Destiny: fan info video

Discussion in 'Upcoming Game Chatter' started by Deadend, Mar 3, 2014.

  1. Deadend

    Deadend Veteran Crowfall Member

    Nice video gathered up all the info pretty well.
  2. senekz

    senekz Guest

    PC Version? no?!... sorry m8
  3. Deadend

    Deadend Veteran Crowfall Member

    Yes it is coming to PC when , nobody is saying, but Activision's people have been hinting and winking at people about it since E3 this year. And I doubt Bungie will handle it themselves most likely the porting will be handled by somebody else. Maybe one of the COD dev studios or something.
    I'm going to play it on the PS4 it seemed to work fine for the alpha. Especially when Bungie is going out of their way in a couple interviews to say it will look and play pretty much the same no matter what the platform so don't expect any real improvement for the PC port over the consoles.
  4. I'm interested in playing this, and I don't own a console.
  5. abdulrapidz

    abdulrapidz Veteran Xenforcer

    I am currently playing the Destiny Beta on PS4. Really enjoying it and I will defiantly be picking it up on release. Footage when i can.
  6. Deadend

    Deadend Veteran Crowfall Member

  7. abdulrapidz

    abdulrapidz Veteran Xenforcer

    You should try the online multiplayer, really good!
  8. Tzepic

    Tzepic Veteran Bless Online Member

    Buying a PS4 for this game looks amazing
  9. Rush

    Rush Guest

    guys add me Rushx84 :D
  10. Tzepic

    Tzepic Veteran Bless Online Member

    From what I've been reading up on Raids in this game they are going to be six mans and VERY difficult. They won't have match making for it either. Def will be good to have a few Xoobies to play with.
  11. iCatalin

    iCatalin Guest

    This game had a budget of few houndreds milions $, right?
  12. Khal Gate

    Khal Gate Guest

    I think so, best milion sever spent :D
  13. Kalverin

    Kalverin Veteran Star Citizen Member

    I'll be playing on PS4 as well. Add Kalverin on PSN if you want to get together.
  14. Tzepic

    Tzepic Veteran Bless Online Member

    I'll be rolling a Titan and more than likely maining Defender subclass. Add me on PSN: Tzepic
  15. Delacroix

    Delacroix Veteran

    The game franchise has a budget of 500 million. That includes advertising and for other games as well. =]

    I'm surprised there's not more love for Destiny here in XoO. I'll be playing on PS4 as well, buying the white PS4 bundle. Played the beta and was hooked!
  16. abdulrapidz

    abdulrapidz Veteran Xenforcer

    Won't be getting on release so i don't abandon my studies, but should have it by Christmas break!
  17. Deadend

    Deadend Veteran Crowfall Member

    Fairly disappointing game all of about 10 min of story over about two and a half hours of actual story missions. The rest of the time you're expected to grind out levels and gear, Meh. Strikes consist of bullet sponge bosses with waves of little guys who's only really purpose is to drop more ammo cus your going to be dumping on that boss for 5 or 10 min maybe as many as 20 on some of them.
    Wish I hadn't bought it now I should know better then trust anything published by Activation by now. I'll probably fart around with it here and there just to get some of my monies worth out of it the gameplay is good enough for some casual PVP but that's about it.
  18. Tzepic

    Tzepic Veteran Bless Online Member

    I'm having a lot of fun with this game I can't wait to have the gear to start raiding from what I've seen of the live streams it looks like a lot of fun.

    The different pvp modes are pretty badass too.

    I do hope they add a lot more content with the download packs. A couple strikes won't be enough to keep people long term.