
Discussion in 'Public General Chat' started by SamHamwich, Jul 23, 2012.

  1. Anyone run any? I just randomly started this one, just for shits and giggles, hopefully I'll stay interested enough to keep it going, feel free to check it out.
  2. I've got one too, see sig below
  3. Nice blogs guys, very clean layouts.

    Here's my blog

    I f you guys need any advice on affiliate marketing to monetize your blog, or any advice on search engine optimization to get more hits, lemme know. My blog is a little over a year old and so far I'm getting around 15k hits per month and it keeps growing.
    Last edited: Jul 26, 2012
  4. I'm currently working on a banner for mine, but I plan to update mine about 3 - 4 times a week. I added a few more things to it today, and I will be adding my next one tomorrow. I need some ideas too, I've got a decent list on things I'm going to cover, but since I only have had a few views and no comments, I'll need to figure out some topics to cover.

    Heres a basic list copy and pasted from a notepad I have open....

    - Digital Distribution
    - Retro games re-released
    - Indie Games (Bundles) -Ingala
    -Humble Indie Bundle
    -Indy Royal
    - Top 5 Games of
    -All time
    - Not Yet Released (Planetside 2, Borderlands 2, **PS3 End of world one***, Assasins Creed New one,

    -Non Gaming Spouse

    -MMO Special, Review:
    -Ultima Online
    -World of Warcraft
    -Warhammer Online
    Perhaps a bit about failed mmos that didnt last a year?
    -Review of Playstation Plus, Vs. XBox Live!

    Free to play models, vs monthly subscription, vs online real money auction houses

    -Gaming accessories.
  5. Yeah, im not looking for any sort of gain myself, just doing this for fun, but I would love to get some hits, would be nice to know Im getting read!
  6. Well if you haven't done it already, I would suggest submitting your URL to search engines like Google(ofc), Bing and Yahoo. Then you can get some back links by posting comments on websites/blogs that allow you to enter your website URL in the comment form.