Archeage Daniel Byas's Application

Discussion in 'Accepted and on Probation' started by Seojun, Jan 8, 2015.

  1. Seojun

    Seojun Veteran Black Desert Member

    How old are you?:
    In-Game Name:
    Do you have TS3 and a working mic?:
    Where did you hear about us?:
    I have seen many members in game and saw the advertisement in chat.
    Previous Gaming Experience:
    Before Archeage i played a lot of league of legends and Minecraft. I played WoW a for a small time. I was in the myath guild in archeage before the rest of the guild stopped playing and i was in Haranyas Royal guard before leaving due to conflicting ideas. I do not plan on returning to any of these guilds.

    List Proficiencies & their Level:

    Localization (NA/EU/Oceanic):
    What class/role will you take up in game?:
    I play as a primeval and enjoy it a lot. I may switch to a darkrunner or shadowblade in the future.
    What is your current highest level character?:
    Activity Level (in Hours):
    Have you joined the usergroup?:
  2. Please join the usergroup and hop into TeamSpeak (channel: Applicant Waiting Room) to have your interview.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 8, 2015
  3. Seojun

    Seojun Veteran Black Desert Member

    Proficiencies: husbandry 12k, fishing 13k, gathering 29k, Commerce 69k, larceny 9k, farming 2k
  4. Seojun

    Seojun Veteran Black Desert Member

    I have put in to join the user group.
  5. Porie

    Porie Veteran

    Accepted and on probation!
  6. Efi

    Efi Veteran Communications Director

    Sync'd forum name and in-game name.