EverQuest Next Landmark

Discussion in 'Upcoming Game Chatter' started by doctorie, Aug 2, 2013.

  1. NefariousVII

    NefariousVII Veteran

    No problem, haibane. I hope both of you guys like the game. I should have posted this far earlier than now, but my in-game character name is "Nefarious".

    I honestly can't remember at all if character names are unique or not, so if that does not work, try "NefariousVII".

    Add me, yo.
  2. Total_Overkill

    Total_Overkill Veteran Crowfall Member

    Well, ive been poking around a bit... but i have to know
    At what point (if at all) do i get more advanced... uh, for lack of a better term, building mechanics?
    Adding/Removing terrain, making walls and floors is all well and good, but wheres my moving parts?
  3. NefariousVII

    NefariousVII Veteran

    I am not completely sure, but I think they are craftable with Tier 3 materials? I'm currently at work, so I can't browse the Landmark forums to verify.

    Try this for guides and building tricks: https://forums.station.sony.com/lan...ls-guides-advanced-building-techniques.26065/

    This is a bit of a debated topic in the Landmark forums. Some people feel annoyed that the more technical building tools have to be crafted with higher tier materials instead of either providing it to the player from the start or placing it sooner along the player's "ladder of progress", or whatever.

    Some building features like cylinders take quite a few steps to accomplish. I would expect more tools added in the future.
  4. Dullard

    Dullard Veteran FPS Member

    Just bought early access through a Steam sale. Anyone still playing this and which server are we on?
  5. iCatalin

    iCatalin Guest

    Some time ago I won a closed beta key or something like that, the game's ideea is a very nice one, but it clearly need more polishing. When it'll be done, a nice game will come out of it.
  6. Khal Gate

    Khal Gate Guest

    This game is really cool