Discussion in 'Public General Chat' started by Tazildanda, Jul 7, 2008.

  1. Tazildanda

    Tazildanda Guest

  2. unless it's over 9000, I'm not interested.... in fact, I'm just not interested.

  3. would be a nice game if they took thier time and made it good, but I doubt they will. =(
  4. It's already out, just not in North America.
  5. Xeiiib

    Xeiiib Veteran Star Citizen Member

    It's a Korean made game... "I have more potions than you, so I win." No thanks.
    Hate Korean MMO gameplay styles and story (because story doesn't really exist).

    At least they did well with their graphics.
  6. That saddens me...
  7. Branded Wolf

    Branded Wolf Guest

    It amuses me that you get to kick vegetas ass. Otherwise I'm waiting for the Sailor Moon MMO.
  8. Yeah........No.
  9. i'm in this category
  10. swifthawk

    swifthawk Veteran Crowfall Member

    i like DBZ!!
  11. vegeta pwns your face.

    dbz is win and a classic, sailor moon is fail, and that game is questionable.
  12. DavidDBZ

    DavidDBZ Guest

    Nice find! I love DBZ and i look forward to this game coming out! Looks like my main games will be huxley, guild wars and DBZ online!
  13. I wonder if he likes DBZ? Btw, who are you again?
  14. Badcrumble

    Badcrumble Guest

    It interests me, I must admit, but...probably not.

    If they continued with the Priest MMO or Bastard! Online I would have been a lot happier. I enjoyed Dragon Ball and beyond while it lasted, but too much hype behind it in my opinion and it doesn't deserve an mmo.

    Way off topic, but I feel they need an mmo based on the works of HP Lovecraft. Maybe not so much the Cthulhu Mythos, but the Dream Cycle world seems like it could house an mmo environment. I'm interested to hear what other people feel would make a good mmo, but I'll start a new post for that so as to not sidetrack this post.
  15. i have respect for graphics :/
  16. DavidDBZ

    DavidDBZ Guest

    Im in our guild wars division under the same name. "DavidDBZ" And as soon as our huxley division starts up i'll be in that too. Thats if we start a huxley division but i hope we do. Im playing in the beta now and i like the game so far. :)
  17. Never ever playing another korean game. Ever.
  18. FliggenMan

    FliggenMan Veteran

    Most respectable authors would probably not want that done to their fiction in my opinion.. it sort of veers off of the point of what a story is meant to do. One of my favorite authors (who writes alot of new-wave, speculative, "weird" fiction) has an article about the basis for MMO's as well as for a certain type of ridiculous writing style (which I agree upon) which many fantasy and sci-fi authors have coined "worldbuilding". Check it out:


    And sry if I'm veering off of DBZ, but I don't know too much about it anyway.
  19. Http://darkdaysarecoming.com

    I do believe is based off Lovecraft... They used to have like a shit ton of puzzles and riddles and mysteries and crap, while we were trying to solve the answers and such... It was a big buzz back in 07...

    And btw, it is being done by Funcom
  20. I have played a couple DBZ games at my friend and don't like them so no for me.