Other (not listed) CID's Application

Discussion in 'Denied Applications' started by CID, Mar 6, 2012.

  1. CID

    CID Guest

    Other Games Application
    How old are you?
    What game are you applying for?
    Tera (EU)
    In-Game Name?
    CID or GATER
    Do you have Teamspeak 3 and a mic?
    Previous Gaming Experience:
    Ok il try an squeeze in what i can Remember.

    This is the main list of mmo's ive played: WoW Since release on and off, Lineage 2, RF online, Warhammer Online, FFXI, AoC, Aion, Rift(Boring wasted a week leveling to 50), Ktera - Blade & Soul cbt.

    And countless of F2Ps. So far id have to say ive probly played WoW more Hardcore than any of the other game, for example some achievments ive earned are 2.2k in RBG + 2.1k in Arena so far? so im pretty PvP capable. Also im currently 6/8 Heroic in Casual Dragon Soul Raiding and was 6/7 in FL HC if that means anything to anyone?

    Just waiting about for Tera
    Why did you choose XoO:
    Well i think i remember you guys way back in RF Online when Codemasters owned it? correct me if im wrong i was in a guild called "Semper Paratus" if u can recall the name?

    Anyway i also remember seeing u guys in Aion, im sure you had some insane Mage fly to max lvl? An just thought id like to be apart of that @ Release and so forth. And i live for pvp...
    Why do you think you'll be a good fit?
    Hmmm tricky, Id like to say im a good player, learn my classes well and try to do my best to contribute what i can? Theres still a learning curve with Tera and im looking for a solid guild that wants to progress into whatever Endgame Tera's has to offer. So far ive heard its Mainly PvE but we'l see what happens.
    What will you contribute to the guild?
    Im not too shabby at organising cheeky 5 mans, Solid PvP and PvE'r. First 2 weeks of release will be smashed geting to Max Cap and il help anyone along the way. Solid commitment to the guild and fellow guildies, and ofcourse minimum 40+ hours a week for the first few in release. As for the class im choosing, it might be an Archer, still unsure.
    Do you have a referral?
    A little bit about yourself?
    Im from England, Uni Drop out just working full time earning some money and playing MMO's in my spare time aswell as the usual drinking and terrible dancing skillz that come along with being 21! Ive got a tonne of MMO experience seeing as though ive been playing them ever since i was 11? and ive been hooked since so i pretty much know my way around.

    If youd like to ask anything else please do.
    Activity level?
    Do you have a high speed internet connection and a good computer?
    Have you applied to your game's usergroup?
  2. Resin

    Resin Banned

    HI CID I remember Semper Paratus. You may remember me for RF Online i was Godes / Resin the big MAU from N.I.N.J.A.
    I like your Application i will need to pm you the TS Info and get you in got a chat
  3. To bad you tried to connect while we where working on our TS.

    Hope you will give it an other shot tomorow
  4. CID

    CID Guest

    Yea il come online either tonight or tmoro if possible
  5. Resin

    Resin Banned

    ok cid see you when i see you
  6. Resin

    Resin Banned

    Hi CID i be in ts from 6 to day if you are on
  7. respond date is set to 18-3-2012.

    Forum activety is mandatory within XoO.
  8. Resin

    Resin Banned

    DENIED, due to inactivity