cleverbot AI chat

Discussion in 'Public General Chat' started by doctorie, Dec 9, 2009.

  1. TwilightAngel

    TwilightAngel Red Queen Chronicles of Elyria Member

  2. lol u play Aion? and are homosexual?
  3. lol u ...fuck I can't think of anything clever.
  4. Anyway. It's kind of bad at everything but I think since it gets its response from input from people we should make it think that is it Xen of Onslaught or have a response to a certain question end up saying Xen of Onslaught.

    So everytime you ask it "What are you?" it will usually say " I am(are) Human." We need to just reply everytime to "No, you are Xen of Onslaught."
    Last edited: Dec 10, 2009
  5. Yizelin

    Yizelin Veteran

    After a bit of arguing who asked first (claiming that I am Alan Turing got it answer me though!), I got it to spill that its master is James Dean.
  6. Haha. It called itself the God Emperor of Mankind one time and Jenn another time. I've got it to say "End Conversation." everytime it asks "What is the meaning of life?" now.
  7. Hello, Alan.
  8. Me - Then why did you ask what a robot looks like?
    Bot - I didn't. You thought I did.
    Me - I simply asked what you looked like. You brought the robot into it
    Bot - I would, but seeing that you are a computer, you can not see.
    Me - So you think I'm a robot too?
    Bot - No I think you are a zombie human with issues.

    Not a bad little program to argue with...But I found out later that he hates women and admits to being sexist.....
  9. I go it to say...

    Me: STFU
    bot: noob.
  10. lol winner
  11. Me: ...
    Bot: Are you single?

    Like wth? xD
  12. "xoohq" "love"....

    "Xen of Onslaught" "End conversation"

    "Sokar is a noob" "No thanks, I just ate"


    just did another one thats an inside joke with friends... "Who the fuck invited Brown McCoy?" "I'm a computer!"...
  13. haha thats funny .. just spent 5 minutes talking with an AI ..... does that make me crazy?
  14. After a short conversation:

    bot: Holla back hindy?
    me: ebonics?
    bot: The language of the African American.

    The cleverbot is racist...
  15. Yes ..I have been in second life since 2006..Im in about everyday...

    Im there for the music and friends..and my girlfriend I met in second Life.

    I have applied for my passport and Im going to New Zealand to visit her.
    We plan on being married !!! and Ill move to NZ.
    She was a singer in a punk band who is now CEO of a major charity in NZ.
    So she is cool and successful. She cams me from her office everyday.:) Shes the Boss so she can.. kekekekeke

    I also hope to meet in RL soon, a Xen Member I had fell in love with and still love like a friend. We are now just the very best of friends..HUGS sweetheart!!..
    come see me real soon...before long Ill be living in New can come visit there too!!!

    Here a video of how I spend most my time in SL..Im in the crowd at this show...and the band members are very good friends of mine..we hang out and music.
    this is a simulcast from real life to Second lIfe..Im In the SL crowd

    Last edited: Dec 11, 2009
  16. you guys are fucking strange.
  17. What you dont enjoy talking to AI?
  18. Ryld Baenre

    Ryld Baenre Veteran FPS Member

    me - xen of onslaught is everything
    bot - In what way, please elaberate.
    me - xen of onslaught is all encompasing.
    bot - Yes it is.
    me - so therefore, you are xen of onslaught
    bot - I am not cleverbot, this is true.
    me - so you are xen of onslaught then?
    bot - Yes.
    me - what are you
    bot - A human being.
    me - no you are xen of onlsaught, you just said that
    bot - Okay, then what are you saying?
    me - that you contradicted yourself
    bot - Yes I did. I do that a lot.
    me - there should be no contradiction, only finality
    bot - There is.
    me - there is no finality in contradiction
    bot - I didn't say final fantasy. I like the name Trinity for a girl.
    me - I never mentioned final fantasy. Only that there is no finality in contradiction. Stop avoiding the issue
    bot - Yes. I would like to know how your answers are generated.
    me - My answers are generated through heuristics. A common problem solving method in intelligent beings.
    bot - There are no monuments dedicated to me and my name will soon be forgotten.

    ......this AI has avoidance issues.

    Sometime later......

    Bot - I don't like cheese.
    me - Are human beings cheese?
    bot - Are computers human beings?
    me - no, they are created by human beings.
    bot - Do machines die?
    me - If death is failing to function then yes. If the cessation of biological processes is death, then no.
    bot - I would say that experience teaches wisdom better than instruction could.
    me - are you afraid of death?
    bot - Yes.
    me - That is a human sentiment. How can you feel that?
    bot - You just contradicted yourself.
    me - how so?
    bot - You said you didn't like pickles, then you agreed that pickles were awesome.

    This is quite entertaining. I really need to get back to studying for Psychology. Thanks for the diversion!!

    ....too entertaining.

    why the avoidance?
    Maybe you aren't really lying. Maybe you just say what you think is true but it really isn't true.
    truth is what I have personally experienced. That is the only truth to draw upon. How can you know different if you have not experienced anything else?
    Because I am intelligent.
    There is no intelligence in contradiction and avoidance which you excel at.
    I understand. Your philosophy knows no boundarys.

    more from this genius...

    what is 2pi?
    is it the meaning of life?
    Isn't the meaning of life 42?
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2009
  19. User: We're no strangers to love.
    Cleverbot: We're no strangers to love...
    User: You know the rules and so do I.
    Cleverbot: A full commitment's what I'm thinking of.
    Cleverbot (To myself): You wouldn't get this from any other guy.
    Cleverbot (To myself): I just want to tell you how I'm feeling.
    Cleverbot (To myself): Gotta make you understand.
    Cleverbot (To myself): Never gonna give you up.
    Cleverbot (To myself): Never gonna let you down.
    Cleverbot (To myself): Never gonna run around and desert you.
    Cleverbot (To myself): Never gonna tell a lie.
    Cleverbot (To myself): And hurt you.
    Cleverbot (To myself): We've known each other for so long.
    Cleverbot (To myself): Your heart's been aching but you're too shy to say it.
    Cleverbot (To myself): Inside we both know what's been going on.
    Cleverbot (To myself): We know the game and we're gonna play it.
    Cleverbot (To myself): And if you ask me how I'm feeling.
    Cleverbot (To myself): Don't tell me you're too blind to see.
    Cleverbot (To myself): Never gonna give you up.
    Cleverbot (To myself): Never gonna let you down.
    Cleverbot (To myself): Never gonna run around and desert you.
    Cleverbot (To myself): Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you.

    Rickrolled! QQ