Fast Five

Discussion in 'Creative Writing, Graphics, Movies, etc.' started by Secksy, Apr 29, 2011.

  1. This movie reached a level of absurdity that I didn't think was possible outside of the sci-fi genre and was, quite frankly, THE BEST THING ANYONE HAS MADE EVER. Also, stay until after the credits. You won't regret it.

    There are some spoilerly posts in this thread that are not properly hidden. Beware.
    Last edited: May 8, 2011

  2. This is all I can think about.
  3. GTFO >:|
  4. You know its great!
  5. Well personally I am looking forward to the Fast and the Six Hundred: Zombie Diesel on wheels.
  6. Damnit! Commy beat me to it
  7. I actually enjoyed the movie a lot more than I thought I would. The movie was completely absurd and none of that was even close to possible, but it was still a good action movie.

    The "emotional" scene with The Rock was pretty dumb though.
  8. Vin Diesal is definitely the new generation Stallone.
  9. Good movie if you're a fan of the series. I'm a car guy so it's one of those series that I thoroughly enjoy. F&F does a good job at having story, good characters, humor, and action all in equal doses. Let's also not forget the hot girls. Most action movies lack any sort of feasible story. Believability? No. But it's one of my favorite movie series that I actually want to see sequels for.

    My favorite part of this one was Han saying we will get to Tokyo eventually. Hopefully he will be around for quite awhile.
  10. That really bugs me, to be honest; that the third movie is the very end of the story line. Sigh. :|
  11. Watched it last night, another great film tbh. I love the films, a lot of the passion for cars and stuff is what makes it i think. This one is more focused though away from the underground scene and on the heist instead. It just works.

    Looking forward to number 6 now xD
  12. It's obvious they regret killing Han off, but Tokyo Drift was only good because of it.

    Also the spoiler at the end of 5 blew my fucking mind.
  13. Agree. I reckon Han may be in the next film too since he said about getting to Tokyo... eventually.

    The secod point is one reason why I'm sooo looking forward to F&F6!! Be good to see it come across to Europe etc and bring another old character back =P
  14. While I agree with just about everything you have said about this movie, I have to disagree on the spoiler at the end. I thought that was the most terrible decision ever made in the series. The new girl is way more cute and the old girl died a good death. Why suddenly resurrect her and be like "oh she actually got away from the guy shooting her in the face, but then just never felt like finding her one true love and decided to go and do her own thing instead and not continue anything she had been working towards". Cause ya, that makes lots of sense right? Shes dead. leave her be and focus on better characters.
    Last edited: May 6, 2011
  15. It did seem a bit of a weird decision to make now you've put it that way, but at the end of the day they needed something to link the next film in the series to.

    Hope all the characters are back for it though... as that means it should be good!
  16. thanks for ruining the ending guys.....can we get some spoiler tags in this bitch!!!!
  17. I DIDN'T DO IT!


    Added a disclaimer to my OP. >_> <_<
  18. Not really the ending. Just a teaser for the next movie. Has absolutely nothing to do with this movie
    Last edited: May 9, 2011
  19. TwilightAngel

    TwilightAngel Red Queen Chronicles of Elyria Member

    Thor is HAWT....

    That is all
  20. not such a bad movie ... loved the cars ... not much of the jap imports ... enough mix of american muscle and some euro exotic for me

    as for the storyline was pretty interesting althou not to believable ... I enjoyed it since im a car nut but who knows about the next one ... could be interesting for sure

    up next Thor!!!