Diablo 3

Discussion in 'Other Games (Not Listed)' started by Valindria, Jan 3, 2013.

  1. Playing on and off Season 2 Hardcore demon hunter.
  2. Tais

    Tais Veteran Crowfall Member

    How is the demon hunter in terms of dps and surviving?
  3. Ujnex

    Ujnex Veteran Chronicles of Elyria Officer

    op as dps, surviving depends on how good you are
  4. Tais

    Tais Veteran Crowfall Member

    So a higher skill ceiling, sounds good.
    I do prefer higher dps, debating between DH and Wizard.
  5. Tais

    Tais Veteran Crowfall Member

    Been playing the DH. It has been good fun getting to level 51 and now I have finally finished Diablo 3.
    I am slightly tempted to get the expansion, but doubt I will play it too much more.
  6. The expansion was when the game turned great actually, just hit level 70 in hardcore with the demon hunter. Very fun class to play. I went with a more survival build just being in hard core and all makes you play a bit differently. DPS is good, but if I where to trade some survival utility for DPS I can see some serious damage.