
Discussion in 'Public General Chat' started by xXKronosXx, Jan 25, 2009.

  1. xXKronosXx

    xXKronosXx Guest

    Hey whoever may be reading this thread. I currently play Eve with several of my friends in RL, and of course friends I only know through Eve. I know that at one point there were other people from XoO playing Eve because they introduced me to it, and although that was a long time ago I still play. I was hoping that with some many MMORPG players in XoO that some of you guys would like to come check it out and if you find you like it stay and play with us or do your own thing. I just think it would be cool if we had a XoO eve group. Anyways if you have questions about Eve or something just ask via this thread or PM me.

    The web address do download Eve is www.eve-online.com *14 day trial*
    If you do decide to come check it out or renew a character you already have my
    IGN is Kronos Caldeis

    My close friends are:
    Terraka Wolf
    They can help you out too
  2. We used to have a division but it mostly died out. There are a few left. Memo might play still.
  3. Aral

    Aral Veteran

    i was never in the XoO eve div, it died before my time. but i have been a eve player for several years
  4. Xenzoku

    Xenzoku Veteran

    Yeah the good ol eve division, it was fun for a while but then everyone sort of went their own way lol. I dont think I will pick up eve ever again, its a good game like but its just worn out on me for various reasons.
  5. i still play eve in a Merc Corp now ... i have done it all in Eve (except carebear yeck) and im just waiting for darkfall now ... Eve is a great game once you have enough SP like say 10 mil sp and you can fly some decent tech II fit ships otherwise you are just to low skilled to get anything reall accomplished

    i have flown in fleets of 500 i and battled Bob and the goons as part of Razor Alliance ... but small gang warfare is so much better :)
  6. xXKronosXx

    xXKronosXx Guest

    Well cool if any of yall wanna hit me up when your on Eve and chat that would be cool
  7. Meemo

    Meemo Guest

    I'm still in Eve.
  8. Jumpgate Evo is coming out soon enough, may have enough interest to get into that.
  9. Aral

    Aral Veteran

    no, i dont think so :p, but ill give it a try, i dont think itll live up to eve online
  10. Xenzoku

    Xenzoku Veteran

    If Jumpgate can do a real good job of game mechanics and actual game content, i wouldnt be surprised to see alot of eve players switch tbh. I mean jumpgate have alot of things they are promising and alot of it are things that eve players will feel comfortable with. Biggest difference obviously is that you have much more control over your ship so players will be judged more on their actual flight skills rather than how many SP you have.
  11. xXKronosXx

    xXKronosXx Guest

    Oh would someone please enlighten me as to what this Jumpgate thing is you yall be speaking of b/c I don't know what it is. I must have missed something somewhere.
  12. Xenzoku

    Xenzoku Veteran

  13. xXKronosXx

    xXKronosXx Guest

    Thanks for the link Xenzoku :)
  14. xXKronosXx

    xXKronosXx Guest

    Hey so I was browsing the Eve website and there is some exciting news. In March, well I think its March, they are introducing Tech III ships to Eve. From what I read I got the impression that there will be wormholes that players can find that lead to uncharted space and in this uncharted space there will be Artifacts that you use to research the Modules that make up the T3 ships. Yes modular T3 ships, from what I can tell each T3 ship will be made up of multiple parts that are all different so there will be more possibilities with these ships. If I left anything out or am incorrect on something just correct me.

    Anyways my corporation is going to be doing everything we can to get prepared to hunt down these wormholes and find these artifacts. If anyone here is interested in tagging along It would be more than welcome especially if you an older player. Not that new players aren't welcome. Everyone is welcome to join :)
  15. ya dont forget that the wormholes are gonna be in null sec and they will spawn down south with BoB since the devs love em so much :)

    also tech 3 you will need skills and alot alot of ISK to be buying em early on ... i wouldnt get to excited yet TBH unless your a high roller and if you are please send isk my way since i like to blow people up and then get blobbed :)
  16. Meemo

    Meemo Guest

    Press release about the next expansion being released on march 10. As always, this will be a free expansion.

    Wormhole dev blog

    Only things I think you have missed about T3 is that it requires raw materials only found in systems only accessible via wormholes and that the T3 ships will be cruiser sized.
  17. xXKronosXx

    xXKronosXx Guest

    Erock: Are you serious??? All in 0.0 space... this makes me sad :(

    Oh well guess its just going to be more exciting then I originally planned this venture to be... also much more expensive. Note to self: Get more care bear friends to make the Corp iskies.
  18. Meemo

    Meemo Guest

    Basically a wormhole could show up in any system. The wormholes could lead anywhere, but the systems that are only accessible via wormhole are all going to be 0.0 systems.

    While CCP have guaranteed that a wormhole system will always have a wormhole that leads back into known space (the current systems), that comes with some catches:
    - Known space includes the areas of 0.0 that operate on NBSI.
    - Since the wormholes have a mass limit, you might not be able to get all the ships you took in back out.
    - You won't know where a wormhole will lead until you go through. It might lead into hostile 0.0, it might lead into high sec, it might lead into another wormhole system.
    - If you don't have a prober with you, or your prober died, you can't find the wormhole, which opens up a new ransoming option: Blow up someone's prober, then find them an exit wormhole for a fee. And unlike current ransoming, you can do this from a safe spot without risking them calling friends.
  19. Aral

    Aral Veteran

    personally i expect the emergence of nomad corps, who do the work of establishing themselves and operating within a certain system. if they find themselves linked to nul, then they will sell to them, doing all the work. and working for themselves when linked to highsec
  20. Meemo

    Meemo Guest

    Assuming they can quickly restock when wormholes open. As CCP isn't planning to stick ice in those systems supplying a POS is going to be very difficult.