Crowfall vs Camelot Unchained

Discussion in 'Upcoming Game Chatter' started by Kyoji, Dec 25, 2016.


Which are you most interested in?

  1. Camelot Unchained

    7 vote(s)
  2. Crowfall

    7 vote(s)
  1. The eternal debate
  2. I hate to say it because I was getting really interested in Crowfall but it will probably come down to which comes out first and gets the bigger following. If the first game has any issues people will jump ship right to the next one.

    I think both games have some great ideas that can work

    I like the drifting continents
    I like the aesthetic (dark that DAOC)
    The dungeon that wants to eat you sounds cool

    I like the campaign idea
    I like Eternal Kingdoms
  3. Object

    Object Veteran Crowfall Member

    I think CU is going to fail, it's as simple as that.
  4. Rag

    Rag Veteran Crowfall Member

    CU sounds great but looking at it, it's going to fail most likly and looks like chit as it is
  5. Varitas

    Varitas Veteran Crowfall Member

    I think Crowfall is more likely to deliver.
  6. Object

    Object Veteran Crowfall Member

    Tbh, my opinion is based on two things, three if you count just my hunch.

    1. The CU devs fail to understand why DAOC was so good at pvp, it wasn't because it had a ton of good pvpers but because it had a ton of bad pvp and a smaller group of good pvpers. DAOC brought 'fodder' aka PvE'rs into pvp to try to gain relics that affected pve so much. CU is pretty much ignoring that aspect while Crowfall is going to rely heavily on crafters aka fodder aka me and is actively putting people like me into harms way by forcing us to gather supplies. Archeage did the same thing with trade packs and fishing but it was fishing that really nailed this aspect on the head...too fucking bad AA was mishandled so horrendously...

    2. While CU is adding some sandbox elements into their game Crowfall is going full retard sandbox. I say full retard sandbox because players will be able to ruin the world like fucking tards and it's AWESOME. Why will it work, sheer brilliance, worlds that only last a set period of time and then reset.

    Can I see into the future? Fuck no, but does Crowfall have a system that actually works with what's going on? Yes. CU has potential and if handled properly they could be a success, it's not a bad game but it's not really capitalizing on the current trends. Crowfall is capitalizing on current trends and just generally fits better with what players are looking for in a pvp mmo, if it's handled badly it'll crash and burn like AA did though.

    As for developers though Crowfall has a pretty big one up on CU, the CU devs have made some successes but the Crowfall team has not only worked on successes they have also worked on failures. They've also been part of teams that had a good game and made it shittier coughUOcough, and that is invaluable experience in the industry.
  7. I am personally more interesting in CU. I imagine both of them will fail to deliver 100% of their goals due to the small dev. team but as long as CU nails at least a persistant on-going tug of war between 3 factions that is all I care about. Honestly I had a lot of fun in Guild Wars 2 RvR gameplay and considering it wasn't the focus of the game I will at least enjoy CU for a long time to come. At this point, it is pretty much up in the air that either of them will have any amount of quality that will keep a player base around. Last but not least, I have less and less structured time these days so CU appeals to me more. Crowfall seems to be heading towards the EvE Online of pvp-loot and risk=reward which is great back in the day. But later this year I'll likely only have time to jump on/crunch some face/and pop off which means I would prefer to keep my shit from expiring/dying/being looted etc.

    I played PS1 for years without getting bored because it was a great three-faction battle. CU just needs to appeal to the same people that PS1/DAOC did.
  8. all depends on if they can capture that audience, seems like almost every game fails to even when they come out and say "this is our target demographic". maybe we are just too jaded at this point.
  9. Object

    Object Veteran Crowfall Member

    The market is too saturated, I don't see anything in CU that'll attract more than one demographic really. CU probably won't have the playerbase to support itself after maybe a year tops, pvp games need players to survive.
  10. pvpers are like locusts though, they zerg from one game to the next. lucky if they stick around for 3 months
  11. Object

    Object Veteran Crowfall Member

    That's why I think Crowfall has a chance, there will be those no lifer pve players that will support the game forever and they will be the core that keeps a flow of pvpers into the game.
  12. I know BDO took a hit at the 3 month and 6 month mark but its actually in a pretty good spot right now, it feels like there is the right amount of people in-game for node wars and server population now that we are on one mega server.
  13. Oddly enough I need some gathering therapy...
  14. I think both will be good. CU will be nice for a relaxing group oriented PvP setting while CF will be more hardcore PvP oriented. I could see myself totally playing both. I have bought into both so I look forward to both. CU isn't as polished but it has a custom engine for massive battles which will be nice.

    If CU brings back any memories of Warhammer or DAOC I will be psyched. WAR was a good game, but with some major flaws sadly. I would love to play something similar again with my old school XoO brethren.
  15. DARKTIDE!!

    DARKTIDE!! Veteran Staff Member Xen of Onslaught CO

    If I had to put it down right now, I would love to play CU more than Crowfall. Why because I think its going to take me back 15 years to my glory days of sitting up all night playing around in large scale combat, stealing relics and just having fun and trying to plan constantly for 2 un predictable forces.

    With what CF is trying to do, I see it appealing to what the gaming industry is more about now. We see tons of Survival type games coming out all the time, with their make shift PVP in them. They are capitalizing on the industry right now, and putting more things in play that survival games are lacking in the PVP department, because they have their years of experience.

    I personally will be trying both and coming to a solid conclusion after a few months of both on what one I like more. Honestly tho, while CU has my heart, I think my game will be CF just do to the amount of people that will find it more enjoyable with the type of mechanics they are looking to put in.
  17. Object

    Object Veteran Crowfall Member

    I don't think DAOC remade would even work today, the market is just too saturated for that type of game. It was essentially a themepark with GW2 mixed in, aka a sandpark and AA basically did it and failed due to the business model not working. My money on the new pvp focused game with pve at it's heart would be either Albion or Crowfall, Albion is in a forever beta state though so I'm hoping Crowfall will bring my the glory days of assisting my brethren in all out war.
  18. Object

    Object Veteran Crowfall Member

    Headline Prediction: "After months of denying any mergers, City State founder Mark Jacobs has announced that Ea/Ubisoft/Activision has purchased the company. Mark Jacobs is quoted as saying it will be business as usual."

    Couple months later Jacobs is fired and then decides to make a new mmo while Activision City State lays off most of the team.

    I just want to add that we all know DAOC remade wouldn't work today because it was basically done already in the form of Warhammer Online and everyone knows how that went and spoiler Mark Jacobs was at the helm of that game. Sure yes you can argue that Warhammer only really failed after the EA merger and EA has a bad habit of ruining mmo's (Tablula Rasa, SWG) but the only reason Mythic was bought was because it wasn't doing well. Why in gods name did Jacobs think the two faction system would work....

    It seems CU is looking at some of the negatives about Warhammer and went nuts about those things, the main thing was the performance issues so to solve that they have a custom client that's supposed to be able to handle a metric fuck ton of clients....but alas how do they know they'll even get that kind of playerbase?

    I don't think Crowfall is assuming they will get a massive ton of players, I think they understand the market is saturated and is trying to design a game around small skirmishes instead of massive battles like CU seems to be aiming for. Again, I want to restate that each company is focusing on completely different things, City State is focusing on their past mistakes and trying to make the same game they've been trying to make for 20 years now while ArtCraft is making something that almost feels like a moba but as a mmo, which is kinda what the market is looking for.
  19. I do not think there are many RvRvR games out there. Outside of PS2. Anything else is, IMO, a small title filler game till CU releases. Warhammer was an amazing fun game; at least for XoO. We were the best of the best featured by Mythic and recognized by Marc Jacobs as the being the world first to capture altdorf in a legit manner.

    The game failed in a few areas IMO. #1 is that the game was RvR instead of RvRvR so our Destruction alliance dominated and was far too powerful. This is akin to the GW2 power alliances that dominated the game. #2 was the instability of the game engine. The game simply couldn't stand up against the many players we had bashing away at castles and enemies. Lag was atrocious. #3 and most importantly IMO was server balance. On any given server one side completely rofl-stomped the enemy. The enemy would hide and we would be bored to tears. With the addition of a 3rd faction it should help faction balance.

    Whether CU works or not is undetermined but assuming people learn from their mistakes I am hopeful for the game.
  20. Plus with a third faction ass-jamming is back! Nothing like slamming into two enemy forces who are already fighting and just wiping out 80 people