
Discussion in 'Upcoming Game Chatter' started by Darkprey, Aug 8, 2016.

  1. Promising features that will never come to the game "SOON"

    *cough* TERA.
  2. Ciza likes this.
  3. Ezenkrul

    Ezenkrul Veteran Black Desert Member

    Well for those who may not have known: Bless is being released on Steam in 2018. Not much information about it yet but it will most likely be an EA release.
  4. Mortia

    Mortia Veteran Black Desert Member

    Not aeria? Might be worth a look then.
  5. Ezenkrul

    Ezenkrul Veteran Black Desert Member

    No Not Aeria they decided to open it here themselves I believe. It should be in EA soon, people are guessing June at the latest. Today they just announced that the official website will be releasing next week.
  6. Mortia

    Mortia Veteran Black Desert Member

    I might just give it a go then.

    Just picked Nier up so i got that to go at for a while.
  7. Ezenkrul

    Ezenkrul Veteran Black Desert Member

    Supposedly it got leaked that EA is in May. I am sure that they will release officially this week when the website goes live
  8. Whats Nier? and kind of looking at Bless now
  9. Mortia

    Mortia Veteran Black Desert Member

    Nier Automata. Single player but looks amazing. It was on sale on steam, dunno if it still is
  10. Hmm the one I saw was from 2010, I have so much backlog >.<
  11. DARKTIDE!!

    DARKTIDE!! Veteran Staff Member Xen of Onslaught CO

    Nier is a good game, I enjoyed watching it will be playing it one day. Bless is still up in the air for me.
  12. Ezenkrul

    Ezenkrul Veteran Black Desert Member

    Yeah Bless is seeming more and more like a quick cash grab for the company to be honest. Could be wrong. I mean I will probably still play it between Ashes stuff, but they just announced the business model to a certain extent. Buy to Play with a Cash shop that has convenience basically it will be similar to the Jp cash shop. Founders packs will be available as well, giving earlier access. They are also going into the soft release (EA) with no assassin or mystic. Red Flag
  13. Mortia

    Mortia Veteran Black Desert Member

    Nah it only came out last year. Made by square enix
  14. Ezenkrul

    Ezenkrul Veteran Black Desert Member

    For those interested in Bless can you post here and post your class. I would like to get a good group going now for the instances. Unfortunately with them not releasing mystic the only healer will be the paladin...which may be hard to come by.
    I was going to roll mage
  15. tony

    tony Veteran

    Wait wuhh?? Mystic wont be available? I was hoping to roll healer mystic lol, might just play Tank then.
  16. Ezenkrul

    Ezenkrul Veteran Black Desert Member

    Yeah mystic and assassins are being removed until further notice.
  17. Ezenkrul

    Ezenkrul Veteran Black Desert Member

  18. Erasong

    Erasong Veteran Crowfall Member

    I'm looking but not sure yet. convince me?
  19. Klocknov

    Klocknov Veteran Bless Online Member

    Soon: This will happen between now and never hopefully on the closer to now side.
  20. tony

    tony Veteran

    I will be playing forsure with 2-3 other friends. If we can get a group going as Xoo that would be great!