General Gaming Dredguard's Application

Discussion in 'Accepted and on Probation' started by Dredguard, Apr 26, 2017.

  1. Dredguard

    Dredguard Member

    Are you at least 18 years of Age?:
    Where did you hear about us?:
    Ashes of Creation Guild Recruitment
    Previous Gaming Experience:
    well I am 33 so quite a few lets go down your accolade list

    Aion for about 4 months too much grind for my taste
    Planetside 1 OMG this was my jam don't remember y'all but do remember it. I was in Blue Lions TRX and DT
    Planetside 2... not the same have significant game time but you had to buy damn near everyhthing... PTW to an extreme
    WoW who didn't play this I was on quite a few servers most notable Burning Legion guild OG, Laughing Skull Deus Vox, Legendary Warlords back when AV was a damn near 24 hr game I forget the server cause its been forever lol
    Guild Wars that was more of a solo thing for me both 1 and 2
    LoL Solo again not really playing anymore atleast not ranked
    SWG I got a Jedi the old way... now that was a class unlock I was expecting similar on DK wow did not happen which is why I quit wow and end of Wrath
    SWTOR I wanted this to be so damn awesome but sweet lord if they didn't punish F2P accts I still can't log on cause I have too many chars
    What is your time zone? (NA/EU/Oceanic):
    Central Standard time NA
    What game(s) are you interested in playing with XoO:
    Ashes of Creation and not sure what else might do BDO but friends told me to stay away from that hot mess
    Do you have TS3 and a working mic?:
    Is there anything special you think we should know about?:
    I don't care TS vs Discord actually only picked up Discord cause of Ashes but w/e I think I have all the VOIP services TS Vent Mumble Dis etc

    Also have at least 2 other players that will join but they are significantly less distinguished however they are my IRL friends and I will be in the same guild as them even if it is not the top on the server.

    DARKTIDE!! Veteran Staff Member Xen of Onslaught CO

    @Ezenkrul You got another!

    Don't worry about their experiences, we ask that so we know who we are talking to a seasoned or a new player. It just helps us in the introduction process. Allows us to take more time with TS integrations and things like that or we can cut to the chase.

    BTW BDO totally a hot mess, but if you wanted to get into it. I know the guys will try and make it less hot? We have a very long time for this game so gotta find stuff to do.

    He will send you information ASAP. He is quite busy lately IRL.
  3. Ezenkrul

    Ezenkrul Veteran Black Desert Member

    Thank you for your application! I would like to talk to you in TeamSpeak about joining Xen Of Onslaught, but in the meantime feel free to go to our official XoO Discord. There is a link to our Discord channel at the top of the page in between the FAQS and Contact Us links.

    I will send you a private message with the TeamSpeak information and we can setup a time that works for both of us. I usually work the weekends until 6 PM PST.

    DARKTIDE!! Veteran Staff Member Xen of Onslaught CO

    @Ezenkrul Moving this to approved he is in the BDO division. Please sit down with him when you can. No reason to have this open application anymore.
  5. Ezenkrul

    Ezenkrul Veteran Black Desert Member

    Awesome. Yeah I will sit with him