Discussion in 'Public General Chat' started by Kyoji, Jan 22, 2009.

  1. yes all caps

    check those emails
  2. oh and...

  3. 3000 members a game does not make.
  4. dash

    dash Guest

    Mr Darkfall knwitall...Can you send me some contact info on someone wh ll actually put us in beta rather than jerking our chains for the last 3 years
  5. just wanted to quote that.
  6. there is a magical number that makes a game?

    all of them...even me.

  7. Lev

    Lev Banned

    DiabloII has more than that, and it's 10 years old.
  8. Sirius

    Sirius Veteran Crowfall Member

    Not so much 3000 members camping the official forums simultaneously though? That's fairly well up there, even if WoW probably has them beat much of the time.
  9. This is when people were waiting for news if the game was actually going to launch a beta on that day.
  10. bull.. have had my beta app in since 06 and still nothing.
  11. Hay guise, remember when we actually had a Huxley section on these forums? :p

    Seriously, though, I hope that this game makes it to release and that the gameplay it promises actually all works. I haven't been overly impressed with any of the graphics I've seen, but I think if the gameplay is rock solid it really wouldn't matter to me. MMO/RTS/FPS? Yes, please, and may I have another...and another...and another...
  12. Xenzoku

    Xenzoku Veteran

    Clearly Cox its cause they dont want your awsomeness breaking the servers this early.

    IF they do intend on sending me a key, i hope its not for a few more weeks still. I really want to play this game but now not a good time :(

    Also I still havent really decided what race I want to be.
  13. aside from the fact that your computer sucks and people have been registered since 03...I guess you should have gotten in.
  14. my computer pwns and ive been signed up since the start and i did not get a thing so get used to it haha
  15. prNu

    prNu Veteran Bless Online Member

    They mentioned that they also sent clan invitations.

    Dash is leader on the boards, right ? Anyone know did he get anything ?
  16. yes they did mention clan invites ... i hope we got a few :)
  17. Nastrand

    Nastrand Guest

    No email for me.
  18. dash

    dash Guest

    I did get something,prNu. Royally screwed.
  19. It's ok, I heard they only sent out 10 invites to 10 clans.