Epic Movie Music

Discussion in 'Creative Writing, Graphics, Movies, etc.' started by Azphel, Aug 24, 2009.

  1. Azphel

    Azphel Guest

    Epic Movie Music:
    Just thought i would make a thread, with some Youtube video's, that show some great Epic Movie Music, from some good composer's. My best three are here really, enjoy :D:D:D Comment's on the music would be nice Like/Dislike

    Best Parts Recommended:
    300: Returns a King: 1:25-1:55
    Alexander: Across The Mountains: 0:50-1:25
    Transformers: Arrival To Earth: 2:25-3:05

    Last edited: Aug 29, 2009
  2. The most epic movie song ever!

  3. Azphel

    Azphel Guest

    Yeh that is a pretty good movie song.
  4. Moonlight

    Moonlight Guest

    The music from these guys is really good. They make mostly commercial music for pretty much every high budget movie company. All their music is meant to sound epic.

    To name some of my favorite movie composers, there's John Williams, Alan Silvestri, Joe Hisaishi, Don Davis (not to be confused with the actor that died a while ago who has the same name), Danny Elfman and some others I can't remember the names of.
  5. Azphel

    Azphel Guest

    Yeh i have heard of them and some of thier music, somemore well known Epic movie music creators are Immediate Music, like the company you showed they make music for high budget AAA films(love their Lacrimosa used for Spiderman 3 song). Also Globus(like their Europa song alot).
    Last edited: Aug 30, 2009
  6. i'll follow up later with specifics but pretty much: john williams, hans zimmer, rob lane, howard shore, and nobuo uematsu are the most epic composers i've found.

    also, i like those first three you put up Az, haven't had a chance to see what else ppl have put up, need to dip out for a couple hours, i'll put my favs up tonight!
    Last edited: Aug 30, 2009
  7. Azphel

    Azphel Guest

    Cant wait to see your faves later :D
    Just thought i would put up Lacrimosa by Immediate Music i like it so much(used in spiderman 3 trailer). Another one of Immediate Musics masterpieces. Recommened turning the volume up makes this song feel so much more better and epicer!!!.
    Last edited: Aug 30, 2009
  8. Rome Total War had some great "Epic" music. Check em out. Loved that game.

  9. Incoming long rant and too many songs listed. First post includes LOTR, with embedded vids to my faves but links provided for other noteworthy tracks. Second post is Pirates of the Caribbean and a list of other tracks that I think are worth mentioning. (So for TLDR: check out the vids + the imeem for "The White Tree" and don't worry about the rest :p )

    Annnnnnnnd with that out of the way, let me start off explaining that I was/am/will always be a band dork. Take that and combine it with a fantasy whore and you get someone who gets more excited by film scores than the actual screenplay. I would also say something similar for game music (rpgs, particularly). So, it was incredibly difficult for me to narrow down to a few specifics works that stand out more than others, especially since there have been so many epic films with equally epic soundtracks. (warning: for some of these pieces, I'd imagine some of the songs here don't quite hit the head on the "epic" thing because they get a lot of their epic quality - in my mind - when in the context of the story/film.)

    LOTR - Howard Shore, etc. The LOTR films (Peter Jackson) were simply amazing. Having read the novels several times prior to the films I found watching them to be some of the most rewarding experiences I've ever had. Because of the multiple films and the exponential epic-ness I couldn't keep it to just a song or two. Also, while I was able to provide links for most the tracks I wanted to point out, some I was unable to find, or could only find a video of the actual movie scene(not the soundtrack). I've only actually embedded my favorite ones.

    FELLOWSHIP. Lots of great themes introduced in the first film. In particular, the hobits, nazgul, ring and fellowship themes.

    The Prophecy (1:28-2:11)

    A Knife in the Dark (Black Rider theme) (0:28) (1:38)

    Flight to the Ford (2:32) - need the build up though! ~2:03

    Many Meetings (elven>>hobit themes)

    The Council of Elrond

    The Ring Goes South (Fellowship theme) (0:4:cool:

    A Journey in the Dark (Orcs in Moria)

    The Bridge of Khazad Dum (for the epic scene! check 6:00, not for the music but the tracks before/after are great, just had to link YOU SHALL NOT PASS(6:37))

    The Great River (Wood Elves>>Ring theme) (1:26-)

    Amon Hen (0:43-2:36)

    Breaking of the Fellowship (3:04-

    May it Be
    (if you want to find this on youtube search for a live version because the POS WarnerMG has pretty much killed any soundtrack/quality version up there.)

    TT. The highlight of the Two Towers for me is the themes that go along with the Kingdom of Rohan.

    The Riders of Rohan (2:13-3:24)

    Uruk-Hai (0:29-0:54) (1:50-2:25-end)

    The King of the Golden Hall (start-about 1:35)

    The White Rider (begin-0:38) (2:20-end) -> shorter high points but SO moving

    Helm's Deep (begin-1:45) (2:35-end) but must be listened to in its entirety.

    Breath of Life (4:15-end)

    The Hornburg (couldn't find a good link to soundtrack, so here's the scene!)

    RotK. Lots of good stuff in this one, The White Tree is probably my favorite from all of the LOTR soundtracks, I like the Billy Boyd song(it's when the Steward sends Faramir to his death) and the last four tracks I consider brilliant as well, but it could just be because it's in the part of the film that you get hit with all the teary-eyed moments, at least I do.

    Gollum's Song. At first I wasn't keen on this piece but after hearing it a few times I became absolutely attached to it.

    Hope and Memory (0:50-1:25)

    Minas Tirith :)54-)

    >>>>>>>>>>>>The White Tree<<<<<<<<<<< (esp 1:47-3:18) FAVORITE OF ALL LOTR, the beacons of gondor are lit!
    unfortunately no easy youtube link. http://www.imeem.com/rik-petito/music/3Eif6Z2f/lord-of-the-rings-the-white-tree/

    The Steward of Gondor (billy boyd at 2:35 on soundtrack version, can't find a good link)

    Minas Morgul (for epic bad guy jamz) (link is to scene)

    The Ride of the Rohirrim (begin-0:50) (1:30-end)

    Anduril (0:36-1:56 on the original soundtrack)
    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MUiIwF6p6qc (just get past the intro/chat from the dvd appendixes)
    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t5CrAM5BNSQ (scene)

    Shelob's Lair (1:19- on original soundtrack)
    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pA0ffVBw584 (scene, didn't find
    soundtrack version)

    The Fields of Pelennor (1:47 build to great fanfare at 2:53)

    The Last four tracks are all epic, especially when strung together. Pretty sure I counted 25 or so tears tonight when I was watching the end of this film, which spans these four tracks.

    The Black Gate Opens
    (can't find a quick link)

    The End of All Things

    The Grey Havens

    and of course Into the West -- SO
    GOOD. At first didn't care for it cuz it wasn't actually part of the film(it's a credits song) but all it takes is 2 times through to fall in love with this piece. it's a fabulous wrap up of the story (if you're as into the lore of LOTR as i'm sure many of you are) and powerfully done.
  10. Second Post:

    Pirates.-Hans Zimmer. Let me start off by saying that the Original Motion Picture Soundtrack for Pirates of the Caribbean is one that I listen to from top to bottom almost every time I listen to any of it. The tracks are strung together so well and it carries you right through the plot of the movie. That being said, with perhaps one or two exceptions, I can't really pick one track over another as for me, I treat them all as one. IF YOU EVER LISTEN TO THIS SOUNDTRACK, PLEASE LISTEN TO IT FROM START TO FINISH IN ONE SITTING.

    The Medallion Calls (entire)
    - main theme
    The Black Pearl
    - (0:51-1:33) main pirate theme.
    Will and Elizabeth
    - (0:47-1:12) (1:47-)
    Swords Crossed
    - (1:15-2:40) fighting music
    Barbossa is Hungry
    - (begin-0:48) (1:10-end)
    Blood Ritual
    Moonlight Serenade
    - (1:37-end) will&elizabeth's theme ramped up
    To the Pirates Cave
    - (0:56-1:37)
    Skull and Crossbones
    - (begin-1:37)
    Bootstrap's Bootstraps
    - dark evil stuff at beginning to 1:53 for will theme.

    the next two tracks I listen to consecutively 100% of the time(and they are my favorites!). it's the high climax and ending of the entire story and it wouldn't do the score justice to listen to one without the other :(

    One Last Shot (if you can't handle buildups - which i think contributes to the epic-ness of this piece - start at 3:08 with the highlights being 3:15-3:46)

    He's a Pirate >> this would be the song people pick over any other as the "main" song for the film. it's short, the whole thing is great.

    Other good tracks.

    Robin Hood Prince of Thieves.
    If you can spare 3mins listen to the whole thing because like all my other faves, the build up is essential. If not start around 1:02 with the climax being at 1:40 and then 1:52, and finally the fanfare at 2:08.

    Ben Hur
    Parade of the Charioteers - John Williams
    Prelude - Main Theme - Miklos Rosza. Did a Ben Hur/Gladiator show when I was in HS, and this shit sounded epic on the field, listening to the track itself not so much, but if you like brass and fanfare-y ancient gladiator type stuff, check it out.

    Barbarian Horde - (4:35)
    The Battle
    Honor Him
    Now We Are Free

    John Adams (HBO)
    Opening Titles

    King Arthur
    Woad to Ruin (4:10-4:35) and (6:40) and especially (9:20)
    Another Brick in Hadrian's Wall (0:56-1:40)

    Red Warrior - Last Samurai. not a true fave, but decent - if you can get past the voices :p (1:20)

    Memoirs of a Geisha
    Becoming a Geisha (1:02-) for a different feel, but i find it very moving.

    Merlin's Arrival at Camelot (From the BBC One series) (0:32-1:32)

    Another different feel, but epic in it's own right: Mortal Kombat, Techno Syndrome! lol also Reptile's Theme is pretty sweet.

    Pearl Harbor Theme: (0:50-1:45)
    War (3:18-5:05)

    Remember the Titans - Titan's Spirit: (begin-1:04) (5:16-6:30)

    Riverdance - The Call to Dance (1:11-3:40) another different approach to "epic" but definitely climactic and motivational for it's setting.
    also see: Celtic Mist.

    Chariots of Fire

    Last of Mohicans main theme: (1:44-3:29)

    Requiem for a Dream (2:53-3:42) (4:56-6:22)

    2001 A Space Odyssey

    Also for all the O.C. peeps out there - Hide and Seek (Imogen Heap) (woot! s2 finale)

    Not a movie, but if you like JW: Call of the Champions - winter olympics salt lake city 2002 theme. A great JW piece of epic magnitude.
    Also not from a movie but a piece I think is legendary: The Firebird Suite
    Last edited: Aug 31, 2009
  11. Azphel

    Azphel Guest

    Yeh i used to play Rome Total War i agree some great music there loved it and yes of course Lotr has some brilliant Epic Music going on love the Amon Hen one.
  12. Azphel

    Azphel Guest

  13. I always remember the music in the Conan movies from watching them as a kid. Always stood out in my mind for some reason.

  14. Azphel

    Azphel Guest

    Yeh Conan had some memorable music :D:D:D
  15. Censored88

    Censored88 Veteran

    This is the most epic song i heard in a game.

    Sad and epic!
    Another epic song
    Last edited: Sep 4, 2009
  16. Azphel

    Azphel Guest

    Really like both of them, that escape song is very good and is my favorite ;)
  17. Azphel

    Azphel Guest

    Stating to really like that escape song now!!!