
Discussion in 'Upcoming Game Chatter' started by dr_jay, Oct 13, 2009.

  1. I am and cheetah will be as well.

  2. pendrix

    pendrix Guest

    ign is pendrix for gamespy. Running a soldier but I don't like him that much. Torn between starting a siren or a hunter, any suggestions?
  3. Kava

    Kava Veteran

    So whats the Multiplayer like?
  4. Ok I got it. My GameSpy ID is "GeniusJones"

    Let's get some games on! I am a noob but I'm pretty excited.
  5. I'm running a hunter and liking it, but firing rate a reload time are my pitfalls, so getcherself a really fast rifle and you will be god.

    Multiplayer is quite good, though you may spend a ton of time yelling at people to slow the hell down... or maybe it's just me being a looting whore.
  6. Or Old.
    K'm what's your gamespy thing on there?

    Pretty sure mine is GeneralNem, so everyone come hit me up. I'm about lvl 15 and haven't done the part here you go into the Mine to kill Skag.
  7. XoO-KM is my gamespy, I'll add the rest of you folks to my friends list, oh and khazghoul is playing as well... should add him...
  8. Yizelin

    Yizelin Veteran

    really? My reload times on my sniper of doom are fantastic, though I do have an incredibly fast and powerful 2 shot revolver for when things get upclose... and an infinite ammo repeater for if I just don't need to aim (spiderants, for instance).

    I love my hunter ;p
  9. just hit lvl 22 with my soldier and can't help but keep playing for more guns. IGN is dr_jay029 i think.
  10. Oh I have a nice sniper rifle, a liquid sniper as I remember, with around a 2.7 firing rate, and I'm currently boosting my reload skill going down the sniper path of the talent trees, but yeah found one with 50+ more damge but half the clip and only a .6 firing rate... not as shibby in my book. Then again I'm only level 15 so I've got a ways to go, damn good game though.

  11. Danm it you guys need to stfu I don't want to buy this game But you guys are really making me want to.
    that and I hate getting a late start.
  12. Cross over into Borderlands. You won't regret it and it'll give you a change of pace from the normal military themed FPS's.
  13. I need more people to post their gamespy accounts so I can add you. I NEED FRIENDS.
  14. I'm sorry, can't help you there :)

    Well... yes I suppose I can, add cheetahfurry to the list.
  15. siecin

    If you have the money to buy this game it is absolutely worth it. If you don't have money to buy this game you can get the "demo" from any torrent site and play with friends due to no real DRM. Though if you do that please support them when you do have the money. This is a game that is complete and well done and deserves credit for it.
  16. I bought the ps3 one but since I broke up with my gf, traded it in for uncharted, and "aquired" the pc one. That way two developers got my money, and everyones happy.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 3, 2009
  17. Reminder folks, XoO does not advocate piracy of software for any reason. So let's get back on topic shall we?

  18. Now that I've beaten both playthroughs, I'm slightly less impressed than I was initially. It's still good, and worth playing, but it's actually rather short and anti-climactic.
  19. Yizelin

    Yizelin Veteran

    no kidding, the last boss made me a sad panda. At least on playthrough 1 he didnt drop me anything worthwhile and was all too easy. Now i'm just taking my time with playthrough2 since dragon age is out.
  20. Crap guys i accidentally said no to your friend requests, invite me again.

    GameSpy: Geniusjones

    see ya!