which will speed things up. I can't get one even though I pre-ordered. So, idk. it's hit or miss! Anyway, everything is terrible in this game except RvR...

    P.S. It would be roughly 6 hours if it wasn't for the loading times! :p
    Last edited: Feb 8, 2014
  15. Game is fun so far. This beta test has me with high hopes for it.
  16. Exact opposite for me unfortunately. I wish I had time to get to the RvR sections before I decide 100%.
  17. Ani

    Ani Veteran Staff Member Communications Director

    you are playing, it has been decided. Hi soge btw!
  18. Judging by how terrible PvE is... Most of the budget must of went into PvP!
  19. I don't know what you guys have experienced in pve that you are calling terrible? The only pve I have experienced so far is the first ten levels of questing in the starter zones. I have done some quest chains that took me up against some bigger than normal mobs, that I killed fairly easily. I haven't got to do any dungeons nor have I even found any dungeons. If all you have done is the same as me and your calling the game terrible then I think you might be making a rash statement?

    What I can see different about the game from a melee standpoint is that if I am not pointing my cross hairs right at a mob and I swing my sword, I actually miss and do no damage (not dependent on some stupid gear based hit rating system but instead paying attention to my target and swinging at it). I find that it is not the tab target button mash of every other mmo, you have to actually point your damn sword in the direction of your enemy. Add in that I have a shield and actually using it to block your enemies sword swings just as his sword is swung is just fantastic vs mashing a button type ability that just stays active for set amount of time. I love these mechanics.

    Other than those core melee combat mechanics the first ten levels have been the standard run around follow quest chain, while picking up other quests along the way. No different than any other mmo I have ever played. What is different though is that I always have a quest ready to do and don't have to go hunting for the next quest hub but instead just seem to get sent there as I clear all the quests in a town. Pretty damn good planning in my opinion. The only gripe I have is that regardless if you set one quest as your primary other quest markers still show up. Not an issue till you start the fighters and mages guild and get quests in town with markers everywhere <- that was annoying.

    I cant say for 100% that this is the game to hold me for more than a year right now because I have not gotten to do any pvp yet and I have not gotten to do any dungeons. I will say the combat mechanics could very well turn the typical mmo faceroll on keyboard button mashers away but other than that we will have to see.

    Gonna go finish out the remainder level's to start some pvp action later in the eve.

    PS - Only load times so far have been the stupid login que to get into the game. No loading times greater than a second or two going form zone to zone. Even tried hopping back and forth multiple times...
    Last edited: Feb 8, 2014
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