
Discussion in 'Upcoming Game Chatter' started by Kyoji, Oct 22, 2009.

  1. Looks good with graphics nothing short of amazing.



  2. Cammy152

    Cammy152 Guest

    Sorry noobie but cnc4 is beyond lame, Any hardcore cnc fans will tell you its about the story and not about the grapics, Soon after EA took over Westwood it went down hill, The games never felt the same from 95 =(
  3. Senuui

    Senuui Guest

    funny you said EXACTLY what i was thinking. i was looking at the screenshots thinking.... ever since EA screw-ups took over c&c something has been missing. you can see it in those screenshots yet i cant define it.

    you could say it's the craftman ship..... the extra touch westwood putted into their games compared to EA but.... how can one describe the difference from c&C from any other wargame ( like this one is just ''another'' wargame)

    would like to challange those who have the same view as me ( and presuming cammy agrees on this) to describe whats missing these days.
    (beside the awsome music of Frank Klepacki )
  4. man.. good ol RA2 haha so many hours wasted lol
  5. Pretty sure EA has also screwed with the game mechanics. Like your construction vehicle can be packed up after it's deployed and moved, and it respawns if it dies, and some other weird shit.
  6. Cammy152

    Cammy152 Guest

    CNC is 1 of the best rts there is, Every game they made had the mcv that moved, Its been used and liked. The fact is they just killed it, Ive played since 95 with dawn and sun, nothing comes close to the story :p

    This is the end of CNC but....

    This is EA, New game for ending with a non release after end game, Expect it to keep going
    Last edited: Oct 22, 2009
  7. Lies! Starcraft is by far superior ;p I never had a chance to play the old CnC but I played 3 a bit and it wasnt my cup of tea. Maybe 4 will be better? I liked the cut scenes.
  8. I am a CnC fan and I love all of the series. You can't really be a fan if you don't like it. Plus Tiberium etc had some nice storyline and it actually made me want to see what happened next. Overall I think CnC has been the most successful RTS series ever created.

    I love the graphics, mechanics, and storyline of most if not all of the series ever since I played CnC1 although the best one ever was Tiberian Sun as far as fun gameplay.
  9. Senuui

    Senuui Guest

    Got to say, the mechanics were screwed. even when a base was completelly destroyed you could still go on and rebuild everything etc.
    been playing since the DEMO of c&c1 and when released c&c1 .

    every mission had a bit of a challange not to mention the action was better. they kinda got rid of that made it uber easy for everyone.
    i agree Tiberian sun was the best of the series. loved the style/story of it too bad we never had the chance to play as the mutants.
  10. Retsah

    Retsah Veteran

    Me and my workmates will probably get this. It's a fun game to get online with and have fun and the graphics look spectacular on this one.