Email about Obama

Discussion in 'News and Current Events' started by Tazildanda, Jul 25, 2008.

  1. This is the best article, ever, about how "true" political chain e-mails actually are:

    Any idiot can start an e-mail and put whatever they want to put in it. All they need is a few other idiots to actually believe it and forward it.

    Snopes has the scoop on the e-mail:
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2008
  2. Molotof

    Molotof Guest

    6 children..FFS
    i think i would head to Afghanistan not only for the peace and quiet but to stop makin' kids for 2 seconds. how many times has this man been on leave anyway to hammer out that many kids?
  3. true or not ... Id rather cut off my left hand then vote for an america hating, socialist, idiot
  4. I don't suppose either of the candidates particularly hate America, or they wouldn't be running for president of it. I'd think they'd get more play out of hating America running for office in another country. ;)
  5. Molotof

    Molotof Guest

    funny on so many levels
  6. same
  7. Yizelin

    Yizelin Veteran

    nah, they're just catering to the self-loathers for now :p
  8. Deathcloud

    Deathcloud Guest

    I didn't realize we had any america hating, socialist, idiots, running for president. Granted I really don't pay too much attention to fringe third parties.
  9. I read shoji's website thing, wow can you say bullshit? Literally or un litterally how can someone shower with an american pin, what does he shower with his clothes on?
    Oh and btw, i watched obama strictly say he wouldnt say the pledge on CNN a month or 2 back.

    Deathcloud -what do you mean - "Granted I really dont pay too much attention to fringe third parties" - Deathcloud
    Elaborate plz
  10. Deathcloud

    Deathcloud Guest

    Gruune said he wouldn't vote for a america hating, socialist, idiot. I was telling him im not sure who he is talking about because the two main party candidates are neither america hating, socialist, or idiots. But, perhaps there is a third party, america hating, socalist, idiot he was referring too that I'm not familiar with.

    Hope that clears it up.
  11. aww much better =) i think he meant obama, cuz thats who i was thinking to =)
  12. Tazildanda

    Tazildanda Guest

    If you look at Obamas speech in Berlin, you tend to pick up a little on a socialist attitude. He talks about how all the wealth should be shared and all that fun stuff....socialism.
  13. That's the whole point of the article. ALL of the e-mails going around are COMPLETE BULLSHIT that someone just made up. The article is basically saying you're a chump if you believe any of the e-mails circulating because they're all as bogus as wearing a flag pin while taking a shower.

    @ DC...I love you, man!
  14. EF2

    EF2 Veteran

    Doesn't really matter if it's true or not. Stupid people will believe anything.
  15. B I N G O :p
  16. Deathcloud

    Deathcloud Guest

    Yeah so I went and read his berlin speech transcript. The only part I could find that he talks about wealth is thus:

    In this statement he is discussing free trade. Hardly a call for socialism.

    Do you have any other evidence to back up your belief of his "socialist attitude"?
  17. Yeah, socialism is about collective/state ownership, and that's not what he's talking about. It really can't come to that at this point without a catastrophic disaster that leaves us all in a desperate state, and I don't think anyone is pulling for that. However, the government can encourage private industry to move in a certain direction by offering various incentives, and that's why politicians mention this kind of stuff at all.

    Responsible free-trade capitalism is about remembering to pay your workers enough that they actually make enough money to put back into the system and buy the goods that are being produced. If someone's busting ass more than 40 hours a week to just keep a roof over their head and food on the table for their family, but has no money left over for anything else, then that's not healthy for that person or for the economy.
    Last edited: Aug 1, 2008
  18. Molotof

    Molotof Guest

    DC/Shoji; very well stated.
    Prior to making comments about either candidate please research the claims, their meanings and source prior to just parroting rhetoric. Believing that any major candidate is more than 5 degrees beyond the status quo is statistically unlikely as they have win the hearts and minds of the majority who are mostly (again statistically) centrists. Also don't forget that no candidate is going to bite the hand that feeds them being corporations as well as many nations including Saudi Arabia and Israel to name a very small few. Most speeches given by said candidates is to pander to the audience and will have some leanings, but they never NEVER truly state anything that could be used in a logical argument or court beyond the centrist message. So claiming that McCain is a near death Reagan lovin' fascist is just as unlikely as Obama being a secret terrorist with plans of converting us to a Socialist state. Both are highly intelligent men, who both love their country and want to do well by her and her people. The both are pandering to their parties, their sponsors and the electoral votes; whatever message those behind them want to say is what they believe in.
    I'm sure I am being written up as a sponsor of one side or the other as well so let me clear that up: I think both parties are bull-shit and prefer to watch the real power which exists happily behind the candidates. I don't trust any information from any news source worldwide and often try to research the actual story. remember that the birth of 24 hour new sources on TV and online were also the death of researching the stories origins and are often regurgitated hearsay.
    Falling for the ignorant flack of mud slinging by both parties is exactly what they want you to do; be distracted and polarized. While you are too busy convincing your neihbor that the rumor you heard was real the backers are moving you deep and deeper into debt with them.
    As like in College when you are turning in research papers: Research claims, find the actual source, is it legitimate, can you find another reputable first person source to collaborate, what were the circumstances surrounding the source, is the claim taken out of context, what background information would lead to such a source, and so on.
    Don't just ingest information as fact or assume the source of information is thinking of any interest beyond their own.
  19. well, i think everyone did a good job explaining there shit, though everyone does know or at least i was taught in 12th grade government class that socialism is more leaning towards the liberal idealogy.

    So when people say Obama is leaning that way more, sheyyaa.

    corrrect me if im wrong, which i can be but i do believe the statement is true.

    Ill actually look into it tonight in more detail.
  20. Molotof

    Molotof Guest

    i think there are two statements here: possible leaning towards and creating a socialist state? am i wrong in assuming this?

    anyone that is willing to consider the values of the society over the values of the market will always be welcome in my eyes. is anyone running for president trying to change the state of government to a degree of like stated above this would only happen through catastrophe or mass revolt.

    Socialism: first of all, like so many other political theories, there are many versions out there. Democratic Socialism, Market Socialism, Religious Socialism and so forth. Does anyone know which socialism they are talking about here or are we just making the common mistake of assuming a general, like Communist theory (yes I am one of those that believes that true Communism never has and never can truly exist, but were in fact forms of Socialism), and trying to apply it to all things. Of these socialisms which aspects are we saying Obama is embracing? Political, economic, socio, etc. or all the above?
    It is easy to say that liberalism and socialism TEND to go hand in hand, but to assume that either a broad idea like liberalism or socialism is a bad idea is about as true as say all fascist or conservative theories (also dozens of versions) are also flawed and to be avoided.
    All in all I am asking for two things:
    Don't make such broad statements as Obama is a socialist and that is bad.
    Why would his leanings towards a more equal class structure (for example) be a bad thing? I am also assuming that you are not one of the richest 1% in the world and odds are a white/blue collar family who, under normal circumstances, would actually favor socialist moves as compared to state/corporate focused gains. no?
    just some thoughts....
    i like polisci so i love debating this stuff....i apologize in advance

    i am for any candidate that is interested in the growth of his country without loosing the value and importance of those that support that country (middle and lower class). Even though we are massively in debt and loosing our grip quickly as the sole superpower; i think this country has A LOT of room to treat its non rich better. i don't want to be working in a field to grow potatoes for my comrades...but I do want to see the largest gap between the rich and the poor in this countries history lessen, and until i am part of that elite i am going to bitch, scap and fight for it regardless of dumb labels like republican and democrat. i want a well educated, healthy and worry free family like anyone else and many of those needs are socially based and require a degree of socialism theory to obtain.
    Last edited: Aug 1, 2008