Fable 3? Anyone?

Discussion in 'Upcoming Game Chatter' started by Vandiego, Nov 4, 2010.

  1. I didn't see any chatter about this, just curious if anyone picked it up? I've heard mixed reviews and would love some opinions from XoO before dropping 60 on it.
  2. I will point my friend to this thread.
  3. Alkathos

    Alkathos Guest

    Well i rented the game and no lifed it for like the days i had it. The game in my opinion was really awesome, I'm planning to buy it so i cna do my evil side since I was not able to get that far. Although I did beat the game within 12-14 hours or so, with exploring seldomly. Rent it and if you like it, buy it. It's what I did and I really would like to buy it. Any other questions you have I can try to answer them the best I can.
  4. My biggest concern was that player freedom was stripped a lot in this game compared to the two prior, I really liked being able to walk up to people and do whatever I wanted. I don't want a linear experience in my single player RPGs so I'm hoping this isn't as bad as I've heard.
  5. Alkathos

    Alkathos Guest

    When you come up to a person to interact you get 3 options (you have to unlock expressions) and they're basically like the first two but the thing is you don't choose which one you want to perform. Gameplay aspect though, it is quite entertaining.
  6. Frostyx

    Frostyx Veteran

    Only problem I have had with it was the 90-120 minute tutorial.

    Basically it doesnt finish as a tutorail until you have done the first proper dungeon.

    Good voice over work though, as it features John Cleese as your butler, rather fawlty towers esq.
  7. haha, yea I heard John was amazing in it.
  8. I keep feeling like the game really isnt that great, and yet I keep playing anyway. I have put 13 hours into it now.
  9. I wish it would come out for pc already. I just wanna go evil and screw up Albion :)
  10. Van, I was going to make a thread about this whilst I was thinking in the shower a few minutes ago.

    You obviously beat me to it.

    I bought it on Sunday and have been playing it every night after work.

    If you liked Fable 2, then you will really enjoy Fable 3. That's my take on it.
    Its a silly little action RPG (if you want to call it that) - but I'm enjoying it.

    Is it worth 60$? I don't know, I haven't bought a game that's really been worth 60$ lately so that's hard to judge.

    If you liked Fable 2, I highly recommend getting Fable 3. I've been playing it nonstop (aside from work obviously).
  11. nykb23

    nykb23 Banned

    Spell Weaving is sick ass play it if u dont like it big wow how many shytty games have u played that you thought would be great. TBH the game is really fun
  12. Im looking forward to this....just got civ 5 and fallout new vegas...they are both sucking up my time atm. I will get fable 3.
  13. What the hell just happened here?

    Back OT, Just finished the "main story line" last night and was not very impressed. No spoiling though.

    Decent game, still got a bit of "after game" to do, but I've enjoyed it enough to say it was worth the cash.
  14. Time spent?
  15. 16 hours I'd say, that's completing most, if not all, the sidequests and the "main mission".
    I'm still playing it now - doing all the collectible achievements / items.
    I'd say I've put in about 24 hours total now. Feels longer.
  16. Arimil

    Arimil Veteran Admin

    I really liked Fable 1, however 2 gave me a GTA like feel where I had no desire to actually progress in the story but rather run around killing people for a an hour and then stop.

    Side Note: Sogetsu, I like the new avatar and sig :) what anime are they from?
  17. Frostyx

    Frostyx Veteran

    That was a good thing though, get powerful, kill a citizen and then try to see how many cops you could total before they wiped you out :D
  18. To Aru Majutsu no Index, I believe?
  19. I stopped liking the series after the first one because you could complete it in about 45 minutes.
  20. False. Unless you are exaggerating. Which, in fact - I know you are. So nevermind.