Dogfighting Preview

Discussion in 'Star Citizen Public Chat' started by PersonalRiot, Apr 11, 2014.

  1. Enjoy.

    Edit: More of an engine preview. Myyyy badddd. The player is pretty terrible but it is a decent watch. My interest has been increased a lot by watching as a long term playing of sci-fi flight sims (Freelance, Starlancer, etc) and also playing EvE for a number of years. Looking forward to seeing how development turns out.
  2. Graphics look amazing
  3. abdulrapidz

    abdulrapidz Veteran Xenforcer

    Full video (apparently)
  4. DeadDuck

    DeadDuck Veteran Star Citizen Member

    I think my favorite was the lockon animation but I'm still digesting it.

  5. Remember that this game uses an upgraded Crytek engine. The polygon count of the models are some of the highest we have ever seen in video game history. So ya you are right, graphics are amazing.

    I hope everyone has some beastly graphics cards with a lot of render pipelines and shader processors. When the full game launches to play on high settings you will probably need whatever the top end GPU is at the time.

    Remember when "Ryse" was the big issue on it's downgraded graphics? And Im sure you all remember when the big deal was the original "Crysis" and the whole "but can this ruun Crysis?"


    Hopefully this dogfighting preview module wont be TOO stressful.
  6. Dag

    Dag Veteran

    Pretty sure that was CR doing the flying lol
  7. those GPU discussions give me chills...
  8. Daith97

    Daith97 Veteran Camelot Unchained Member

    A nice follow up interview video with Chris

  9. _Tron_

    _Tron_ Air Supremacy

    PAX east future of gaming
  10. _Tron_

    _Tron_ Air Supremacy

    I really want someone to make a meme off chris roberts face when the nvidia guy was talking about microsoft lol, and then switch to chris saying "we will be supporting linux" lolz
  11. _Tron_

    _Tron_ Air Supremacy

    Can you imagine in 5 years You've playing a game with AI's that you've trained that are different from other people's AIs... the star citizen AI slave army is coming...
  12. I wish one could already get hands-on with the dogfighting module. The PAX East 2014 footage (dogfighting and flight model, maneuvering and shooting mechanics) is rather disappointing.
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2014
  13. Dag

    Dag Veteran

    That's because CR is awful with a controller.
    _Tron_ likes this.
  14. _Tron_

    _Tron_ Air Supremacy

    It should be out in the next month, if at least the single player version. Are you saying you dislike the flight mechanics, or just the footage itself? There is better footage of folks at the PAX event who are better pilots playing it. Also, yeah the HUD is not ready and they have gone through several iterations with feedback. In regards to the flight model you should take a look at all the developer forums as they go into detail about why they changed the power to the maneuvering thrusters for the demo on the hornet. Also there is reason all of the space objects, asteroids etc is in there because it basically limits the 'two eagles fighting each other' problem of just flying at each other, yawing 180 with newtonian physics and going back at it, though they will also be limiting that ability as well since g-forces will kick in on that extreme of a yaw (as was seen) though again the thrusters were buffed (for the demo) which needs to be debuffed.
  15. _Tron_

    _Tron_ Air Supremacy

    lol and everytime higby gave an opinion chris was like no. hahaha
    Dag and NefariousVII like this.
  16. NefariousVII

    NefariousVII Veteran

    ^ Hahahaha!
  17. Moose0704

    Moose0704 Veteran

    This game is going to be awesome!