Diablo 3 - Imminent?

Discussion in 'Upcoming Game Chatter' started by PhoenixDog, Jun 24, 2008.

  1. Diablo III... oh dear god... Now I really WILL fail out of college...

    Looks like the tracker is being overloaded by people looking to grab the gameplay trailer... every peer I'm connected to is at 0%... =(

    I agree. We should start a Diablo III division and get into beta! That would be awesome!
  2. BobJr

    BobJr Guest

    I hear ya dude I just started work on my PharmD program......... Looks like that won't be happening.
  3. Wren

    Wren Veteran

    Can't wait for this to come out.
  4. just go to blizzard.com it will port you to the d3 page, and you can watch the trailer there... was really fast for me...
  5. Aww, thanks commy. I'm just very stubborn when it came to things.

    A day early though, I predicted they'd announce it tomorrow.

    I can't stop bouncing in my fucking chair with giddyness. I'm Over-giddy!
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2008
  6. Holy shit. I'd also like someone to look at something for me. In the cinematic trailer, Diablo (near the end of the video roaring) has what looks to be 3 heads. If this is the case...

    "Dante and Virgil, with no one to talk to, quickly move on to the center of hell. Condemned to the very center of hell for committing the ultimate sin (treachery against God) is Satan, who has three faces, one red, one black, and one a pale yellow, each having a mouth that chews on a prominent traitor. Satan himself is represented as a giant, terrifying beast, weeping tears from his six eyes, which mix with the traitors' blood sickeningly."
  7. Crae

    Crae Veteran Crowfall Member

    Mmmm Im glad I was wrong about the splash screen.
  8. I noticed 3 mouths atleast not sure about faces, were there different colours they all looked red to me

    Just watched it again and there were faces and they were all red, but it could just be the red and pale yellow one and they looked red from the fire.
  9. Well I never played Diablo before, I dont know the story and I somehow still find myself looking forward to this game more than any other game coming out that I know of. Someone fill me in one day so I am not lost when this one releases.
  10. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diablo_(video_game)#Story

    Looks like Blizzard is finally seeding to the Gameplay Trailer torrent. I'd suggest grabbing the video via the torrent posted on mininova. It connects to the official Blizzard tracker, but allows you to use your own bittorrent client for faster downloads.
  11. Thanks Chris!
  12. Same here. With one exception... SC2! Both blizzard classics. I would assume that SCII would release first since it was announced first. I bet we have another year or so before this bad boy comes out.
  13. AAAHHHH!!!!


    Check out the fucking gem above "And the heavens will tremble". I STILL DON'T KNOW WHAT IT DOES!!!
  14. Did you activate it? lol
  15. I bet it's a huge billboard counter of how many times it's pressed at their HQ!
  16. Vanguard

    Vanguard Guest

    I got off my lazy ass and watched the trailer.

    I would like something more than a teaser. Didn't we kill all the prime evils? What else /is/ there?

    I don't mind a third Diablo but I just don't see it how it makes sense.
  17. Seth_Almighty

    Seth_Almighty Veteran

    Say what you want about Blizzard, but they really know how to get me excited about a game.

    Marketing genius

    Also it looks like we will be seeing Barb/Witch doctor (looks like necro replace)/Druid/maybe Zon. The druid and zon(not sure) came from the concept art video. Wonder what other classes are in store for us? I hope one is the death knight!! JK, JK : P
  18. I read somewhere that the Witch doctor is not a necro replacement... So I hope necros are still there.
  19. Lev

    Lev Banned

    Alright, now I'm starting to get pumped. That's a fucking sick homepage btw.

    God that whole site is god damn sexy, here's some of what seems to be going on for the (tl;dr)'s

    2 Announced Classes:

    Witch Doctor


    Firebomb: Basically a pumped up exploding/oil potion that seems to work the same as Fire Blast in D2, very nice explosion which probably grows with level.

    Horrify: Fear compulsion spell that seems to effect either a certain range (large) or anyone looking directly at you, nice DK2 ghost-like effect above your character.

    Locust Swarm: Seems to be an AoE delayed damage effect like Deathly or Vampiric swarm in Guild Wars, only it spreads sort of like rabies in D2 a certain amount of times which most likely grows with level.

    Mass Confusion: A smokey blue ghost-like image appears and applies the Confuse curse to a large area of monsters, which could be useful for aggro management in large areas and especially disrupting the ranged backline of a defensive spawn.

    Soul Harvest: A PBAoE skill that effects a fairly large area around the doc, it seems pretty abrupt and powerful. Enemies slain by the effect seem to power the doctor up somehow.

    Summon Mongrel: a mongrel seems to be a zombified dog that the witch doctor can summon from the ground at will, in addition to being summonables they can also be powered up by Locust Swarm to be able to carry a disease further increasing it's attack capability.

    Unsummon: Mongrels (possibly including other Witch Doctor/Non Witch Doctor summonables) can be unsummoned into explosions, making them into effective explosive corpses at the doc's will.

    Summon Zombie Wall: Lolwut? Looks like the doc can summon something like a bonewall made of zombies that can attack enemies that come near... sorta like firewall + hydra + bonewall.


    Cleave: Seems to be a front adjacent multihit attack, but my guess is that there is a good chance it only multihits if it kills the enemy it first hit, seems to be the new spammable low level, like bash.

    Ground Stomp: This seems to be the new replacement for leap's old usage in D2, it's a big AoE stun that seems to actually work for a good amount of time... I'm not sure how this will tie into PvP.

    Leap: This looks badass, it seems to be an AoE version of D2's Leap Attack.

    Seismic Slam: Looks like it works the same as most games use Earth Render, it's a big frontal earthquake attack that seems to hit randomly in little isolated spaces inside a spray cone in front of the barb, these spaces may be able to be rebounded off walls to change the direction to more of a wide spray when facing a wall.

    Whirlwind: The classic level 30, seems it has been slowed down which may or may not be a bad thing, it all depends on if it's a certain amount of hits per whirlwind, if you can still control the whirlwind's length, and if it's hits per second instead.

    Charge: There is a blue trailed charge skill in one of the undead screenshots and in the gameplay trailer, seems to be relatively the same as the paladin charge.

    Additional Notes-
    In one of the barbarian screenshots it seems theres a female barbarian PC, so you can most likely change your gender as well as your class.

    4 New Races Announced

    Things hinted would be obviously skeletons, zombies, large shielded skeletons, undead raisers (with raise power same as the greater mummies in D2) and the existence of necromancers in D3.


    Gnarled Walkers:
    Kind of a spinoff of thorned hulks back in Act3, these seem more true to the treeant look, but seem to be more based on shambling mounds from DnD, they come in plain or poisoned flavors.

    Dark Cultists:
    They seem like the new heirophant type class, but more into summoning demons and sac skills like in GW, or something like that. We will have to see later, the plot drama is certainly hyped around them though.

    Additional Site Notes-
    Page 2 top mid picture in the artwork section seems to be a neo-andariel drawn up in goth/kurzick style.
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2008