Community meeting - February 19th

Discussion in 'News - Front Page Posts' started by Brownmccoy, Feb 5, 2011.

  1. Hey guys, we'll be having a community meeting on Saturday Feb. 19th at 5pm EST. The agenda will be a pretty basic one.

    Game recap
    Leadership changes in games (and leadership for new games)
    Vegetarant (aka ranking system)
    Upcoming games

    Get the discussion rolling here on any possible topics and/or questions
  2. Oh boy I'm looking forward too it.
  3. i wish you would pick another day or time 5pm est ill be at work. im off sunday threw wed.
  4. We might try Sunday next time.
  5. I should be there. :cool:
  6. wont be there, working
  7. Should be able to make it._
  8. I'll be there.
  9. Time is perfect for me.
  10. Scratch that I can not be there. I have some personal buisness to take care of that weekend. I do apologize in advance.
  11. well things have changed here at home so ill be there :)
  12. won't be there or will be late. last game of the season (not including playoffs.)
  13. Can someone else from Rift be there?
  14. Kelemvar

    Kelemvar Guest

    I will be there.
  15. Mark

    Mark Guest

    I might make it, but I'm normally working all day on Saturday and Sunday, so no guarantee. :3
  16. I'll see if Drag can be there, but I trust my officers to give a report. since we're not "live" yet, it obviously wouldn't entail much.

    if the meeting goes long, longer than a half hour, I might be able to make it back in time, but I can't guarantee it - our game start time depends on whether the other games are on time.
  17. Foxy's going to be there, so I'd be surprised if it lasts less than three hours :p
  18. LOL!!!! :D

    I will be in attendance. :happy: Guess I have to actually talk this time, right, Fox?? LOL! :D
  19. Ill be there with my whip to keep foxy inline :)
  20. go dig that 92 page speech back out so I can make it home in time for most of the meeting :p