Ceriph's Application

Discussion in 'Accepted and on Probation' started by Ceriph, Sep 30, 2012.

  1. Ceriph

    Ceriph Guest

    Guild Wars 2 Application
    How old are you?
    In-Game Name?
    Do you have Teamspeak 3 and a mic?
    What is your prefered playstyle?
    What kinds of activities are you interested in?
    Dominating sPVP and WvW, and running as many Ex modes as possible
    Previous Gaming Experience:
    WoW (since day one), Terra, WAR
    Why did you choose XoO:
    I'm sick of "social" guilds that don't play together or have a lack of players to actually group up.
    Why do you think you'll be a good fit?
    I'm a mature gamer who needs to be social to actually enjoy a game. I hate playing alone.
    Do you have a referral?
    A little bit about yourself?
    I'm currently in the Army stationed down in Texas as a medic.
    Activity level?
    Do you have a high speed internet connection and a good computer?
    Have you applied to the GW2 usergroup?
  2. Hello Ceriph! Thank you for the application; its always nice to see someone really interested in the competitive side of GW2. However, before we continue to an interview, we need some additional information that would help us make a decision to move forward. During the application process we look to weed out people who simply cannot take the time to seriously put in a decent application. I'm hoping you will respond to this post by elaborating a bit more on your exceptions of the guild, how you can fit in, your playstyles and preferred tactics, etc. Do you ever PvE, can you help out others? Do you take leadership roles or are you a good follower of commands in a competitive setting? Don't limit yourself to these suggestions.

    Help us help you by letting us know a bit more about you as a player.

    Looking forward to seeing your responses.
  3. Hello Ceriph.

    How did you find XoO?

    Could you tell us a bit more about what games you've enjoyed in the past, and what you've found most fun? For instance I was a GvG junkie in GW, and I loved the 8v8 chess match that it evolved into. I played mostly midline classes, and occasional warriors and bunny-thumpers.

    Keep an eye out for a pm
  4. Ceriph

    Ceriph Guest

    Ya I apologize for not making a longer informative post, I was having issues doing it on my phone. As far as my expecatations go, I've been running into too many guilds in GW 2 that proclaim to be "social, interactive, and friendly" and yet you'll only see 3-4 people online at one time and if you ask if anyone is up for an explore mode run people get dead silent. As far as my playstyle, it differs on what character I'm playing...but generally when it comes to WvW I'm more of the "side lines" kind of guy. Too many SC and TWs get taken on the borderlands that really build up an opponets net point gain...most people thing Eternal Battelgrounds is the main focus of WvW, ignoring Orbs of Power and the importance of attacking another servers border. I would LOVE to get into PVE but too many people dislike the idea of pushing through the dugeons and their difficulty. Before they changed COF 2 it was easy enough to pug speed runs but now its so much harder to find a good group that can communicate and work together as a team. I used to be a raid leader in WoW and a Zone master for WAR's pvp system...so I have no problem being in a leadership position but I can followdirections just as easily (soldiers are good that....)

    I've got a fully exotic geared Ranger with all story modes done, and right now I'm working on an Ele (34) who jumps back and forth from level progress to helping my lower level friends from the far away land of real life.

    I can't remember the exact user who I talked to but Shinobi was part of the name.... but in case it got overlooked, my gaming history: WoW (Vanilla-Dragon Soul heavy in PvP, but raided when I was bored)
  5. That is a great response. I will send you a PM on these forums tomorrow- I'm getting tired in game.
  6. Ceriph

    Ceriph Guest

    Awesome, sounds great
  7. Ceriph,

    Thank you very much for scheduling an interview for tonight, however, there is a problem with out TS3 server. Our scheduled time is in about an hour and a half. I am unsure if something is wrong with the box or the ISP, and am also unsure if the problem will persist or be intermittent tonight. I have sent you a PM so that you may be notified via your linked email. Please read that and lets reschedule due to this unexpected and obviously very rare event. I'll make every effort to meet your available proposed time for a rescheduled interview.

  8. ..........................and its back up, if you are around, the interview will happen, if not we can reschedule.
  9. Accepted and on Probation
    Ceriph seemed very level headed and is very interested in joining up w/ our sPvP members and running w/ WvW events.