League of Legends CoRRh's Application

Discussion in 'Accepted and on Probation' started by CoRRh, Sep 9, 2014.

  1. CoRRh

    CoRRh Veteran

    How old are you?:
    Do you have Teamspeak 3 and a microphone:
    Do you understand that Teamspeak usage is required at ALL times?:
    What is your in game name? Also, please link your player profile from www.Planetside2.com:
    Why did you choose XoO?:
    My old main is NC. I can't count the amount of times I lost against you guys. I always got my ass whooped. I looked in to you guys for AA seeing as how I know y'all were capable of leading an organized group. Now that I've been in the AA group for over a month, XOO has gone over my initial expectations. You have great, dedicated leaders and very great members. I have always wanted my gaming experience to have a Clan/Outfit/Community that knows how to properly lead large groups effectively. It's great to be here.
    What can you bring to the table?:
    My charm ;) In all seriousness, I've never been great at answering this question. Due to having high standards for how other people should act, I often don't meet my own standards, thus resulting in not being very self confident. I used to be incredibly socially awkward, though, I've gotten over that, so it isn't an issue. I guess plainly my answer is another meat shield for the better players.
    North America
    Activity level?:
    30-40 hours a week. I'll be focused more on ArcheAge on its' launch, though.
    Please list all your alts on Emerald:
    CoRRh-RCN6 (I have some pretty strong friends in PotP as well, though they are pretty unorganized atm)
    TickleMeSelleck (silly, right?)

    CoRRh was my main, so it's the only one I've gotten past BR20 on.
    How did you hear about XoO?:
  2. abdulrapidz

    abdulrapidz Veteran Xenforcer

    Since you are already in XoO, just hop into our channels and ask for an invite to outfit.