Darkfall Online.

Discussion in 'Public General Chat' started by GeneralNemesis, Jan 12, 2009.

  1. The joke that just keeps being funny.

    I mean, less then 10 days, no info of where to buy the game, how much it will cost, who's supporting it when the game launches, if/when will there will be an open beta, what the system requirements are, no one in the game media hearing about it.

    If this somehow manages to not turn into dark and light(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dark_and_light). No one knows what the UI looks like what most of the stuff you can do in the game because... they haven't told anyone about it.

    This might be a good money grabing scheme in the making where you donate to a greek paypal and then they run with the money.
  2. well for the work they put into it, they should make some money IMO if it were a scam...I may throw in $15 for them for effort if it were the case. =P

    Either way we will just have to wait and see. Red Alert was on the shelves on the 22nd with no warning way back when and managed to become a HUGE hit.

    Either way, you will still be watching for it since there isn't anything else coming out now or is out that is any good. xD
  3. Meemo

    Meemo Guest

    This may be intentional if they don't want the servers to be overloaded on release day. Their plan may be to start off with a small number, then start advertising to increase numbers at a manageable rate.

    Which would also explain them not doing an open beta, as it may get too many people interested.
  4. Tazildanda

    Tazildanda Guest

    You can only buy it through a content download off of their site since they are not doing a NA release at the same time of a European release.
  5. Deathcloud

    Deathcloud Guest

    Their main dev, Tasos or whatever, has promised an open beta. If the game does indeed launch on the 22, that would mean the OB would have to start like today.

    Chances are the game is going to horrible, but many of us hold a very very small glimmer of hope.
  6. Looks like Darkfall is simply going to fall in the dark, and fade away without anyone noticing. How ironic. I bet the game was advertised on our very own forums (by yours truly) more than anywhere else.

    I could be wrong, lets hope so for Kyoji's sake and credibility... but I doubt it.
  7. im not worried about credibility as play a lot of games and people know me, unlike others who rarely post or play games. ;)
  8. If Darkfall fails, then well I have no hope for any game in development anymore... if you spend like 8 years on it and turns out to be shit, then something else is wrong.
  9. name a recent game that hasn't had a huge amount of criticism. vanguard, potbs, aoc, warhammer...
  10. Lev

    Lev Banned

    Kyoji knows his odds, he's just willing to put all his chips on the longshot. Any members that he talking into signing up for the beta (or full release it now looks like?) only have the liability to the PR for those members, which is only really a couple dozen people in the end and probably more if this kite gets off the ground. I mean, you could look at it in the way that if the game flops then all the time and energy Kyoji put forward could have gone to an already released game which needs that energy, but really you have to remember that it's Kyoji's energy, and therefore Kyoji's chips to bet.
  11. you should have named some successful games kyoji... those aren't helping your argument hah
  12. true, although its not like I am time constrained...it's not like other people where if they spent the time and dedication for something that would normally time bankrupt them.

    Also, its not like there is anything good out now or anything coming out soon to put your hopes in...Darkfall is the last bastion for many.

    Of course I put my chips in other areas as well...I asked for a build beta invite for Mortal Online, getting some people rounded up for Jumpgate Evolution and applied for guild beta, rounding up people for Earthrise, beta/alpha testing a few games, etc.

    hehe, true.
  13. Lev

    Lev Banned

    Well, for the sake of the guild I think I have to mention that new games are bets, where as already established games are investments.
  14. the future of the guild is the future games that release.

    just because we play a game doesn't make it a good one...there may just, simply be nothing better. I am sure many are wanting a new and improved version of whatever they are playing and are getting bored with the same game. I know at least I am, however, perhaps its because I play all day, everyday.
  15. No, I'm playing three hours a day at most, and still getting bored of what there is at the moment.

    I'm hoping Darkfall is something solid, but I won't be disappointed if it's not. I have other things to keep me occupied.
  16. prNu

    prNu Veteran Bless Online Member

    I don't know what to say, it just seems like half of the people wants to pick up old dead games and don't even want to give a chance for the new promising games.

    Ok, so WAR failed, AoC failed, everything failed, I've already played games like those a million times and they never promised anything that wasn't already in a million other MMO. It's all just repetitive crap.

    Darkfall ain't meant for those carefree gamers, It's for people who are looking for something new and challenging and have grown tired of all these flops.
  17. Why the heck i feel obligated to defend AoC.

    o well, people try AoC one more time becuase its worth it!

    but darkfall is still game from a small company with a tight budget and Greece has had a bad year, including some riots in Atenas.

    so i wish them luck with the game! and i hope i have the chance to play their game.
  18. Ahahahaaha Darkfall is delayed again. Who would of guessed?