everquest next

Discussion in 'Upcoming Game Chatter' started by haibane, Jul 22, 2013.

  1. haibane

    haibane Veteran Crowfall Member

    Saw today that soe is going to reveal about eq next early August. It's quite exciting ! EQ was kinda my first mmorpg with uo and they both remind me of my best mmo memories yet. Eq 2 was quite good to a few months after release.

    I hope this game will deliver, they seem to have a new dev approach for this one too.

    Wait and see
  2. Doxy

    Doxy Veteran Camelot Unchained Member

    Yeah, they'll have a playable version of EQN at SOE Live in 2 weeks.
    Looking forward to seeing how they gonna deliver on a promise Smed made few month back, on making EQN an innovation to MMO genre.
  3. haibane

    haibane Veteran Crowfall Member

    Aye they had a long interview with Gareth fuller from mmorpg.com about how they want to reinvent the genre and focus on the fun, community and everything that makes a good mmo.

    Well see but it's true that soe is a little bit more reactive than before, like ps2 and the roadmap, they quite listen to purple now.
  4. Maergoth

    Maergoth Veteran Star Citizen Member

    Everquest is my game. I know things people will never know about it. Unfortunately, some of it is not good news.

    Everquest Next has gone through 2 different iterations. When the current lead designer was brought onto the team (he played EQ1 and EQ2, I believe his name was Moorgard), they showed him what they had.
    What they had was "SWTOR: Everquest" (per his description) and since SWTOR had recently failed miserably, they threw huge amounts of the game in the trash. They modified the art style slightly, redid the gameplay, and it's all darkness since then. (This was a little over a year ago. Redoing a whole game in a year is bad news.)

    What I was able to gather from the EQ2 devs is that the game is almost entirely based around crafting and housing. Raiding isn't "the only endgame" which means they worked really hard to make raiding not super important, which means raiding is probably going to suck. With that said, there is overworld housing, huge zones, the game is gorgeous and combat is probably going to be awful. Despite this, TenTonHammer and MMORPG.com gave it best-of-show mmo at E3 despite only a small private showing and ESO to compete with.

    I'll be at SOElive so I'll let you know how it goes :p
  5. Last edited by a moderator: Apr 5, 2014
  6. Maergoth

    Maergoth Veteran Star Citizen Member

    Yeah, I won the MyEQStory contest :p
  7. I am going to be that guy; but why play EQ:Next over current mmos? What makes it special now that everything that made it special now belongs to WoW?
  8. haibane

    haibane Veteran Crowfall Member

    They are seeing the mmor under a different angle, a little bit like Wildstar is wanting to do but following a different path. Wildstar wanna keep players with their endgame raiding content, EQ Next is more about social interactions and stuff...
  9. Doxy

    Doxy Veteran Camelot Unchained Member

    So, what are your guys thoughts on it?
    40 Classes
    8 available right away and other 32 you gotta find in the gaming world.
    Full destructibility.
    Cartoony looks.

    You can already register for beta

  10. players cant destroy played built cities..but monsters can
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 5, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 5, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 5, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 5, 2014
  14. im almost as excited for everquest next landmark

    create scenes for use in everquest next..you can sell your creations to players.

    its also a game in its own..claim your spot of land with your flag and start building. Its protected from players,you can build anywhere but its not protected. You can earn flags to claim more land. protected land.

    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 5, 2014
  15. Noollab

    Noollab Veteran Crowfall Member

    I'm sceptical. They have a lot of fancy talk and ideas, but we all know developers don't always pull through on their "promises" when they try to hype up their upcoming games.
    I imagine there'll be a lot of "protection" functionality put in to prevent griefing through the destruction of towns and such.

    Also, performance will be interesting to see. Voxel-based games are quite complex, and can quickly take up a lot of resources.

    That said, I do like their ideas, and I'm definitely curious.
  16. Doxy

    Doxy Veteran Camelot Unchained Member

    Full version
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 5, 2014
  17. player built cites can only be destroyed by monsters
  18. Snowman

    Snowman Veteran Star Citizen Officer


    SEX! you will play this game because it has the money of SOE and it will have everything Open world players have wanted for ever.. no xp, no static missions, each server is diferent due to community quests. if I unlock warrior from one guy you cannot unlock from same place you have to find it yourself. mix classes.. if you blow up a wall it may unlock a new dungeon but if I blow up same wall on dif server I just have a fucked up wall
  19. This is the game I didn't know I wanted to play. I wouldn't have imagined a MMO this discovery based.

    I've played games with multiclassing and class customization. I much prefer it.

    I've played one game (the secret world) with gear levels determining character level. A pretty fun ways to do things. It still had experience though so you could unlock the tiers and have progression. I don't understand much here about the tier system here.

    I'm also wondering if when you find a class, if you get all the class' abilities as there is no exp.