Big Booty bitches wOOOOoooOOOo!!!

Discussion in 'Public General Chat' started by Eckehart, May 1, 2010.

  1. Eckehart

    Eckehart Guest

  2. ...
  3. Eckehart

    Eckehart Guest

    delete it im sorry *hides*
  4. You scare me!
  5. lol. I love it.
  6. I gotta admit eckehart the sleeveless shirt on you is kinda trashy.
  7. GizmoDuck

    GizmoDuck Veteran

    Soooo..... This is XoO's official War Cry right? Big Booty Bitches. And our official theme music. All in favor.......................
  8. Eckehart

    Eckehart Guest

    It makes me more aerodynamic when being assaulted by BBBs
  9. epic ... hahahahaha thats how kyoji dances btw his mom told me :)
  10. lmfao.. im rolling...
  11. Letigre

    Letigre Guest

    This remind me of my brother-in-law

    Nerdy black men being super-gangsta.

    I love you.
  12. Reinier

    Reinier Veteran

    rofl that was pretty funny
  13. xTen

    xTen Guest

    No words can express how much that killed my brain.
  14. Vapor

    Vapor Tera Troll

    I went next door and killed my neighbor's cat after seeing this.
  15. gimme a week..or few months....I might come up with a reply for this...till then...... :)
  16. Fucking Hilarious! Saw it the other day and could not stop laughing xD
  17. Eckehart

    Eckehart Guest

    woooo azo! haven't talked to you in ages xD
  18. Dude.. This is like the 20th time in 2 days I have watched this.. ALSO.. it was at like 120k views, and then one guy video blogged about it on youtube and now its over 1 million. lol
  19. inorite D:?

    I know RWJ posted about it xD
  20. Letigre

    Letigre Guest

    Currently at 1.6m views.

    Looks like we're going to have our own little internet star? Someone post this around for chocolate rain part II.