Discussion in 'Public General Chat' started by Arimil, Nov 12, 2010.

  1. Arimil

    Arimil Veteran Admin

    So, I got about 1.5 pints of blood on me right now... apparently I got a blood nose while sleeping and bled all over my self and all over the couch. Theres a puddle of blood on the couch and I have blood all over my face and arms lol.

    Just thought you guys would want to know of this achievement!
  2. Is this IRL or what? Even if its not I should probably be concerned.
  3. Vapor

    Vapor Tera Troll

  4. To tell you the truth I've had this happen to me before. Granted I don't think I lost THAT much blood but I have been woken up in the middle of the night due to a nose bleed.
  5. could be a lack of iron, or its really dry out.
  6. Arimil

    Arimil Veteran Admin

    Uh, yeah.
    I didn't wake up due to the nosebleed, I slept through it and woke up in the morning like I normally would. Thus it never stopped bleeding.
    That was the point. ;)
    I was sleeping next to a wood stove... making it VERY dry where I was.
  7. Thats sounds pretty bad. You should probably take the day off and just rest, drink a lot of water, take some vitamins, and eat some other healthy food.
  8. Krimzun

    Krimzun Guest

    You should realy see an ENT asap. When I was about 8 this was 26 years ago so tech may have changed. I had realy bad nose bleeds at night. Some reason I had a vessel in my nose that was realy prone to bleeding. They took essentialy a hot iron rod and did what they call cauterizing. Basicly burned the vein to a crisp ever since I've had no nose bleeds. Defenlty something you should take serious worst case is you bleed out completely if you have some kind of clotting issue like a free bleeder.
  9. so what did you take a shower before you posted this?

    also you should have sent someone a text telling them to come over then let them find you in your bed with blood all over them and record it :D
  10. Arimil

    Arimil Veteran Admin

    Nope, but I did make a gif and post it on 4chan. LOL

    Also, I didn't really almost die and I feel fine. Just a FYI the achievement thing was a joke.
  11. PICs or it didn't happen.
  12. Want to see pics.
  13. Arimil

    Arimil Veteran Admin

    I don't have a picture of the puddle of blood, however I have the gif that I posted on 4chan.
  14. gif or it didnt happen
  15. Then POST It..
  16. your nose bleeds because you post on 4 chan
  17. I WANNA SEE!!!1
  18. Arimil

    Arimil Veteran Admin

    Last edited: Nov 12, 2010
  19. haha nice dude.. just don't die on us.
  20. Epic, be careful next time.