Elite Dangerous

Discussion in 'Other Games (Not Listed)' started by Azraeli, May 27, 2015.

  1. Azraeli

    Azraeli Veteran Crowfall Member

    How many people do we have playing this title? I am getting very into this game and would like people to play with so if you are playing please respond!
  2. Azraeli

    Azraeli Veteran Crowfall Member

    I guess not many people play lol. I will probably wait until SC comes out then.
  3. Xeiiib

    Xeiiib Veteran Star Citizen Member

    Elite: Dangerous is 40% off on Steam and "Frontier" (other gaming website I assume), for a total of about $26. Not sure if I should or not, I might. Do we have anyone playing?
  4. It's 40% off because they are releasing a 60$ "expansion" in december. Don't bother.

    DARKTIDE!! Veteran Staff Member Xen of Onslaught CO

    Bought it just for shits and giggles...
  6. Azraeli

    Azraeli Veteran Crowfall Member

    The events are quite good. They brought me in quite a bit of cash. It is fun when you are bored and just need something a bit mind numbing. PvP is very low. However, I think there are specific areas like the borders of factions where there might be some. PvP is available during faction events.
  7. Ani

    Ani Veteran Staff Member Communications Director

    this game makes me mad.
  8. Rakion

    Rakion Banned

    I have spent hundreds of hours on Elite Dangerous, I can answer any questions you have. I have over 700 mil in assets in this game. I was actually thinking about making some videos of it this weekend.