
Discussion in 'Upcoming Game Chatter' started by Arimil, Aug 2, 2010.

  1. lol, ok thank Foe :)
  2. Nishua

    Nishua Veteran

    Is anyone playing on PS3? I can't buy my PC yet so I can't play with most of you guys. :(
  3. Norrak

    Norrak Veteran

    It's not like you could play online on your PS3, might as well wait for your PC. Oh snap ;)

    I heard making fun of Sony is the cool thing these days.
    Last edited: May 8, 2011
  4. Nishua

    Nishua Veteran

    No it's not! :D With any luck the PSN will be back up this week. I HOPE. I can't buy my PC yet I'm waiting for the new AMD chips and they aren't releasing them until June or July which means I'll get my PC in Sept or August. I'm patiently waiting. I would have had it already if it wasn't for that damn upgrade thread someone created. After I read that I heard about the chips before that I was just going to order.
  5. Just finished pre-loading it :) Come on guys get the game!
  6. Pre-loading it now. I was hoping that we could get the FPS division going before brink's launch, but I don't see that happening...
  7. AMD = going out of bussiness

    HP had kept them going by using the AMD chips ... now HP is going to be using intel again ... most companies only use AMD for low end shit now

  8. People have been saying that forever.

    AMD's graphics division is doing quite well and turns a great profit since AMD bought ATI.
    Also, AMD has a big following in the server market, which is their primary market and is larger than Intel last I looked (Admittedly, been a while since I last looked at CPU market shares in servers). AMD has had lots of super computers built around their processors for a long long time. Cray actually does mostly AMD processors and they are one of the largest (maybe the largest?) super computer maker there is. The Jaguar uses AMD processors and it was on top of the most powerful supercomputer list for a LONG time.
    Has been having a somewhat decent following in the desktop market too, they have been drowing the past couple years since AMD lowered the prices of CPUs so much. People buy AMD because it is so much cheaper.
    AMD no longer had anything in the mobile market for a while, but recently released their first fusion chip and has already sold more than 1 million CPUs in the mobile area since it came out a few months ago.

    Which honestly, CPU processors cant compete with super computers that have a ton of GPUs in them, as the GPU processing ability is added with CPU processing ability and scored as a whole. The CPU only processing power in the Jaguar far outweighs China's new computer.
    Last edited: May 9, 2011
  9. thems a lot of petaflops
  10. Krimzun

    Krimzun Guest

    Steam has a count down timer up looks like 11pm Central the game will unlock. Would be nice if we could get a organized grp together to play etc. I have 2 other guys one of which is a fellow Xoo member that I know is playing aswell.
  11. The AMD rep that came into my store said that ... he is more concerned about selling GPU then any chip or laptop with an AMD inside

    if you combine GPU and CPU power you can accomplish some amazing amount of info flops etc...

    I don't think i can afford brink on the real topic at hand here
  12. It wouldn't be that hard if someone posts a recruitment thread up.
  13. I was interested in this when I first saw it, and then gradually lost interest in it with so many other games coming out. But if everyone here says it is really good then I will be sure and buy this
  14. Arimil

    Arimil Veteran Admin

    Agree'd I would love to play this game, but with all of the games that have been announced coming out in the next few months I'm not sure. I don't have much money atm so if I buy a game I need to make sure I'm going to be playing it for a while. And MMO generally last a lot longer than a FPS does, with rare exceptions.
  15. i just hit level 5 (going to work now) and unlocked the turret for my engi :)

    turret + mine = awesome all i gotta say!!!
  16. I'm thinking I'm gonna go the heavy soldier route for now. I've got my chain gun and ap ammo unlocked, so its bishop stomping time. Btw, the game is great. Very team oriented, and i see it being huge on twl very soon
  17. I have not researched it, only read 2-3 reviews. Sounds a little like tf2 with parkour elements?
  18. Yizelin

    Yizelin Veteran

    I love the objective scenarios they put you in, it's really making it fun for me.

    Doing some crazy engineer stuff with my blowtorch of doom.
  19. think ill be rocking the xbox version
  20. Aral

    Aral Veteran

    they could have made those challenges alittle harder. >_>