Concerning Planetside 2

Discussion in 'Public General Chat' started by Runsaber, Aug 21, 2011.

  1. Runsaber

    Runsaber Guest

    PhoenixDog i know your out there!

    Anyhow this game couldent come out soon enough. For all you old fogies left from back in the day i'll be looking forward to playing w/ y'all again. Glad to see XoO is still around for it.

    Anyhow ill be lurking around and when the time comes ill reg and do all the red tape stuff so we can get to killing shit like before....

    Annnd ill try to get my wife to play w me. ;);)

  2. Corltan

    Corltan Guest

    If they make a Planetside 2, I'll be there.
  3. Oh hai dur.
  4. Runsaber

    Runsaber Guest

    Oh y halo thar?!
  5. Wow cool a Corltan sighting

  6. oh ill definitely be there
  7. Runsaber

    Runsaber Guest

    A wild isurus draws near. Wonder how many old folks I can get to pop up in one topic....
  8. <---- Q01
  9. Corltan

    Corltan Guest

    Indeed. Finished school and joined the army, so that ate up a lot of time over the last couple years. Good to see you guys have kept the community going.
  10. ooooo.... Its almot creepy how many vets are coming back! Perhaps we'll get a blueflame sighting? Or maybe a hendricks, or trabob?
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2011
  11. Yeah yeah I'm here. I don't come onto the forums TOO much right now as I'm not involved in any games atm. Much love, Runesaber!
  12. Doing that now, if you have any helpful advice please send me a pm!
  13. Have you already signed hanuman, or are you still considering it? Cause let me tell you, don't believe the shit the recruiters tell you about the MOS's, they butter it up to sound appealing. There are some really good ones out there, but there are just as many shitty ones.
  14. I've done about 45-60 days of research, I've contacted about 200 people and have spoken with reserves, current BMQ, post BMQ, BMQ dropout, Armor, Inf, Mil Police, Logistic, Veteran trainers, intelligence, and ex-recruiters.
    I'm taking chem and physics for CF med tech trade, I'm thinking of going reserves to skip BMQ and get good creds ++promotion chances are higher and I rather learn top down than under the foot.

    Haven't said a word to a recruiter yet, I trust em as much as I trust a cell phone contractor.
  15. Corltan

    Corltan Guest

    Well... any advice would probably depend on what you are looking to do in the army
  16. Corltan

    Corltan Guest

    Earlier in the fiscal year will make it more likely a job you want will be open, as well as make it more likely there will be a bonus for the job you want. However, bonuses are minimal right now as the military is looking to cut in size a bit. Also understand that advancement in all jobs is not created equal; you will make NCO in some jobs faster than others based upon the needs of the army. How fast you may advance should not be a primary consideration for what job you want, just understand its a fact of life. Of course your own capability and effort will matter as well.

    And things are different if you are looking to go officer as well. And if you are looking to go warrant helicopter pilot, that is very highly competitive.
  17. Blackice

    Blackice Veteran

    Oh wow it's Corltan. You went to the army?? Did you end up deployed? I thought you were going to be a chef or something.. :)

    Hope you're enjoying the TriCare health plan at least ;)
  18. Corltan

    Corltan Guest

    Yeah, deployed right now. Almost done though. Unfortunately I'm stationed at Fort Polk. Probably the worst base to be at in the 48 states.
  19. Runsaber

    Runsaber Guest

    Well concerning shitty bases I went air force back in 07 and dyess would like a word w you lol. At DM in tucson now
  20. Han, best decision I made was to join up.