Darkfall Review

Discussion in 'Creative Writing, Graphics, Movies, etc.' started by Kyoji, Sep 5, 2008.

  1. Nastrand

    Nastrand Guest

    i keep telling myself.. UO+Shadowbane.. UO+Shadowbane.. come on baby roll the dice!
  2. looks good enough for me..Ill be there.
  3. actualy it looks like morrowind. even the races are some what a rip of elder scrolls.

    but if its a good game ill have to give it a try!
  4. hehe
  5. 1080

    1080 Guest

    biting your tongue yet? :D

    10k subs? I'm guessing way more than that has already been preordered and the demand is still insane
  6. mercsan

    mercsan <font color=ff00ff size=1>T</font><font color=ff00 Crowfall Member

    last time I checked, when you play an MMO you are playing with less than 5,000 people on your server anyways. So your sentence is null and void. Learn to Intelligence.
  7. 1080

    1080 Guest

    Usually true, but DF servers allow 10k on them per server. Don't know what kind of witchcraft they've used to pull that off, but I'm impressed.
  8. the same EVE did?
  9. 1080

    1080 Guest

    Doubt it, since Darkfall is basically one big seamless world.

    EVE uses a ton of instancing (warping), kind of Guild Wars style, but hides it really well and makes it appear more seamless.
  10. Meemo

    Meemo Guest

    Just to clarify the terms as I'll be using them:
    Server - One of the physical machines running the shard.
    Shard - One copy of the game world. I will not use 'server' for this as I do not want any confusion between shards and physical servers. A shard may be spread across multiple servers, or multiple shards may exist on a single shard.
    Instancing - Making private copies of parts of the gameworld.

    Actually in Eve systems are not spread between different physical servers, so you only change server when you change system.

    And nothing is ever instanced. The closest you get is stuff spawned where only you have the exact location (remember, space is huge). But if they learn of the location, they can enter it just as freely as you can.

    Is that total accounts on that shard, or concurrent logins ?
  11. 1080

    1080 Guest

    Pretty sure it's concurrent logins.

    And I didn't mean EVE was instanced per se, just that it uses a similar technique to allow 40k+ people on at once (aka it's not seamless). They call it "StacklessIO" technology I believe, not really sure exactly how it works because I've never been a big fan of EVE, but I respect the hell out of what CCP has done with the game.
  12. Meemo

    Meemo Guest

    True, it isn't a seamless world. But that is a different concept to instancing, as people need to be able to freely travel between the sections of the world, while instances can block such travel.

    I'm not sure about how StacklessIO works either.. All I can tell is that it is probably how they communicate between different servers in the cluster.
  13. Deathcloud

    Deathcloud Guest

    Easily the worst beta I have ever played. If this game has 25k active subs at the 6 month mark I will be blown away. The only reason that people would play Darkfall is because of the lack there is of this type of game in the MMO market today.

    From the lack of life in the cities, to the completely redudant skill list, to the worst UI in any MMO, ever, I see this game will performing somewhere between Dark and Light and AOC.

    If you are absolutely diehard wanting to play it because of FULL LOOTING wait at least 6 months.
  14. mercsan

    mercsan <font color=ff00ff size=1>T</font><font color=ff00 Crowfall Member

    you fail.

    simple as that.
  15. And you win with comments like that? Oh I get it. . . you were joking. . .

    very funny. . .
  16. Deathcloud

    Deathcloud Guest

    He just needs a hug.