Elder Scrolls Online guild

Discussion in 'Elder Scrolls Online Public Chat' started by EniGmA1987, Mar 12, 2014.

  1. As everyone here knows, Xen of Onslaught will not be having an official Elder Scrolls Online supported division. We are free to play with each other in game, but it wont be under the XoO name. Since there are 8-10 of us XoO people playing so far (and hopefully more soon) we need a good place to keep the conversation going about the game and being able to group together as a guild easier and without taking up forum space and teamspeak server space that we are not entitled to. So I am posting this here to inform you all of a newly formed guild called "Onslaught" that I would like all our ESO players to go check out. This is NOT an extension of Xen of Onslaught in any official capacity, nor is it meant to take away members from our home XoO community. I hope you all will be sticking around here for all the other great games currently supported and the future games (like Star Citizen!). This new guild is so that we have a place to go to stay together and enjoy the Elder Scrolls Online. So please come check out the guild site and register up if you are an XoO member who is planning on playing Elder Scrolls Online

  2. The day has come that we are so focused on sticking our heads up our theoretical elitist asses that players within our own community have to go elsewhere to create another community to play games under a similar like title of the original community. What a state of things.

    Anyways; best of luck to everyone looking to play ESO. I believe that with the early trials and the adjustments made to the game before release that you guys will have something to sink your teeth into for a long period of time. I am fairly jealous of your upcoming RvR experience as I believe it will be a good pre-ample to my long waited game Camelot Unchained. Nice job on the forums Enigma (or whoever built them) they look sharp.
    Ironjaw likes this.
  3. Sorry that you feel that way PersonalRiot, but it really isnt that case of being elitist asses as you put it. Every community should want to succeed and Xen of Onslaught has good requirements for becoming a supported division. Unfortunately we could not fulfill those requirements from the people within XoO. This guild has a couple new people in it who are helping lead, and they didnt want to drop their own plans to come join a community they hadnt heard of before to lead here. The guild is also set up as a sort of "council leadership", rather than a CO command structure like XoO has. Q has been gracious enough to let me post this info here, in order to allow us Xen of Onslaught members to more easily play together without tearing apart the membership or taking people away from XoO.
    Last edited: Mar 12, 2014
  4. Snowman

    Snowman Veteran Star Citizen Officer

    sorry, been staying out of the guild politics since well.. for ever... why cant we just use the new/small game channels on TS?
  5. Hopefully this will become a larger guild and to be more organized than simply 1 small subforum in "Other Games" and a single Teamspeak channel in the new/small games area can handle. It also does not set a very good precedent to have proper requirements to be a division, then let something start up within XoO that doesn't meet those requirements while still providing all the standard forum and Teamspeak space like the divisions get who follow all the proper procedures.
    Last edited: Mar 12, 2014
  6. Yeah, I don't understand what you are trying to do at all. I see nothing wrong with people simply creating a small TS channel or posting random things this little "other games" section as part of a mini community, just like we did in beta and do in other off-focus MMOs and Co-Op games.

    Are you saying that since nobody stepped up to lead and recruit for a division you are gonna lead and recruit for a non-division guild? When you say "We want to become a larger guild" who exactly are you referring to?
  7. I am not leading it, though I may be a member of the leadership council at some point as more people are needed. The guild leadership is set up as a council, where each member of the council is much like the officers of XoO divisions but with a little more to do for each one. It does not have 1 leader like the CO of a division. The guild is primarily run by 3 people, Leoben (who is XoO), a guy named Chetmanly, and I cant remember the other guys name. I think it was Chet who was wanting to start a guild, but did not want to drop his own thing to come lead a division in a different way and in a community he hadnt ever heard of before. So the leadership structure doesnt match XoO requirements, the initial plan doesnt exactly match XoO requirements, and the primary person who was putting it together has not been an XoO member. Though they are allowing all XoO people to come in and be members with no application process or anything like that, and people from here are able to step up to help fill more leadership roles if they want to. I expect 50-60% of the member base at the start to be XoO members, and it is a sort of "friends and family" membership going on for entrance in right now.
    Last edited: Mar 12, 2014
  8. Grrrrr, due to recent forum changes I was unable to see the "other games" section for ESO for awhile but MWAHAHAHA now I am back :)

    Here's the deal with "Onslaught". It was a functioning guild that began in DAOC and ended in GW2. It has always been ran as a single GM and 5 officer leadership style structure up until it's demise in GW2. In GW2 the leadership (GM and all 5 officers, I was one of them) decided that they were through with MMO's, for the time being, until something worth playing came out again. Onslaught was then shut down and has been for almost a year and a half. When it shut down I found XoO, for the fps game PS2 and have been a Loyal Xen member ever since. I have no intentions of leaving XoO. I will be here till this site shuts down or I get run off. However, around the time the launch date of ESO was announced I started getting involved with the beta (meaning I finally got some damn invite's) and fell for the game hook line and sinker. This game is gonna rock (in my opinion).

    I started asking around if Xen was going to have a division and after much back and forth here in this subforum it was decided that if someone stepped up and took command and was willing to follow the XoO mentality we could have a division. No one wanted to do that, as well as myself. A couple weeks went by with still no one volunteering to lead the division and the stickied thread requesting applicants or some such to apply for leadership was removed and it became pretty clear that a XoO Division was not going to happen. That same week my old GM from Onslaught called me up and voiced extreme enthusiasm over having played a weekend of the ESO Beta and asked if I knew of a guild he could join up with and pal around with me. I told him all about XoO and what fine bunch of gamer's most of you are, but that there was not going to be a division due to lack of leadership. I also asked him if he was willing to lead it and he said that he had no desire to GM another guild. Too much work and not enough play time were his exact words. Shortly after that conversation I got called up by one of the 5 officers of old Onslaught voicing the same enthusiasm for the game after having participated in a beta. Eventually all three of us got in TS and talked over resurecting Onslaught or trying to get a division going within XoO and ended up deciding that If we were going to play a leadership part in any game again it would have to be under the following conditions:

    1) There will be no single leader. A council style of leadership will be utilized were policy and major guild decisions will be handled by all of the council members coming to an agreement on a decision. Costs associated with building a site and running TS would be spread out so as not to burden just one person. This removes the burden of managing a guild form a single person and spreads it across many people thus giving leadership more time to enjoy the game and more money to spend on hookers and strippers.

    2) In the beginning we will not take a Hardcore "level as fast as you can to max level" and begin doing group content approach. In the beginning, after the majority of our players reach max level at their own paces and we eventually begin to start doing group content and can determine if the game is going to be a turd or a gem we "will not take a hardcore approach". Think of it as a leisurely stroll down the path and actually reading all the story lines on the quests. Don't think of it as a bunch of casual gamers who only get to log in one day a week.

    3) If it turns out that the end game content in ESO is a sparkly wondrous gem and we are going to invest some time in it, then we will revert to the Onslaught mentality of old in kicking ass and taking names. No one currently knows, for sure, what the end game of ESO is right now. In past games we were continually ranked in the top 5 of on "our server's" (not in the world) for both pvp and pve for the games we spent allot of time in. Now granted we have none of those previous guild members who helped us achieve those rankings, but we do however have 3 of the early 6 leaders as well as Xen members, looking for a guild to game with, to help get us there, if the games end game content turns out to be good and that is where we end up going.

    4) We continue with Onslaught old mentality of first and foremost having a community of people who get along and work well together as our primary goal regardless of any other goal's. No one is allowed to become an elitist jerk-off like all of us can sometimes become when the game begins to pressure players for their best performance to accomplish goals.

    As you can already tell some of the initial goals we all decided on don't jive with XoO so that is the primary reason why we just decided to bring back the old Onslaught and not see if our style of leadership and goals could be created, within Xen, for ESO. It just would not have worked. Since that is the direction we all agreed on, we reformed the guild. That is where we are now. We have 3 Council members (myself - former Onslaught Officer and XoO member, Chetmanly - former Onslaught officer and XoO member who joined to try out PS2 and then left the game cause he thought it sucked after two days and lastly Penumbral - former Onslaught Guild Master). We have 10 other real life freinds whom at least one of us knows in real life who have either already joined the guild or will do so prior to launch and any XoO members who are interested. With no Xen members we have 13 people that plan to give the game a go at launch and see where it takes us. Xen members are more than welcome to join us so long as they understand they are still Xen members first and only with us due to our interests being the same for now. Most importantly Onslaught is not looking to detract from Xen members. I am a xen member and have contributed allot to Xen since I have been here. My contributions will not subside and when my gaming interests passes Xen's path again I will once again be in a active division for said game. Onslaught is only for ESO and will not go to any other games beyond ESO. None of Onslaught's current council members have any desire, nor do any of us have any interest in other mmo's being developed. This is a one game guild for ESO.

    It is my intention to clear up any questions you all may have about Onslaught, with this post and if anyone would like to know more or have questions I check XoO's site probably more than most of you do, so I will see it as you post it :) There will be a mission statement post on Onslaughts site as the council determines what the guilds goal will be, other than the four criteria we used in resurrecting it. It's been my opinion that it's too hard to give an accurate mission right now since so little is known about the end content of the game.
  9. Nice post and information. Good to see that XoO members will be able to find a home together. Hit me up when (/if) you guys move to CU : P
  10. ill be in...

    this does sound like more fun than work...I get enough work..at work
  11. That cleared up a lot, thanks. I'll sign up later and start thinking about what I want to make as my EP char.
  12. I have been watching allot of the "force Strategy Gaming" video's from youtube on all the wacky builds for the classes and it is astounding to see the viability of the many build's you would think would not work. It looks like the classic mentality of a melee dps class only able to effectively play melee dps is a thing of the past in ESO. Check out this video of a nightblade caster. When I think of a nightblade I think of a wow rogue raping me with his daggers from behind, not of a caster with a staff. Check out this video to see what I mean. In the very end he annihilates a huge pack of normal mobs and then dominates a dungeon boss solo where the boss never even touches him.

    I forgot to mention the Nightblade Tank:

    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 5, 2014
  13. senekz

    senekz Guest

    Sorry, cant understand why we dont have this division here, unofficial one at least
  14. Because no leadership for it.
  15. I explained it on the previous page in this thread in my wall of text thread.

    Here is the TLDR verion - XoO requires a CO and officer style leadership structure as well as defined goals that move the division towards being a top tier competitor in pvp / pve. After numerous weeks of "those people interested in eso" asking for a CO to step up, form and lead the division towards those goals no one was willing to do so. That is why myself and some others just created another guild. This was done primarily because the council style of leadership (vs a co and officer style) is not an approved model in XoO and also because the initial goals of the guild are much more relaxed (not necessarily as competitive). At some point that guild may decide to stay with the game for a long time (if the end game content turns out to be good) then we will recruit players from the public, or if the game's end game content ends up sucking and everyone agrees the guild will be scrapped.

    On the premise that the end game content is going to be awesome, ask yourself this: If you were an outside person apart form XoO and knew nothing about it and you were looking at joining a guild would you join a multigame community were the division your interested in joining has no formal division for the game you want to play or would you just join a one game guild that is dedicated to the game your interested in? Most would choose the latter and that is another determining factor in using an external guild.

    Keep in mind when I say external guild as well that is a rather poor choice of words. The guild is ran by mostly XoO members, is using some XoO resources (a TS Server that Q gave us) and as of now half the member base is XoO members.

    Regis beat me to it :) his is the really condensed version :)
  16. Council leadership rocks.

    Good luck guys I'm glad to hear you found a group of more than just 3 or 4 people who show up in TS on random nights. It's also good to be apart of something with focus.
    Ironjaw likes this.
  17. Mariusz

    Mariusz Veteran

    Registered on the new forums but wont let me post.... Same name as here.
  18. I got you approved Mariusz. No one can post until you are approved by admin's/moderators. Keeping it that way till we open to the public, then we will open the registration ranks to verification by email, questions and captcha's. All Xen Members are automatically approved you just have to wait for one of the council members to do the back end part. During the work week when I got my phone and my laptop up my ass for 16 hours the registration is pretty quick. On the weekends it could a bit longer :)
  19. Norrak

    Norrak Veteran

    Registered as well. Feel free to send me an invite in-game as well. Name: @Norrak
    Ironjaw likes this.
  20. Klunk

    Klunk Veteran

    I'll sign up at onslagh.