E3 Discussion Thread

Discussion in 'Public General Chat' started by EpyonNext, Jun 1, 2009.

  1. Well, Pre E3(or E3 -1 as Kotaku.com put out) starts today, and with that a whole slew of juicy game news. So lets us discuss this mmmmkay?....and hopefully keep this forum from getting flooded with 30 new topics about 10 new games.

    So what is everyone here looking forward to hearing about? I'm personally hoping for a release date on Halflife 2 Episode 3.
  2. EF2

    EF2 Veteran

  3. I wanna know what "MGS: Rising" for the Xbox 360 is about. Also interested in L4D2, ODST, Mass Effect 2, and Halo: Reach. Things looked good at MS's conference today. Let's see what the others have to offer....

    They also showed a cool trailer for Star Wars: The Old Republic MMO, which lots of us are into.

    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 5, 2014
  4. Slares

    Slares Member

    That trailer has to be the best lightsaber fight scene Ive ever seen
  5. Ryld Baenre

    Ryld Baenre Veteran FPS Member

  6. Wren

    Wren Veteran

    Damn, that kicked some serious ass. Looking forward to seeing how the game turns out.
  7. Samakar

    Samakar Veteran

    Microsoft was really the only good Press Conference that happened today. EA was painful, except for the Star Wars bit, and Ubisoft...........*cries* it was sooooo painful! I thought about committing suicide twice while watching it.

    Microsoft stole the show with Natal and all of the amazing announcements they made, I'm interested to see how Nintendo and Sony are gonna measure up.
  8. Xenzoku

    Xenzoku Veteran

    Looking forward to swtor :D
  9. L4D2 is the best thing ive seen so far!
  10. Final Fantasy 14 announced for next year. It'll be the next online installment.
  11. That motion capture technology MS showed off at their conference will kick so much ass if it plays the same way they showed it. Nintendo and Sony are shitting their pants with their motion sticks as we speak (yeah PS3 is getting a motion stick too, just like the Wii). "Motion-capture" is a whole leap ahead though.

    Nintendo's conference was a joke. Sadly, the best thing there was probably a simultaneous multiplayer side-scrolling Mario game. Is 'ol Nin giving up??

    Sony's conference had a pretty good lineup of games and a motion stick. God of War III, The Last Gaurdian, Unchartered 2, and Mag. Not sure if Mag is multi-platform, but it's an online FPS with 256 players battling it out. Sounds epic... I wonder if it has MMO elements.

    MS had the most impressive show overall.
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2009
  12. FF7 on the PS Store. Available today. Best announcement ever.
  14. Nishua

    Nishua Veteran

    I haven't seen everything from the show but there are few things that stood out for me.

    Project Milo
    -- It was cool but I'm a total skeptic though because the whole interaction shown between the women and Milo seemed scripted. If it does pan out the way they intended to and what it was shown in that video every kid in America will have one of those things. Think about neopets on steriods.

    -- I don't know how it will affect our games though. I don't know if developers will implement well enough so the experiences can be enjoyable for all ages.

    God of War III
    -- More of the same if you ask me. The gameplay videos were nice but I didn't see anything that shocked me. Granted GoW is one of Sonys best franchise so I expect the game to do big things.

    Halo ODST
    -- Not interested only because I'm mulitplayer junkie and this game is only a single player experience. I still haven't played the single player campaign of Halo 3.

    -- This game has a lot of promise. Granted I'm attracted it to because its grand scale and as long as Zipper can make it strategic NOT chaos I'm game. Graphically I'm not expecting much but in regards to balancing, depth, and teamwork and tactical execution I'm sold.

    Final Fantasy XIV
    -- This stole the show for me as FFXI stole my whole summer. I loved the first game best MMO I've ever played. As long as the team working on this project can address the minor flaws of the original it should have a huge audience. If you look at the trailer there is a short in-game clip around :40 seconds in. Hopefully, the game won't be a grind fest but I don't want players getting maxed level in 2 months. One of the things I like about FFXI was when you saw a level in artificat gear you know that guy/girl put in work to get that stuff.

    Uncharted 2:
    I just recently sold my PS3 and I'm buying another because of this game and because i love Socom Confrontation too much :D

    Halo Reach:
    -- Haven't seen anything on this so far but we all know it's golden for millions. Hopefully MS will give us a graphics update and some new mechanics. Whether you want to admit or not Halo has been the same game since it's come out years ago.

    Lost Planet 2:
    The one and only Xbox game that has me pumped. Visually its stunning, 4-player cooperative and online. What else can you ask for? I didn't buy the first but it was successful. The second iteration will set this new franchise in the history books of games.
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2009