
Discussion in 'Public General Chat' started by xXKronosXx, Jan 25, 2009.

  1. TBH im not looking forward to the wormhole stuff just the t3 ships ... as of now eve is kinda bumming me out ... its getting harder and harder to find fights ... you go out into 0.0 you maybe get a small gang or a ratter and then you get blobbed by 3 - 10x the numbers you have

    or in empire they all dock up and do nothing or blob you

    really sucks i just want some fun small gang pvp i did enough of the fleet warfare when BOB attacked the NC and i was in razor
  2. xXKronosXx

    xXKronosXx Guest

    I'm sorry to hear you getting bummed out Erock, but I may have a solution for you if you are looking for small gang pvp. My friend bigkrueger is currently working in some low sec placing and they seem to get their fair share of gang combat. Occasionally busting up gate camps and hunting down groups of enemies when they can. If you can get a hold of him he probably wouldn't mind another player joining his corp.
  3. Meemo

    Meemo Guest

    Factional Warfare is also good for small scale stuff. Just go plexing for a bit and your opponents will send something to you.

    Though it also has quite a lot of docking games. Including last week where the Caldari militia docked up when facing a Gallente fleet that had less battleships (usually the biggest thing you will see), and less pilots total than they did.
  4. Xenzoku

    Xenzoku Veteran

    See thats one of the things that got me irritated with eve. The fact that it became a game of who has more numbers, if you had less numbers you either ran or hid until you got more numbers.

    The small gang stuff is fun but those can just as quickly turn into a numbers game depending who/where/when you are fighting.

    Again I bring out jumpgate where the players actual flight skill will be taken into account. Anyone who has ever played any space combat sim ( even freelancer counts ) will have seen some players who just know how to pilot their ships, how to anticipate opponents moves and use everything they have equipped to the best of its ability. Unlike Eve where most people are using similar setups and have relativly the same stats as the next pilot flying the same ship. In the end it comes down to once agin who has more numbers, 5 ships of the same class will normally defeat 3 ships of the exact same class ( I use the word normally since i know things can be taken into account that change the tide of battle but even then the extra amount of dps coming from the extra ships is enough to quickly dispatch the opponents, as long as they can keep them from warping anyway ).

    I do truly enjoy the idea behind eve and the devs constant work being put into the game. I mean it wasnt too long ago since they started faction warfare and now they are bringing in wormholes and T3 ships etc. I find the complexity of the game brilliant and the amount of content great. Its just the way combat is working in the game atm and even more ( and this is something that bugs me to no end ) the multiple accounts issue. I know ALOT of players use this and that fine, their choice, but In a game as simple to play as eve where all you do most of the time is right click then pres a few buttons on the keyboard, it allows multiple accounts to be used in a way that gives the players a huge advantage while also adding more to the numbers game. ( it should also be noted that the ever increasing number of eve players also includes this number of multipe accounts, so dont think 40k players online at once actually means that amount of actual players..and even then a large majority of them are carebares which count as half a player )

    I apologize if It seems im ranting a bit but I guess Im just really frustrated with eve atm and want to vent a little. Im just also looking forward to jumpgate where you can see players skill for what its worth. Of course the complexity of eve wont be in jumpgate, and in jumpgate you can really only fly fighter type ships or industrial types ( No capitals, or Battleships etc ) but that might change in time. I had been talking to a friend in fact and we were saying that if they did bring out larger ships it would be fun for multiple players to be on the same ship, so one player drives the others are on the turrets sort of thing.

    Both games have good and bad points, but I feel for me, eve just isnt what it once was. Its time for something new.
  5. Lev

    Lev Banned

    Anything numbered ans set into a competition is a battle of numbers, it's just about manipulating those numbers given the circumstance.
    What you are actually complaining about is the macro scale in which these numbers are being dished out, so much so that instead of a very blocky battle where you can fight it in a very structured way, the numbers are so many it's just 1 fluid flood vs another, and the bigger one wins.

    The biggest reason why EVE is not about active skill, but instead about premeditated or passive is that in the plot the majority of things are run completely around computers. put eve pilots in an FPS scenario without computer guided everything and I assure you the level of skill required would drastically change. We need PS2.
  6. xXKronosXx

    xXKronosXx Guest

    Well if they ever converted Eve to an FPS, which is highly unlikely. In would probably be necessary for many ships to have more than one controller b/c there are a number of active items not just including the weapons systems i.e. webs, jammers, ecm, ect. It would be very difficult for one person to manage all the equipment on any given ship. Lets also remember Eve wasn't designed to be an FPS, its a MMORPG like idk WoW, just a different background and a different set of rules.
  7. Xenzoku

    Xenzoku Veteran

    Agreed, PS2 would solve alot of problems, I even have high hopes that it could cure cancer and end world hunger lol.

    But yeah Lev, its basically as you put it, the 2 big blobs and the bigger one wins. I remember reading several articles in the way they could try to change things to make fleet battles a little more interesting.

    First was to change the time in which weapons hit their target. With any turret it is instantaneous from the time it was fired to when it hit, with missiles obviously taking a little longer. They considered about putting time on weapons, so lasers would reach the target instantly, hybrids would take a little longer and projectiles would be the slowest. At the same time they would alter the dmg.

    Another was to actually introduce collision detection for weapon fire. Ive seen so many shots pass through asteroids, stations, buildings other ships etc. It would be a bitch to code into the game probably but have the shot hit the first thing it comes into contact with.

    There are plenty more out there if you read the eve forums, dev blogs etc etc. Just to give a little more skill and thought involved in a battle.

    There was one thing that i remembered that I will always give praise to eve for, and that is one single server ( yes theres a test server but that doesnt count ). Im not a fan of multiple servers in a game and I detest even more of US / EU / Pacific etc boundaries. Have everyone play in the same server. Something, alas jumpgate will not be doing.
  8. what sucks is i just spent 2 days in my pilgrim (recon V and full tech2 fitting to pwn face) 160 jumps in 0.0 if i found a target it was ither stabbed and warped out or he came with a gang (cloak warp ftw) its just getting retarted that now i have to spend my days in empire sitting in a sensor boosted myrm to catch war targets that are stupid enough to not jump right away
  9. Lev

    Lev Banned

    You see this is why HA in GW was so brilliant, you have a big blob of players all fighting it out, and only the cream would rise to actually represent anything.

    I also really liked the idea of that scene in Troy where the kings met and decided to spare the bloodshed and have their 2 best warriors fight.
  10. im just waiting for darkfall now ... the EvE pvp is getting to become very stale ... i am sitting on a gate sensor boosted in my myrm looking for anything ... we have war deced UFA alliance ... i know in about an hour i have to get off the gate cuz at about 3:30 eastern they come with a blob of 20+ to kill me every day same thing haha
  11. Xenzoku

    Xenzoku Veteran

    In any mmo that would never work lol, at least half the players on both side would still end up shooting each other after the duel was over. Mabey if you had it so that when one of the two fighters died, their entire team would die with them automatically lol
  12. Meemo

    Meemo Guest

    Actually, collision detection shouldn't be too hard to code as Eve already treats objects as spheres for the calculations, so they just need to calculate how close the shot comes to the center of each object and if it less than the radius, it hits. The problems with it are:

    - In high sec, how should they handle collisions with players ?
    If the damage is dealt without concord spawning, players will use this to attack people freely in high sec. If concord does spawn, the person they are attacking can just hide behind a neutral.
    - The number of calculations required. Each time a shot is fired, it will need to be checked against every other object on grid. So with x ships fighting it out, we are talking approximately x^2 extra calculations on the server. Most of which will result in 'no collision detected'.

    Altering the speed a weapon takes to hit will either have a duration too small to notice, or it will be another advantage to amarr ships (which are already FOTM).

    The only reason Eve can get away with a single shard is because the systems in Eve are generated via a random process. If a game can't get away with that then the shard will become overcrowded even if the servers are powerful enough to prevent lag being an issue. Making a new shard that is identical to the existing one is much easier.

    As for player skill, the official site is claiming "Fight against thousands of players online in epic large-scale player vs. player real-time battles." as one of the features. With battles that large I don't see individual player skill being the determining factor.
  13. here is my fleet fights with razor and the NC vs bob

    Primary the first BS with a name starting with a number or a

    secondary target and fire when other is dead

    after a minute maybe u have something targeted and get a shot off

    and it just keeps goin down and down the list usually at a POS or a safe spot

    i was in fleet fights of 400+ vs 400+ so lag was awful ... ive been DD by titans and jump bridged by titans ive done it all now in even and TBH if it was not for the friends and the once in awhile small gang fights we can find i woulda quit a long long time ago
  14. Xenzoku

    Xenzoku Veteran

    Which is why the dmg would be decreased if i remember, ammar will always win a dps match but i think the issue was more about the alpha strikes. Arty dmg would be increased but in turn it would take a few seconds to get to the target. Personally i thought it was a good idea, The animation of the shot would still hit and all the calculations would still take effect like, it just will help stop the incredible alpha strikes which is the main factor in most pvp engagements.

    I dont think it will be the determing factor but it will make a difference ( plus i dont see thousands of players fighting each other at the same time ) but again a good pilot could still fly well enough to keep enemy fire on him to a minimun while still shooting down other players. Proper co-ordination with wing mates can also help to mark certain targets and to take them out faster.
  15. For small gang you need small fast ships with points webs and scrams ... Interceptors / AF's/ HAC's/ Recons fit this

    Large stuff its alllll about alpha strike ... fit that BS up with a buffer tank and allllll gank
  16. xXKronosXx

    xXKronosXx Guest

    Well even with all the problems with Eve, the fact that they are always adding more content to the game to keep it interesting. Actually that may be the only reason I still play... I'm an RTS gamer at heart, the only MMO I have ever stuck with is Eve...... It may also be that I really like over sized spacecraft that could theoretically obliterate a world.
  17. Meemo

    Meemo Guest

    Wouldn't lowering the damage, refire rate and capacitor usage be a better way to reduce alpha strikes than delaying when the alpha hits ?

    Somehow I don't think the devs/publishers will be stupid enough to advertise something as a feature unless they expect it to take place regularly.

    Besides, if you have enough people together, what would stop people forming a thousand man blob ?

    If the incoming fire is all aimed at the same spot. But if it is spread around, I can easily see the enemy shots taking up every single spot he could try moving through, meaning whatever he does he will get hit.

    Yes, call one guy primary. Then spray weapons fire around him so he has nowhere to run.
  18. Xenzoku

    Xenzoku Veteran

    If your talking about the arty's ( which are normally known for alpha ) then no, arty is meant to do heavy dmg, more so to easier to hit targets, either because its bigger or slower or both. Delaying when the shot hits will make the arty work more on the lines of a missile while still having a chance to miss rather than a missile which always hits. Its also means that a fast ship has a chance to 'get out' before the shot hits him. Its not a Major difference to how combat works but it does give a bit more thought on what to do. Plus it looks a bit better I think.

    As for the lasers, Yeah the tach beams can be strong and can work as alpha, but then again tachs eat up alot of requirements on the ship. Plus remember that lasers only do em and therm and normally have to be ( depending on the crystal ) closer to do more dmg.

    Many devs from many games have promised things and they dont always happen. Im not saying it wont happen, but i find it unlikely, a few hundred sure. but thousand is pusing it still.

    As for the thousand man blob, yeah theoretically it could happen, but then again the other side will just as quickly form their own. Sounds alot like what happnes in eve, but theres a difference. Fights are a little more in depth and getting to your target will be a little hard. Plus its much harder to keep up with your target and keep him in your line of fire.

    Yeah but i have rarely seen that happen, only when its incredibly well co-ordinated, most players tend to use the traditional when its red on your computer pull the trigger and a good deal of time it works. I would think in jumpgate the chance to hit your target is improved in a mmo but at the same time the flying has changed. Ive seen in the jumpgate forums that players can choose to fly with or witout stabilizers, in other word play so theres little to no drag, similar to a space enviroment and the ability to copy moves that you see in battlestat galactica and stuff, OR play with stabilizers so its more like alot of other space games like x-wing, starlancer etc etc. Heres the interesting thing, last i heard on it anyway is that you can switch between the 2 in flight, this means that you can practically switch the direction your going in 180 degrees in a second or 2.

    Yes and no, mass fighters behind a target will mean theres a good chance that target is going to be blown up quick, but chances are that someone is just as quickly behind them and ive heard there are a few aoe weapons. Also if theres a good deal of them, they will probably be bumping into each other. I would normally say two or three to go for a single other fighter.

    Of course I say this with the thought of jumpgate being more of the good traditional space flight sims, but I dont think it will be that close. All I can say is we gotta wait and see.
    Last edited: Jan 29, 2009
  19. all i gotta say is DRONES :)
  20. xXKronosXx

    xXKronosXx Guest

    Haha sometimes I really hate those little bastards