Boycott MW:2

Discussion in 'Public General Chat' started by s o k a r, Nov 8, 2009.

  1. Norrak

    Norrak Veteran

    Sadly it's not. I mean Blizzard is by far one of the greediest company in the gaming industry, I am not surprised these two companies joined up. One is charging 10$ for a useless in-game pet and the other one is adding fees... just because they can. But that's the future, we're at a point where these companies just cannot get enough, even if the gaming industry was hardly touched by the recent economic troubles.

    Fear not, there will always be smaller companies launching great games with great support. For every piece of shit greedy game company, there is a small company. Sadly it's an eternal cycle where the small company becomes big because of their good games and player base, only to piss off their fans and end up shooting themselves in the foot like Blizzard and Activision are doing right now.
  2. LOL I must be psychic :) Could see this coming with the announcement of lol.

    oh, and expect to have to pay for new maps in the very near future....could see that the day they announced no SDK or dedicated (independently controlled) servers to put them on.
    Last edited: Nov 15, 2009
  3. I have played it, the game has been gutted so much from what it once was, and on top of that the price jack that investing my money in a one legged midget hooker would be a better choice, and longer lasting playability. I cant play multiplayer without buying the game, and from what I experienced in single player and reading the reviews of multiplayer from MW1 PC users that have...that is not going to happen...even with dedicated servers. There are just too many things not right with the release.

    The game is "fun", yes. But "fun" is not nearly enough. It is a weak ass console port that should of never been released on PC until it was made into a full feature PC game. There are so many things wrong with the game that "fun" only lasts so long..and for me, not long at all. It took me 3 days to get thru the single player because I did not find it much fun at all. I played the MW single player straight thru because it was truly awesome.

    Maybe if I never tasted chocolate cake before, then just smearing icing on top of a pile of shit would satisfy me. But I know better, and MW2 is far from real chocolate cake. can you have No Leaning in a serious FPS game? oh thats right it isnt a serious fps game, its a fucking weak ass console port (console versions never had...pc versions always has)...that alone shows me how much effort they put into the PC version and how much of a rats ass they care about competitive pc gamers...which, incidentally, is the reason Xoo exists in the first place...also, incidentally, the reason the COD4 division of Xoo is not supporting this weak assed version of a once potentially awesome game....and, incidentally, the reason MW2 does not exist on ladders/leagues like every other serious fps game has in the past, and will in the future.
    So I, and obviously more than a few others, absolutely refuse to support a company that shifts their company in such a direction. To do otherwise is just telling them...hey, cool, I love the direction you are taking one of the best FPS's ever made, please keep up the good work and give me more more more just like this...I will even pay 25% more than I have for any other FPS game.
    Last edited: Nov 15, 2009
  4. Good you know you can't read. Everything both you and sogestu have mentioned about being good in the game is nothing we are complaining about. Please reread the posts where we give out a list of definite reasons for people to not get the game. THEN you can come back and complain about people complaining.

    We're not being stuck up. We are posting a legitimate problem with the PC community. We never said we wouldn't like the game. The problem is that the game is missing 90% of what we played it for.

    On a side note. I wish I was playing too but I'm not supporting a game that takes away 90% of its longevity and wants to charge more for it. We never said we wouldn't like the game. The problem is that the game is missing 90% of why we continued to play it for 2 years. But then again that's just me repeating myself again and you won't get the point.
    Last edited: Nov 15, 2009
  5. Activision can eat a dick. :mad:
  6. I must of missed the part where you HAVE to buy this pet. I don't see it as being greedy at all. Times are tough and if some people are willing to pay money for a little ninja bear then what is the problem with that? That's like complaining that airlines have an extra charge to sit in first class. It's a luxury. And a pretty smart business strategy if you ask me.

    Also maybe you should do your research and find out what happens when news gets filtered through multiple sources. I demonstrate:
    Ok so the original story is that they want to implement a system whereby you can choose to upgrade your gaming experience (like horse armor in oblivion, or a special weapon you get for paying extra for special edn, or new maps in Halo). Nothing new here and definitely not "pay-to-play" like some of you have suggested. I'll continue:
    So this article references the first one as it's source. Same basic information but loses some clarity that the original had. Now let's look at the article that was linked earlier in this thread:

    This is rediculous. This author uses the previous one as his source and somehow extrapolates "an online fee to play". That is so far removed from what the original article was about that it's not even funny. It's like the telephone game you play in Kindergarten.

    Anyways, my point is that companies are having to find new and innovative ways to drum up revenue, and the FOTM is to offer OPTIONAL goodies that you can buy to enhance your gaming experience. So here's the obligatory QQ MOAR, b/c a lot of you are being childish about this. Next it's going to be "boycott Ford, b/c they want to charge us a FEEEEE to have a sunroof!! OMGEE".
    Shoji likes this.
  7. Who's being childish and how?

    No one responded to that with "OMG BOYCOTT ACTIVISION FEESSS!" In fact, the only posts I see about it are laughing at the thought of Activision trying to push that, and one calling Blizzard and Activision greedy.

    With all of the crap that Activision and IW have pushed on the PC crowd the article actually is believable and funny.

    Like Earley, you had a valid point. However, you both took a pretty lame tack in making those points. Coming in here and calling us "stuck up" or "childish" is going to make anyone want to take you seriously.

    Your right, Activision didn't say subscriptions, and it looks like they really mean optional content.
  8. Deadend

    Deadend Veteran Crowfall Member

    So your saying your happy to pay for more maps that would have have been free with mod support? Your happy to pay for weapon tweaks that again would have been free with mod support?

    And if you don't think they are headed for a pay to play model your in dream land I'm not going to go dig Bobby quotes up for you you obviously know how to use the internet so you can go find them yourself but trust me on this this guy doesn't care about the games in any shape or form all he cares about is money. What if they decide that they are going to put in armor that takes twice the damage and a weapon line that does twice the damage now you left with a choice buy these items or get rolled buy every body that has them. So they now they are not so optional are they? There is no such thing as Free to Play games or optional item stores any game that gets labeled as Free to Play usually ends up costing you more then a standard monthly fee if you want to play competitively. And even if you go all the way back to the first article and read between the lines that's what they want to do, a Korean style FTP shooter.

    IF I was ever going to play this game and I may at some point when I can get in a used bargain bin for 5 bucks or a rental but that's about as much as I think its worth and only on a console since that's what this game is a console game.

    I have always been one to say play what you like after all that's what games are for to entertain you and if your satisfied with this game I am happy for you but me I am not satisfied with the choices made on this game so I won't buy it it is after all my money and my time and my entertainment I might have been all right with it without dedicated servers not happy with it but I could have seen past it. But no mod support in a PC FPS is just unacceptable to me. This is a console port and a lazy console port at that I mean hell man they still have error codes telling you to restart your XBOX in the PC version. I don't pay for lazy games I only buy the best most fun games the rest get a rent, maybe.
  9. dash

    dash Guest

    grrrrrr, Activision. Even though they are pissing me off royally...if there is a way for us to compete against other clans, I would purchase the game even without all the features I would prefer with this game....But I'd buy it second hand just to feel I'm doing some justice to my crusade. I already see used MW2 games on ebay for a decent price.

    For some of you guys that didn't play with us, We're a competitive clan and that's the part we were really looked forward to with MW2. I don't think there is one of us that doubts the game is fun(except Morg perhaps).

    We're looking elsewhere if we can find anything better than the 'chocolate covered shit' Morg referred to...Unfortunately A mouthful of sugar feces may still be the best option when a way to compete is figured out.

    I'm still on hold with this game. Hoping that we have an alternative by the time my machine is fixed.
  10. Uhh... can you even get MW2 used? Doesn't your key get tied to your Steam acct?
  11. Only if you buy it through Steam. You don't have to.

    I was also wondering - there are thousands of clans that play console shooters exclusively - how have they managed to survive without the advantages PC users have? It must be possible somehow.

    Re. the 'rumour' of monthly fees - and yes it is only a rumour at this point, based off of assumptions probably made up to inflame the community more to increase media coverage. (There are many other ways to make additional revenue off of a released game you know.) How is this any different from you paying monthly for an MMO like Planetside or WoW? As long as you feel you are getting value for your money, why is it a bad thing? Why is this particular game being held to such a unique standard?

    I'm not happy with some of the changes with MW2 either (no more modding, and the increase in PC price), and I'm not buying it as a result. But let's keep this in perspective okay? They are not 'greedy' for wanting to make more money - this is what companies are supposed to do - it's called capitalism, and that's what gets these games made in the first place. If people don't want it, they won't buy it. And that's the point here - this game is not an essential service, such as utility companies or auto insurance. You have a choice. Register your disappointment with them, sure, they have to know why you are not buying. Go and buy and play one of dozens of other 'realistic shooters.' But to go on and on about how 'they are screwing us' and 'they hate the PC community', and 'we have been betrayed', it's getting a bit ridiculous. It's almost becoming as bad as those crazies in the L4D2 boycott community. Stop taking it so personally.


    Can we steal the maps from MW2 and put them in COD:MW?
  12. As for your last points... you need to understand that they sort of threw this stuff at us a month before release, after they have been psyching us up for the game for a good 7 months with trailers, gameplay videos etc. They could've told us about it a long, long time ago (and also have done a beta test for PC, but instead I'm certain they only did beta testing for the 360), or they could at least tell us their reasoning behind it instead of dodging the question. The fact that they're dodging the questions means that they know there is no good reason for it, and the fact that they know this and haven't changed it (and that they even still have the features in the game but just have them disabled) shows that they do not really care about the PC users, since we are the smallest (yet most loyal) fanbase.

    So after playing the previous game constantly, without there being a decline in its activity (except after World at War was released, and obviously now that MW2 was released), we do feel quite betrayed about this change, and their arrogance when asked questions about their changes to PC.
  13. Norrak

    Norrak Veteran

    I bought it in the store and it is now tied to my Steam account... heck it was a required part of the installation process.