Black Desert Lets play!

Discussion in 'Public General Chat' started by EvilEtho, Dec 29, 2014.

  1. EvilEtho

    EvilEtho Member

    Hey guys

    I'm starting a Lets play for the game Black Desert. If your'e interested in the game, and have been wondering what all you can do in it, I will be showing how the quest, crafting, and how combat works. Feel free to leave feed back and ask questions for about what you would like to see. <3

    New Video every day. New Black Desert video every other day!

    Also if you are in the game and would like to be a part and show what you can do feel free to shoot me a message.

    Babilonilouco and Obscure like this.
  2. Awesome! This will be a great help to those of us in XoO who are interested
    Babilonilouco likes this.
  3. Varitas

    Varitas Veteran Crowfall Member

    Babilonilouco likes this.
  4. Daz

    Daz Veteran

    I just got here and I'm currently playing BD. I can help with questions or seek out info. I'm playing Warrior.
  5. Tais

    Tais Veteran Crowfall Member

    How is the sorcerer in terms of mobility and utility?
    Babilonilouco likes this.
  6. You sir are my hero.
    Babilonilouco likes this.
  7. Obscure

    Obscure Veteran Crowfall Member

    This is great! Really exciting to see people from XoO take such an interest in this game! All this information will surely help us out a lot when time comes for an NA launch!
  8. should I be looking into this game ? Sokar? Kyoji ? Rest of my lads :)
    Babilonilouco likes this.
  9. @Erock look for Camelot Unchained and Black Desert
  10. Daz

    Daz Veteran

    Well I'll say this for anyone looking at this game... you need to keep in mind the Koreans release games differently. Games come out very cut and dry and they patch the hell out of it during the first few months of launch. Hell even in open beta in BD right now we are almost getting a 200+mb patch a day. I played Archeage in closed beta and on with the Korean version and the game they released to the West was so different.

    I think the core of BD is great, lots of potential but holy hell they have a lot of work to do. Currently I've just finished crafting the 'Ferry' boat and that was a handful to do. Had 6 workers based in one town just focusing on gathering all the materials then once that was done I had to get them putting it all together which was 90 steps. Each step took 20-40mins per worker. Good thing about this was I could continue questing and exploring while they worked, only had to come back to town to make beer which you feed to them to increase their energy.
    Babilonilouco likes this.
  11. Varitas

    Varitas Veteran Crowfall Member

    Babilonilouco likes this.
  12. Daz

    Daz Veteran

    I'm playing on 하이델 server (Heidelberg according to google translate). EvilEtho which one are you on?
  13. So accordin to this video, a korean player could make me one account and i can download it easily?
  14. Varitas

    Varitas Veteran Crowfall Member

  15. snagglefox

    snagglefox Snagglefox [Sehkk] Final Fantasy Member

    Is anyone going to get in the RU beta? Should start this month. I'm gonna try to get in it.
  16. i want to play, but i couldnt instal the KR version. If the RU be easier to download im up for it.
  17. TwilightAngel

    TwilightAngel Red Queen Chronicles of Elyria Member

    Im still iffy on BD.... Not liking the gender/ race locks