Destiny 2 Info

Discussion in 'FPS Public Chat' started by Ravnis, May 20, 2017.

  1. Ravnis

    Ravnis Veteran FPS Member

    Good info from youtuber JackFrags about his time playing Destiny 2 on both PS4 and Computer at the reveal.

    Jes likes this.
  2. EniGmA1987 likes this.
  3. So "players are in control of their movement and abilities", it runs on the client side. I can already see hacks coming in for unlimited abilities... lol
    Jes likes this.
  4. Pretty disappointed about the launch delay on PC. : \ 7 weeks is a fucking massive amount of time not to have the game spoiled if I want to go in blind. Oh well, I'll still likely play it but I'll need to shut off any media source for Destiny content for awhile.
  5. 4K Video demo.

    I'll be on it for 1080p 144hz but I'll be rooting for those who do get it @ 4k.
  6. pretty

  7. cant wait to see it on my 40" 4K monitor :D
  8. Update on the veteran rewards - nothing from console transfers to PC. If old players want veteran rewards (not a big deal just banners) they must continue on the same line of product (PS->,Xbox->). Not a huge lost but damn Bungie. You couldn't even both to migrate some of the basic info to PC?
  9. Ravnis

    Ravnis Veteran FPS Member

    For anyone instrested one of the bigger streamers will be streaming Destiny 2 beta if you haven't made it into the beta yourselves.

    As of this posting the beta starts in roughly 5 hours 10 minutes.
  10. Just going to wait for the PC beta to check things out. I can't imagine it is long enough to not have it all spoiled by streamers in a couple hours.
  11. Ravnis

    Ravnis Veteran FPS Member

    Yeah there isn't much to it honestly. I think it's just what they had at the reveal. Most of the streamers are just doing pvp now.
  12. Had some downtime during the weekend and decided to preview it on the Xbox. Played the first mission, strike, and one round of PvP. Overall; my opinion is kind of bland. The environments look great compared to the first game - areas shown are massive compared to the first thanks to the new engine. The game looks great visually overall with a ton of extra particle/weather detail that we never really had much of in the first game. Honestly the engine upgrades are fantastic and I wish we had something similar for Destiny 1.

    Now for the bad stuff; the new weapon system of double primary is pretty underwhelming. It doesn't feel great and really limits the enjoyment I had in the story mission/strike mission. While a lot of Destiny 2 was shooting things with a scout rifle I always felt like my other weapons were ready if I needed. Now the 'other' easy option is usually just another primary which felt kinda meh. Heavy ammo was pretty rare so I didn't even get to test that much. The addition of a grenade launcher is nice (even if it needs to be scaled better).

    - Pros: Looks great. Runs great. Looks like a decent story this time around.

    - Cons:
    New weapon system is underwhelming/disappointing for PvE.
    The new subclass layout is disappointing compared to unlocking/choosing what you want for builds. Not a huge fan of it being "streamlined"
    Ability cooldowns/supers cooldowns were fairly long.
    There is a ton of balance changes that need to be done.
    Pretty sure most classes move slower (the pace of the game has been turned down).

    So a mixed beta impression overall. Hopefully they can get another round of tuning in for the PC beta.


    Other thoughts, Scout Rifles are the new sniper for basic loadouts. It is likely your optimal PvE loadout will be X/SR/X. One of each element like we used to have for getting shields down and boosting up damage in the future.
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2017
  13. [​IMG]


  14. August is awhile. End of august is even longer : < The game is going to be out on consoles not long after. Seems like the PC beta is honestly only really about testing the port/bug fixes rather than having much impact on the game.
  15. TwilightAngel

    TwilightAngel Red Queen Chronicles of Elyria Member

    Question...... Do we have the Clan up and running since you can create one on the site when you log into your profile.

  16. Lots of people reporting being banned shortly after starting beta, many of them seem to be running Discord so you may want to steer clear of having that running in the background when playing this beta. Most likely due to the overlay being detected as some sort of cheat program, but IDK for sure.
  17. TwilightAngel

    TwilightAngel Red Queen Chronicles of Elyria Member

    Can't you turn off the overly?
  18. Jes

    Jes Veteran Crowfall Member

    would like to know this as well
  19. Jes

    Jes Veteran Crowfall Member

    nvm found it on another post =P