
Discussion in 'Accepted and on Probation' started by Evron, Aug 31, 2009.

  1. Evron

    Evron Guest

    Age (18+ Requirement):

    Name (Forum & IGN):
    My forum name is evron and my main IGN is Azenka and my alts will be EVRON and Mryo
    Sorc, my alts will be Temp/Rang

    Do you have vent and a mic?:
    Yes. No mic yet but that will be addressed soon.

    Previous gaming experience:
    Been playing since i was 12-13 and since then ive had quite a bit of experience with clans/guilds and tournaments too.
    Archlord, LoTR, WoW, AoC
    Demigod, Guild Wars, Titan Quest(lan party)
    C&C series, BF2, CoH, DFLW, AoM series, DoW and many more!
    Rise and Fall for the first month it was out.

    Why did you chose XoO / Why do you think you'll be a good fit:?
    I choose XoO because it seems to be a respectable guild with lots of active members and this alone sounds perfect. I think ill be a good fit as i have many hours to play and love teamwork, although i like casual gaming alot the hardcore pvp appeals to me alot in ANY game i play and this is where i think i will fit in.

    What will you contribute to the guild / How will you improve our guild and be a valued member?
    I will be one of your most active players. I love to help guildies, in all shapes and forms. Havent played too much currently awaiting OB but as with all the other games i played i will be a skilled player.
    I also can make fairly good images.
    I like to post to on forums and like to have a laugh!
    All these i hope will improve the guild in whole and hopefully i will be a valued member:)

    Do you have a referal?:

    A little bit about yourself:
    Im from England, Kent. Ive had a GF for 2 years, i have no job however am awaiting to join the army (Parachute Regiment(Hopefully)) but will be a long way down the line.

    Activity Level? (hrs/week):
    Last edited: Sep 2, 2009
  2. Insho

    Insho Aion CO (EU)

    Your application looks pretty solid, although this quoted text worries me a bit.
    I hope you mean you have a GF FOR 2 years now ;)

    I'll pm you with the details for an interview tomorrow or if Eskara or Icewolf can do it before that you'll get a pm from either one of them.
  3. Evron

    Evron Guest


    Thats great news thankyou

    hehe:D yes i did, that sounded prettty bad didnt it?..:p
  4. Ghostden

    Ghostden Guest


    ahahah sorry i couldnt stop myself :D
  5. Prelude

    Prelude Member Bless Online Member

    Hi and welcome.Btw i am from Kent too :p
  6. Akito

    Akito Guest

    well it look like another pvp heavy player joins the ranks of xoo welcome
  7. Evron

    Evron Guest


    thanks guys:cake1:

    no way where abouts? im from tonbridge
  8. Hey there, Good luck with your interview mate and nice application. You even got Pedo' Bear's seal of approval. Speak to you on vent soon with any luck.
  9. Prelude

    Prelude Member Bless Online Member

    Folkestone just few miles away from Dover.
  10. Evron

    Evron Guest

    Oh yeh i know there not too far from where i live.

    haha yeh that was due to a spelling mistake about my girlfriend of 2 years... ha.. but yeh hopefully get know you guys soon! i must say im already quite impressed with XoO
  11. Jump on vent sometime this evening and i should be around. I have some work to do so if i dont grab you straight away its cause im busy, but ill try get you sorted asap :)

    Did Insho PM you the vent details last night?
  12. Evron

    Evron Guest

    thanks eskara, no i havent had a PM yet. ive got vent downloaded and ready and going tomoz to get a head piece.

    a few friends came around and since aion isnt out yet were guna have a LAN party tonight so wont be around, but ill be around early morning tomorrow.

    cu guys tomorrow!
  13. Ok, i'll PM you vent details :)
  14. Cammy152

    Cammy152 Guest

    Which CNC Games :O
  15. Evron

    Evron Guest

    Red Alert was my first, then RA2+yuri's, then CnC Generals really loved this but hated ZH! Tried the new cnc but didnt like it was just spammage all the time. none of the other ones like tiberium wars really took my "fancy" i cant remember any others?
  16. Insho

    Insho Aion CO (EU)