February 7th beta.

Discussion in 'Elder Scrolls Online Public Chat' started by decoyninja, Feb 5, 2014.

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  1. And ZOS wants you to know about it:


    Curse info.
    Beta Key Claim page
  2. Unfortunately I will be in Vegas still on Friday but will be home Saturday night probably in time for the big "log on event" they want to do to stress test the mega server. Hopefully Saturday late night or on Sunday we can get a big group together and go siege someone's fortress :D
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2014
  3. This is going to be the largest PvP beta yet, as they are allowing people to keep their characters and people will actually make it to level 10.
  4. I actually got my own this time and will not have to borrow anyone else's. However, I am loaning it to someone else who is seriously interested in the game but who hasn't gotten to participate in a beta yet.

    I wonder if I actually finally got one because I pre-ordered? Did anyone else who pre-ordered not get an invite for this weekend?
  5. Did they say anywhere how long it takes roughly to get to level 10 to PvP? I "heard" it took quite a long time in the beta a few months ago. If you want to answer privately PM me please. My fiance is interested in this game so I may give it another chance to change my mind. Not sure how serious I would play it though.
  6. Id say 8-10hr for lvl 10. Could do it faster if you wanted to rush through all quest dialogue I guess.
  7. Oh nice, I didn't even look at the notes or forums until I saw you posted this.

    Refraining from posting anything too revealing, but since the cat is already out of the bag....
    this was the wording in the patch notes:
    Continue your characters from v.0.16.

    So this basically applies to anyone who had characters in the January test.

    Good change. I work a lot of weekends, including this one, and this was one of my biggest pieces of feedback: having to level from scratch everytime they wanted us in Cyrodiil.
  8. It should take anywhere from 2 hours to 8 hours depending on if you are taking the slow scenic route and go exploring a lot or not.
  9. Also crafting.
  10. Ok thanks, I would just want to rush to 10 as fast as possible and start killing in the beta lol. Save the story stuff for release (or just rush to PvP again)
  11. DIDDO - in the last beta i got to participate in I played all 4 classes to level 8. I skipped through all the quest stuff, saving the story line for release. I played each class to level 8 in about an hour and a half. Keep in mind that was skipping through all the quest info and just completing quests one after the other while already knowing where each objective was and what had to be done. Not already knowing all those entry levels of quests will obviously slow you down though. I think the first time to 8 may have taken around 2-3 hours?

    I don't intend to do it that fast in the real game though.
  12. Anyone know what classes they're rolling...?
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2014
  13. Oh the classes... I'm thinking:

    DC Redguard - Nightblade
    AD Altmer - Sorcerer

    Idk what I would make for Ebonhart Pact when I want to make that character.
    Leaning Templar. Race unsure. I might just use the pre-order thing then and drag another race over.
  14. Well my fiance would be doing dragon knight most likely so i would prob go templar so she doesn't die. Although I'm sure playing a sorc with resto staff would probably be enough healing.
  15. The dude that was gonna get my beta this weekend got a beta invite today in his email so I will be playing this weekend.
    Come launch day it will be a DK for tanking in pve and NB for killing in pvp.

    This weekend I will be focusing on the DK as I have spent the least amount of time testing that class.

    Took PTO on Friday for gaming from start time to bed time
  16. ^^^^
    Now that's some dedication. I will be playing a little bit in the morning, but then will be leaving to go out of town for a very short trip so I wont be able to play with most of you on Friday night or Saturday morning. I should be joining you all Saturday night though and on Sunday. I will probably be playing Templar this weekend to see how I like it, I will either be rolling that or Sorcerer come launch time.
  17. Templar's are the most efficient healers f.y.i
  18. the wife and i will be there. But the 8th est is the 9th for me. maybe ill catch some of you online.
  19. Ani

    Ani Veteran Staff Member Communications Director

    I just checked my email and apparently i got a beta invite, time to download teamspeak and turn off irl for a couple days with ya guys again
  20. Ani, it's been so long... :p
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