League of Legends Doxy's Application

Discussion in 'Accepted and on Probation' started by Doxy, Jun 30, 2012.

  1. Doxy

    Doxy Veteran Camelot Unchained Member

    Planetside 2 Application
    How old are you?
    In-Game Name?
    Do you have Teamspeak 3 and a mic?
    Why did you choose XoO:
    18+ req., TS3, and Soyokazes post "Xen is not for everyone" in your recruitment topic. You guys seem to be very organized and i like it.
    Previous Gaming Experience:
    Was a big Wolfenstain, Doom 1-2, Hexen, Quake 1-2 fan.
    From modern FPS, only like Battlefield series as they promote teamplay instead of a lone gunman style.
    Diablo 1 and 2 are my all time favourite rpgs.

    Started playing MMORPGS in 2001 with DAOC. My 1st RVR MMO and most memorable one at that. Moved on to SWG and loved it till SOE killed the game.
    Lineage 2 came after that. Played it for around 3 years on and off. PK, gank, sieges, clan wars, pve spot wars, bot wars, done it all =]

    Tried WoW when it came out. Got to max level. Hated the pvp there and havn't touched it since.

    Also after that, played some mmos here and there. WAR, Aion, Rift, Horizons and the most recently flopped SW:TOR.

    From F2P games, World of Tanks is the only one i played for about 1.5 years.

    Kept my eye on PS2, got a beta key and here i am =]
    What will you contribute to the guild?
    I am a very active and loyal member. I like to have fun and get the job done.
    I am very helpful and generous. Will be playing either Heavy Assault or a Tank driving Engineer.
    Gonna be FRAPsing and editing PS2 footage in Sony Vegas.
    Do you have a referral?
    A little bit about yourself?
    Im 29 years old.
    Was born in Ukraine and immigrated to Canada when i was 14. Still speak both Ukrainian and Russian.

    Loved computers since i saw one in 1994 i think =]
    Been building my own PCs since 1999.

    Had a car accident in 2001 and broke my neck.
    Thats when i started playing MMORPGs full time =]
    Activity level?
    70-80h+ a week
    Do you have a high speed internet connection and a good computer?
    Have you applied to the Planetside 2 usergroup?
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2012
  2. Dullard

    Dullard Veteran FPS Member

    Welcome Doxy! It's always good to see PSU members coming over here to check us out.

    Now that you've filled out the forum application the only step left is a casual "face to face" interview where one of us will ask you a few additional questions and then we'll answer any that you might have. I've pm'd you the information for our Teamspeak server, so feel free to stop in and hang out or see if any of the Planetside Officers are available, Miir, Kazzier, Kythas, Fliggenman or myself. My availability varies, but it's usually between 12pm to 2am CST.
    Hope to see you soon!
  3. Kythas

    Kythas Veteran

    Thank you for taking the time to interview! One of our organizers will be getting back to you soon.
  4. Dullard

    Dullard Veteran FPS Member

    Processed and Accepted.
  5. FliggenMan

    FliggenMan Veteran

    Welcome Doxy. Glad to have ya with us.