Crowfall Beta Signup

Discussion in 'Upcoming Game Chatter' started by Kyoji, Feb 20, 2015.

    A new game from the creator of Shadowbane and producer of SWG and Ultima Online. They plan to use Voxel technology to make the game destructible and intractable.

    The game is being called a Throne War Simulator whereby strategy, economy and political elements are bing added to make the game far more than any traditional Sandbox game.

    Sounds interesting. Th game utilizes basic class archetypes which then evolve from there to add diversity. The starting classes are at this point: Confessor, Knight, Assassin, Templar, Frostweaver, Duelist, Stalker, Forgemaster, and Legionnaire.

    The game also utilizes a Darkfall-esque mechanic of leaving out player levels and focusing on increasing talents, abilities, and combat traits. They can do this in both passive (ala EVE Online) or active like Darkfall.

    The game is also going to have advanced combat much like TERA with dashes that can be used to avoid attacks as opposed to a randomized dodge system. Melee attacks for example can be cone, rectangle, spherical etc and you can turn on or off the visual ground texture (think Wildstar) to see where you will be attacking.

    The game also partially does away with the "Trinity System" by removing a large portion of the effective in-combat healing one can perform and receive. To this end it would seem there are NO HEALERS! Now there are other support classes that can perform some healing with a plethora of buffs.

    To top it off you may be wondering about PvE dungeons if there are no healers. Well then look no further because in Crowfall there are no PvE raids!

    If you are wondering more about the player creation and development system then look no further. The game will sport a promotion class and discipline system to diversify your character from others. There will supposedly be a LOT of combinations. If you are wondering how this can possibly stay competitive and balanced? Well then the developers state that it isn't supposed to be!

    One of the key elements of strategy games is they have a win condition followed by a board reset. You start the game, you play the game, someone wins. You reset the board and start a new game.

  2. Mishka

    Mishka Veteran FPS Member

    Looks pretty cool :D Signed up for beta!
  3. I like the artstyle and web design. From the points you listed, color me interested. Signed up.
  4. mushmon

    mushmon Veteran Crowfall Member

    Looks pretty interesting, I signed up for the beta
  5. Tais

    Tais Veteran Crowfall Member

    Already signed up a bit ago.
    Really looking forward to this game.
    They also have some sort of annoucement in 3days 14hrs time :)
  6. interested ... signed up
  7. Doxy

    Doxy Veteran Camelot Unchained Member

    In 3 days they'll launch a kickstarter i bet.
    This game sounds ambitious, but imho does not have the funds to back it up.
  8. Tais

    Tais Veteran Crowfall Member

    Yeah most likely some form of crowd funding announced.
    It seems quite similar to Shadowbane, thats why I am keen for it.
  9. Tais

    Tais Veteran Crowfall Member

    The information dump is tonight (for me), roughly 14hrs away.
    They have stated that they will be putting up crowd funding details as well as a lot of details about the game, as well as showing some alpha footage.
    They stress that they are still in development and that there will not be an annoucement of beta at this stage.

    I will most likely be dropping money on this for alpha, as long as it isnt too expensive ;)
  10. LordSitric

    LordSitric Veteran FPS Member

    I loved shadowbane so I am defiantly interested in this game if nothing else but because the designer of shadowbane is behind it I will be signing up for the beta tonight after work.
  11. I'm definitely interested in this if solely for the fact that I need a nontraditional mmo.
  12. Delrakin

    Delrakin Veteran Crowfall Member

  13. Backed it for $30. It is always tempting to spend more but I am done spending a sum of money on Kickstarter for product that don't exist. Even more so for MMOs that might never happen. Best case scenario; I get the game $20 off. Worst case; I am out 30 bucks (meh). I like the idea and design. Plus it is going to be awhile before this game gets made so lots of time to sink my teeth into Camelot Unchained.
  14. I pledged $30 as well.
  15. Tzepic

    Tzepic Veteran Bless Online Member

    Actually just saw this on Polygon today. Was thinking I may back as well, looks like a solid idea.
  16. I don't plan to put in too much $$$ but $30 now could save me if I chose to play it later. Shadowbane+EVE sounds like a plan.
  17. 30$ from me
  18. 30 from me too!

    Estimated Delivery: Dec 2016 lol
  19. Alpha starts in Summer 2015
  20. Vangelis

    Vangelis Veteran Crowfall Member

    Beta? Humph. How about Alpha?