Diablo 3

Discussion in 'News - Front Page Posts' started by Kyoji, May 17, 2012.

  1. Does this mean you are playing it Kyoji?
  2. Downloading the client now.

    game is dope
  4. Its fun, and definitely a high replay value to the game, as it was with Diablo 2. If you have a spare 60$ id pick it up.
  5. Damn right. Errbody gunna wanna play noaw.
  6. tytons

    tytons Guest

    do we have a group going on for this?
  7. Pretty big group on. Check the D3 forums in Other Games sub forum.
  8. got a little tab going on "Other Games" forum, around 20 people from the guild have submitted their BattleTag name and well just join a game of any guildy or invite them over to help out or just have fun.
  9. tytons

    tytons Guest

    hmm i dont see an "other games" must i apply for it or something?

    i just clicked on the "join a division > apply D3"
  10. if u click on the "FORUM" page ull go to where u find EVERY forum XoO has;
    1.) News and Announcements
    2.) Recruitment Forums
    3.) ETC.

    to the very end, the last one ull find

    Other Games
    Sub-Forums: Other Games Roleplay ,Aion(EU) ,Blade & Soul ,"Diablo 3" ,Firefall ,Minecraft ,RIFT ,Starcraft 2 ,The Secret World

    u click on DIABLO 3 and thats the one ure looking for.
    and here is the link just in case.