Dust 514

Discussion in 'Upcoming Game Chatter' started by Valindria, Aug 18, 2009.

  1. Slares

    Slares Member

    This looks promising
  2. I am looking to find out how this will all work. Being an EvE Player for well over a year now, I do find this very interesting. The question for me is, is this only going to be for the console only, and thus do I need to buy a console to participate in this part of EvE?... or will there be a PC version as well... and if there is a PC version, will one have to subscript to EvE Online (US$15/month) to play. This was not made clear.... though I 'hope' that there will be a PC version as well.

    Btw, EvE also has another interesting program. One may play for free... in a way. Players can buy 30 day subscriptions and then trade them ingame for EvE money (ISK's). Thus, those that can afford to buy suubcriptions, can sell them to individuals that may not have the real money for a subcription, for ingame money. The only problem is that the market price of one of these 30 subsciptions is quite high, and not usually within the reach of beginning players. The purpose of this program is to put a dent in the Offline selling of ingame money. Right after CCP announced this program, they banned 6400+ accounts for farming and selling ISK's offline. So far, it may have worked... as the bot farming seems to have dropped like a rock, as was shown in CCP's Operation Unholy Rage Blog and in the EvE Quarterly Report...

    Operation Unholy Rage

    EvE Quarterly Report

    Also, the economy of EvE was designed and is monitored by a PhD in Economics from the local university. Being that EvE has a very free market economy, this guy must be loving the hell out of his controlled experiment.

    Addition: Here is a quick overview article of EvE Online based on GC 2009...

    IGN EvE Online GC 2009 Article

    The problem with EvE Online is that it is always evolving... thus always an upcoming game, imo. Even though it has been 6 years since its initial release, it is still considered one of the MMOG's that have the most potential by MMORPG.COM...

    My Top Ten Games with Potential

    The addition of Dust 514, which goes in a whole new direction, but still holds on to the originial theme and intergates the old with the new, is proof of this. CCP has really started to impress me as a damn well managed gaming company. Unlike many games that try hard to make an initial big bang, CCP developed EvE Online slowly over the years, building and tweeking what seemed to work well. Though EvE Online only has around 300,000 active subscriptions, and at most only around 55,000 online at any one time, I see it going no where put up. Plus, one does not have to worry about which Server to join, since everyone is on the same Server.

    The only problem with EvE Online, is that it is really a sandbox MMOG. Which direction one wishes to take their character is totally up to the player. This does not always make some type of players happy... not having direction. The Dev's and GM's also tend to maintain a 'hands-off' approach to player interactions. So if someone screws over another player, there is not much recourse. When it comes to simulating real human interaction and behavior, EvE definately does this. So if one wishes to be evil and steal ore from a little helpless miner, one can do it without consequence... unless the helpless miner's big brothers show up. So it is not uncommon when a weak character wanders into the wrong place to either get blown up for the enjoyment of some other player, or have to pay a ransom for them not to do so.

    CCP's latest announcement of a new Vampire/Werewolves type MMOG, called World of Darkness, may also be interesting. But this release is suppose to be a few years down the road.
    Last edited: Aug 19, 2009
  3. Deadend

    Deadend Veteran Crowfall Member

  4. Alchemda

    Alchemda Guest

    Looks pretty cool. I was the same way. EVE lacked direction for me. It has great depth but I like to be lead in directions by the game, not just "here you go, world is yours, do whatever". I have hopes for 514 though. It seems like a great concept of intertwining two games cross platform. I hope things like this become the new norm in the future.
  5. Deadend

    Deadend Veteran Crowfall Member

    I did a search it didn't show up :(

    Edit: hum it does now :confused:
  6. merged
  7. Too bad this isn't going to be an "addon" for eve so to speak... that would include the walking in stations and planet warfare... I am not fond of the idea of it being a console game, as it feels separate, yet effects the same universe...
  8. Panacea

    Panacea Banned

    Nice, will be checking this out.

  9. 1st. Thank you for merging the threads!

    I tend to agree with you. I think it's a really cool idea, but I think it should be a PC version as well. The video the guy said they are focusing on the console so maybe it will be console released on x and pc released on x +y days later.
  10. Panacea

    Panacea Banned

    I was told that there is a PC version, and that the servers would be "together". The PC player base and console player base would not be able to interact however, but the decisions and outcome of x player base effects z.
  11. looks and sounds promising.. Really nice looking too.
  12. Mariusz

    Mariusz Veteran

    More i read/watch about this game the more it pulls me in...cant wait to see how it works out, so long as there is a PC version

    Just finished watching the gameplay video....amazing....seems like someone is finally making a real MMORPGFPS
    Last edited: Oct 8, 2009
  13. Another article... not much new, but not a bad read...

    Edge Online
  14. Samakar

    Samakar Veteran

    I'm actually really interested in this, the original EVE was too slow for me, but this, this would be fun!