
Discussion in 'Public General Chat' started by xXKronosXx, Jan 25, 2009.

  1. well it looks like i just got an offer to join R A (ex tri elite PVP corp) who are friendly to AAA and the GBC (or whatever it is now) so a few of my small corp mates might be doin that :) should be fun to kill some titans again
  2. my tags? =/
    sorry I'm a bit slow this afternoon heh. like guild tags? in eve? or as in what other games I played with xoo?
  3. there used to be one run by bobfrommarketing, but the like for EVE dwindled, plus it had already lost its prime. I imagine it would be even harder now with Jumpgate Evolution right around the corner, although, I also imagine it will pickup once JGE comes out.
  4. doh, well, that sucks.
    I might have to check out jumpgate again.. the last time I checked it out I kind of just dismissed it as a "earth and beyond" knock off and didn't look back =/ as u might know, E&B failed big time.. I don't think too many space games will actually make it in the long run.

    I'm still debating on if I should reactivate my eve account though.. I figured if I can't get into a somewhat large corp, I would just get bored. I think I'm kind of in a lose-lose situation though heh.. my SP is still extremely low.. so large corps probably wouldn't take me anyway.:confused:
  5. I actually just got into eve last night, i m on the 21 free day, i got alot of friends who play so they sent me 20 mill to start up and they got a corp, so i'd be happy to play

    My names B4ttlechick3n
  6. Xenzoku

    Xenzoku Veteran

    wow, more eve players coming in lol,

    Well , There WAS a XoO corp in eve and it went for a few months, unfortunately there was a certain break up with a few players and many people went off to do their own thing ( myself included ). I doubt we will see a XoO corp again but stranger and rarer things have been known to happen.

    Ill be back on EvE soon also once I have finished with some real life issues. Might take a while though lol, like a few more weeks to a month. Ill probably be looking for a new corp to join again though so if anyone has suggestions im open, looking for pvp obviously but on a small - med gang warfare scale as opposed to " Lets make a giant BLOB " party.


    Meemo, thanks for the link to the search engine, yeah its much better than the stupid one on the forums lol

    Here are two links that explain a little about the shot delay BUT these are not the actual ones that I read before. Though these pick up on a few points the other thread im looking for still was much more in - depth and had many more ideas, ill have another look for it once i get more time though now after reading I believe the main theme was about realism lol.


    Last edited: Feb 9, 2009
  7. Yeah, I dont see why a new division for XoO couldn't come up if we got alot of skilled players, i'd love to join a bigger corp, but i got about 15 buddies that have a corp, So I'd probably troll with them till i m up for 0.0 and stuff, I am rolling hardcore pvp gallent. ;D
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 9, 2009
  8. xXKronosXx

    xXKronosXx Guest

    Wow its so nice to see that quite a few people are getting back into eve and a few new people as well. It would be pretty cool I think to start a new or restart the old XoO corp or even a XoO alliance on top of that... cause tbh I doubt I leave my buddies corp but join an Alliance... yeah that would be most acceptable.
  9. Aral

    Aral Veteran

    actually, id like the point out that the opposite is true, eve is constantly growing, we had 50k online a couple days ago, 'its prime' certainly hasnt passed, nor do i think JgEvo will make much of a dent,
  10. over 51k users

    p.s. Rionnag Alba is the corp i will be joining with the small pvp corp im in now and merging in with them for some more Pew pew w0oT :)
  11. Well I just reactivated my account, so if anyone wants a noob in their corp.. maybe shoot me an evemail =P

    Last edited: Feb 13, 2009
  12. Meemo

    Meemo Guest

    Tech 3 ships dev blog.

    Looks interesting, but losing a level in a random T3 skill when your ship is killed will hurt a bit.

    And down the bottom, visible only if you highlight it:
  13. Xenzoku

    Xenzoku Veteran

    See I dont think it will, from the way I understood it you lose a random skill level in your T3 area ( so either a skill in the electronic subsytem, enginering sub etc etc ) so whats to stop people keeping it a say level 3, the time to re-train from 2 - 3 wouldnt be that long i guess depending on the skills rank. a few days mabey, a week? and what if you kept it at just lvl 1, would you lose any levels at all?

    The penalty to me just feels like a slap on the wrists, obviosuly losing the ship itself is more of a blow to the player but unlike the other cruisers ( HAC, Combat recon etc ) these ships can be adjusted to fill the players play style and so will probably be alot more common. ( not to mention more difficult to take down )
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2009
  14. Meemo

    Meemo Guest

    The reason I'm not liking losing a skill when the ship dies is because I'd prefer to train skills that I won't lose over skills that I will if I make use of them. This will change when I run out of interesting things to train for, but that will take ages.
  15. Aevar

    Aevar Guest

    I tried Eve a few years ago and didnt get into it.
    I went back to try it again.
    The new expansion looks cool.

    Just extended my trial to paid, shoot me an email.

    Arilynn is my character name
  16. if anyone else thinks they would be interest, I have a few 21 day buddy keys available. But please be serious, as I would really appreciate the free month if you go paid =)
  17. xXKronosXx

    xXKronosXx Guest

    Its been about a year since anyone posted something just wandering if anyone is active in game. If you are shoot me an eve mail... Kronos Caldeis