
Discussion in 'Other Games (Not Listed)' started by StashVG, Mar 2, 2013.

  1. Solok

    Solok Veteran

    aye i have the launcher now thru some trickery but my account isnt entitled to play the beta like hundreds of people.... trion are going to get such shit for this. they may even lose alot of potential players. Start of beta was also down for nearly 3 hours.. tut tut. ill be in live i guess just shame i couldnt stream for my friends again bah
  2. Solok

    Solok Veteran

    ok my accounts finally verified downloading now and i can finally get some sleep shud be able toplay it tomoz and maybe get some footage. thax again moose for your responses to this thread
  3. Goosfraba
  4. im Roch of course on the PC version
  5. Moose0704

    Moose0704 Veteran

    Awesome! Glad you got it, played it a couple hours, it is pretty sweet! I'm Moose0704 in game :cool:
  6. Solok

    Solok Veteran

    Ok so pretty much streamed my entire beta time. about 22 hours give or take ive played now. EGO rating 303 have done every side mission and story mission in the first 2 zones.. Not bad imo. alot of content for 2 zones to do. Done 2 of the co-op dungeons. noticed that theres only 7 co-op maps on the achievement page bit shitty if theres only 7.
    I don't like the pvp. Its pretty much third person call of duty and I fucking hate call of duty. Bunnyhop with rocket launcher machien gun or shotgun you win its not skill based at all so wont be pvping.
    the difficulty scaling is tremendous. Not sure how they done it but i went to help a friend out that was 100 ego rating below me back at the starting area of the game. The shit we were fighting could kill me it scaled to my difficulty so theres plenty of replayabilty as even though its a low level zone the enemies are high level because you are.
    All in all the beta has shown me my fears i had with the game have gone however like I said the only having 7 dungeons is a worry, the fact there only seems to be 5 zones to play in is a worry.
    Time will tell. Thanks to anyone who watched my stream had 4 viewers at one point as it was my first broadcast to none privacy setting friends was cool to see.
    I'll be playing on north american server at launch I think as I met a Twitch streamer called Stoicgaming and have joing a clan with him. hes a funny guy and i know this won't be a Xen game.
  7. I just preordered the game go ill be playing, going to try and get the name Roch if the beta char info is deleted if not then ill update this with my new char name if anyone wants to play with me
  8. So I got the name Roch for PC, currently at 200 ego

    and anyone else not get their preorder perks?
  9. haibane

    haibane Veteran Crowfall Member

    How's the game then now that it's live ? I'm hesitating on that one, since Arma III's out soon and there's still PS2 to play !
  10. I am enjoying the game, already 450 and i think im about to beat the story line =)

    did you play in the beta haibane?
  11. haibane

    haibane Veteran Crowfall Member

    Nope, didn't touch the game at all :( what's there once u're done with the story line ?
  12. well i would say that the game is like a mmo story mode of black ops. its cool that you can be running around doing your story quest and someone else who catches up to you can join in and the mobs str jump to match having more people

    now that i have finished the story(which is great by the way) i dont honestly know =/ just level up my ego and weps. i just got a killer automatic pistol that i think im going to go rape with in pvp and then there is the normal mmo honor grind for the rep factions

    also there is the constant arcfalls, kinda sad thought they were going to be more of "HOLY SHIT AN ARCFALL I GOT TO GET THERE!" but instead as im checking the map i check it to see if its one i want to do or if its almost over i may consider it
  13. haibane

    haibane Veteran Crowfall Member

    Arcfalls are like RIFT's rifts i guess ? Hm, i'm hesitating then, it's like buying a single player game like bioshock in a way then, not much replayability yet ?

    I'll probably consider it when price drops a lil bit :)

    It'll also depend on how good the show is, there are commercials even here, hard to believe, first time i see an ad for a syfy show in France at bus stops... most people don't even know what channel syfy is .
  14. It could be good if the show ties in to the game every week. I'll get it after the show comes out probably.
  15. I dont know I only played RIFT for a couple of days so i cant say if they are like it or not, but if the story is as good as the games then it will be a hit
  16. Rift was great imo. Played Rift for a year after XoO did its bomb thing. Everything about the game was good, at least until they made the shit too easy. Well I didn't pay attention to story so guess I can't comment there. But trion does a really good job at patching things and making sure shit is updated.

    Defiance though feels like a different beast. There's just so much lacking from the game that I don't see it evolving into anything more than a less funny borderlands. I've already played that game.

    Already have people, more than just a few, "finished" with content and its only 4 days out. Solo is stupid easy and grouped is fun but not much to grouping. No real "epic" fights as compared to normal mmo's. It just depends on how many bullets you can spam while hiding at that perfect angle.

    Defiance so far gets a 5/10 from me. Great graphics, great ideas, great company, but lack of FUN content, group play, and replay that just make you sit there and say "this could've been so much better".

    I have the game, mostly to support a company I like, so I will see where it goes from here.
  17. Have you guys started a guild yet? If so, send me an inv. Tribat in game.